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२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Two Indians arrested with drugs in Rautahat

शिव पुरी

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Armed police have arrested two Indians with a large quantity of banned drugs from Sw.Sheikh Idrish Gate located in Chandranigahpur-Gaur section of Rautahat on Tuesday night. It is not clear where they are going to take the goods for sale.

Two Indians arrested with drugs in Rautahat

At around 9 o'clock in the night, Rajpur Municipality-1 located in front of Sheikh Idrish Gate The Armed Police Force Nepal No. 11 Gana Hazminia has informed that the armed police arrested an Indian youth with drugs hidden under the seat while checking the public transport vehicle No. 1 J 7109.

According to the Armed Police Force, 299 pieces of Buprenorphine Injection IP 2 ml, 299 pieces of Promethrazine Hydroxide Injection 2 ml and 300 pieces of Diazepam Injection IP 2 ml were seized.

It has been reported that armed with drugs arrested Amit Kumar and Roshan Kumar of Bakhri Village-3, Sitamarhi District, Bharat Vihar. The Armed Police has assigned the District Police Gour on Wednesday for the necessary investigation and action of the arrested Indian and the recovered goods.

प्रकाशित : असार १९, २०८१ ०९:३७
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