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२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

Cooperative fraud case: The case against Home Minister Lamichhane is being heard today


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The Supreme Court is hearing a case today demanding the suspension of Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, who is involved in the co-operative fraud case. Earlier, the Supreme Court fixed the hearing for June 18 as it was under observation.

Cooperative fraud case: The case against Home Minister Lamichhane is being heard today

The bench of two judges, Sapna Malla Pradhan and Saranga Shrestha, ordered that the hearing of the case related to Lamichhane will be held on June 18. The petitioner's lawyers have argued. The debate on behalf of Home Minister Lamichhane is pending.

Advocate Anupam Bhattarai has filed a writ against Home Minister Lamichhane and Attorney General Dinmani Pokharel.

In the writ filed on 14th of June, it is claimed that if Home Minister Lamichhane remains in office, it may have undue influence and adverse impact on the investigation process. An interim order has been requested in the name of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers to suspend him from his post as it is against the principles of natural justice. In the

writ, the legal validity of the letter written by the Attorney General's office has also been raised stating that no case has been filed against Lamichhane in Kaski, Rupandehi and Chitwan. In the

writ, the letter issued by the Attorney General's office has been requested to cancel the action by sending an order stating that the letter issued by the Attorney General's office may undermine the constitution, criminal law and the basis of obtaining justice for the cooperative's savers.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ ०७:११
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