A case of corruption was filed against the then deputy head of Haripur Municipality, Renukadevi Kafle


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The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority has filed a case in a special court on Monday against the then deputy head of Haripur Municipality of Sarlahi, Renukadevi Kafle.

A case of corruption was filed against the then deputy head of Haripur Municipality, Renukadevi Kafle

It has been found that they have committed financial irregularities without building an embankment in the local Lakhandehi river. It has been found that there is corruption for the work of bringing soil for river control.

Commission has claimed 85 lakh 18 thousand 631 against the then Acting Chief Administrator Naindra Kumar Paudel, Engineer Ranjit Sah and Sub-Engineer Sanjeev Choudhary of Haripur Municipality City Executive Office.

Similarly, the Commission has demanded action against the then Deputy Head of Haripur Municipality Renukadevi Kafle, Member Ved Kumari Balampaki, Member Lakshmi Kumar, then Ward Chairman Kumar Lama of Ward No. 1 as per Prevention of Corruption Act, 2059.

Similarly, spokesperson Narahari Ghimire informed that a case has been filed against River Control Consumer Committee Haripur-1 Nakhatol Consumer Committee Chairman Shamsher Bahadur Basnet, Secretary Indra Bahadur Ghising and Treasurer Nirmalakumari Devi, claiming 85 lakh 18 thousand six hundred and thirty one.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ५, २०८० १९:२२
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