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How successful is the Congress-UML collaboration in the past?

It is not the first time that the power sharing between Congress and UML is about to happen. They have cooperated with the government 6 times before.
किशोर दहाल

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The two largest parties in the House of Representatives, the Nepali Congress and the CPN-UML have agreed to share power. The secret and open dialogue that has been going on for a few days, they gave a formal consensus framework on Monday midnight.

How successful is the Congress-UML collaboration in the past?

Accordingly, it has been agreed that UML President KP Sharma Oli will become the Prime Minister in the first phase and Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba will become the Prime Minister in the second phase. According to the agreement between the two parties, the details of the power sharing from the union to the state to the amendment of the constitution have been made public.

But it is not the first time that Congress and UML are going to share power. They have cooperated with the government 6 times before. Its series starts from the year 2047 . In the meantime, the purpose of their companionship seems to have been fulfilled many times .

Interim government led by Bhattarai for election and constitution

After the success of the 2046 people's movement, an interim government was formed under the leadership of Congress acting president Krishna Prasad Bhattarai in the first week of Baisakh 2047. In addition to the Congress, parties affiliated to the United Left Front, Darbar and independent intellectuals were represented in that government. At that time, the party called UML had not been formed. But CPN-Malay and CPN-Marxists, which later merged under the name of UML, were represented.

At that time, it was informed that a government was formed under the leadership of Bhattarai in a notification issued by the palace on 6th Baisakh, 2047. Therefore, the main task was to hold elections. In addition to that, it had to be facilitated for the new constitution to be made through the commission. The mentioned two main responsibilities were completed by the government. In October 2047, the Constitution of the Dominion of Nepal was issued. General elections were also held in 2048. Congress General Minister Girija Prasad Koirala became the new Prime Minister after the Congress won a single majority in the elections.

UML brought in by Girija for 'Early Election'

Surya Bahadur Thapa, who became the prime minister from the joint venture of Congress and RPRPA, resigned in March 2054, then the then president of Congress, Girija Prasad Koirala became the new prime minister . In the beginning, he traveled to power with the new party CPN Male, which was formed by splitting from the UML. He participated in the government in August 2055 and left in November. Also prepared to bring a motion of no confidence against the Koirala government. For that, a special session of the Parliament was also called to be held on 9th January 2055 . But to suppress it, Koirala adopted the strategy of starting a power struggle with UML .

Koirala agreed on seven points with UML on 5th of January. The first point of the agreement reached between the Congress and the UML was that, 'Since it is not possible to solve the problems faced by the country by the current House of Representatives, elections for a new House of Representatives will be held within the month of March 2055 for a fresh mandate.'

Koirala resigned as Prime Minister on the 6th. With his resignation, the special session became pointless. Instead, the process of forming a new government proceeded. Koirala Pus 8 I became the prime minister again. What is interesting is that on December 30, Prime Minister Koirala announced that he would dissolve the House of Representatives after taking the vote of confidence. Accordingly, on January 1, the government dissolved the House of Representatives. Election date announced for Baisakh 20, 2056 . Elections were held in two phases in Baisakh and May. Krishna Prasad Bhattarai became the Prime Minister from the Congress which got a single majority.

Deuba as Prime Minister of Raja and UML as Deuba's charioteer

On October 18, 2059, King Gyanendra started the practice of making himself Prime Minister by declaring the then Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba incompetent. In that sequence, he made Lokendra Bahadur Chand and Surya Bahadur Thapa as Prime Minister. In May 2061, Deuba was again made the prime minister. But until now, Deuba had divided the Congress and formed the Congress Democratic Party. It was at that time, Deuba responded that 'Gorkhali king did justice'. UML, which has been protesting together with the Congress after the move of October 18, 2059, also participated in the Deuba government saying that 'regression is half true'.

When Deuba was appointed as Prime Minister on 20th May 2061, the Raj told him to 'maintain peace and security in the country as much as possible and to start the election of the House of Representatives within the year 2061 by coordinating all parties and submitting a recommendation for the formation of the Council of Ministers'. But Deuba was neither able to form a government by combining 'all parties', nor was there a possibility of holding an election within the specified time . Strangest of all, the king himself did not even wait for the deadline set by himself. He started the autocratic regime by 'coup' under the guise of military force on January 19th of the same year .

Sahayatra to Koirala government for peace and constitution

2063 After the people's movement was successful on 11 Baisakh, an interim government was formed under the leadership of Girija Prasad Koirala . Congress, UML, Congress Democratic and some leading parties of the people's movement participated in it. The main task of the government was to create a political situation according to the spirit of the people's movement and to bring the CPN-Maoist armed conflict to the peace process.

2063 On June 4th, the Manifesto of the House of Representatives, known as the Nepali Magna Carta, was released. This made Nepal's parliament the most powerful in history. To what extent, it was said that the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal 2047 and the provisions of other prevailing laws that conflict with the declaration will be invalid.

The negotiation process with the Maoists also intensified . Finally, on November 5th of the same year, a comprehensive peace agreement was signed between the government of Nepal and the Maoists. The country has moved on the path of peace. Interim Constitution 2063 was announced to be effective from January 1st. According to the provisions of the new constitution, an interim legislature was formed so that the Maoists would also be represented. Prime Minister Koirala resigned and formed the government again according to the new constitution. Maoists also joined this government. Constituent Assembly elections were held for the first time on 28 Chait 2064 by this government.

Congress government led by Madhav Nepal

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal resigned in 2066 after the Senapati case. After that, a government was formed with Congress under the leadership of UML leader Madhav Kumar Nepal. After the collapse of the Maoist-led government, the first largest party of the Constituent Assembly, the second largest party, the Congress, did not claim for the leadership of the government and helped the third largest party, the UML. According to this, he succeeded in becoming the Prime Minister of Nepal.

When Maoist was leading the government, the main objective at that time was to gather the angry forces and keep him out of the government. But externally, there were declared objectives such as writing the constitution and completing the peace process. But the writing of the constitution was not completed. The term of the Constituent Assembly was extended by one year in May 2067 when the Nepal-led government was in existence. Regarding the peace process, the government succeeded in bringing the Maoist fighters and weapons under the special committee.

In the agreement reached on the night of June 14, 2067, it was mentioned to extend the term of the Constituent Assembly . Also, it was mentioned that the Prime Minister of Nepal will resign immediately. Accordingly, on June 16, he resigned in the name of the nation.

The government led by Sushil for the constitution

After the second election of the Constituent Assembly held in November 2070, the first and second largest parties Congress and UML formed the government together. Congress President Sushil Koirala became the Prime Minister. Before making him the prime minister, it was stated in the first point of the seven-point agreement reached between these two parties on 26th January 2070- '12 points of understanding, detailed peace agreement, the construction of a federal democratic republican constitution within one year according to the essence and spirit of the Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2063 and the fresh mandate. .'

The new constitution was not created within one year. However, they were successful in creating the constitution. After the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal under the leadership of the same government on August 3, 2072, their journey was broken. After that, UML and Maoists formed a new government together.

How will the next trip be?

Pushpa Kamal Dahal, chairman of Maoist Center, the third largest party, became the Prime Minister by easily defeating Congress and UML, the largest parties in the House of Representatives. Since 2079, he was 'cheating' each other and changing his alliance.

In front of his 'cleverness', the big two parties were innocent. However, this time, it seems that they have decided to meet and end the small party's tyranny. It seems that they are ready to amend the constitution and change the laws as well as the power trip.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १८:३५
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