कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

RSVP will not leave the government immediately, nor will it go to a new government

Ministers will resign as soon as the process to form a new government begins

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The Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASWPA) has announced that it will leave the government after the constitutional process of forming a new government begins. The consensus of Congress-UML to share power is that the RSVP secretariat meeting held on Tuesday morning decided that the ministers will resign as soon as the process of forming a new government begins.

RSVP will not leave the government immediately, nor will it go to a new government

RSVP Joint Minister Kavindra Burlakoti said, 'Constitutionally, we will leave the government after the process of forming a new government proceeds.' In response to the question that the RSVP will participate in the new alliance, Burlakoti said, 'We will not participate in the UML-Congress government.'

The government led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal has 4 ministers including Ravi Lamichhane, chairman of RSVP.

UML-Congress has claimed that the constitution should be amended for political stability and for that a government of national consensus will be formed. On Monday midnight, Congress and UML agreed to form a government of 'national consensus' with the agenda of constitutional amendment. Both parties, who were betrayed by the Maoists less than two years after the election, have now agreed to form a government by including all the parties as much as possible.

After a long and intensive homework, the top leaders of the two parties, KP Sharma Oli and Sher Bahadur Deuba, signed the memorandum of understanding at 12:30 midnight on Monday.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ११:३४
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