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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९३

Bantava dictionary of three languages ​​published


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A dictionary of Bantava language has been published. "Bantawa Dictionary" is in Bantava-Nepali-English language.

Bantava dictionary of three languages ​​published

Bairagi Kainla, the former chancellor of the Nepal Pragya Academy, Kul Bahadur Rai, the chairman of Bantawa Dictionary and Grammar Construction Committee, Yuvraj Rai, the vice president of Kirat Rai Yaokkha, and others made the announcement in the capital on Wednesday. Eleven years ago, under the chairmanship of Kul Bahadur Rai, the 'Bantawa Dictionary and Grammar Construction Committee' was formed. The committee is language scientist Prof. Dr. Under the coordination of Nowalkishore Rai, an editorial board was formed for the creation of a dictionary. The members are Padamkumar Rai, Nirajan Rai and Dick Bantawa.

published dictionaries are based on linguistics in Bantava, IPA pronunciation, Nepali and English languages. The dictionary is divided into three sections namely Bantava-Nepali-English, Nepali-Bantawa and English-Bantawa. Editor Padamkumar Rai said in a statement that the dictionary was created based on the characters of the Bantava language and the Bantava writing system.

There are 14 thousand 93 original word entries in the Bantava dictionary. It contains 1 thousand 185 Bantawa and Nepali Ulta with examples. 78 Bantava cultural and endangered paintings are also kept in it. The price of the dictionary of 714 pages is kept at 1000 rupees. Linguist Prof. Dr. about

dictionary. Vishna S. Rai, philologist Dr. Netramani Dumi Rai, Tirtharaja Mukarung Rai, Changmayuma Rai spoke.

Narrating the experience of creating a Limbu dictionary, Kaila said that it is not possible to preserve the language by writing a language book and creating a dictionary. "In practice, there is a Yatra Yatra Shastra like Sanskrit and not everyone can get information about it," Kaila said. In order to prevent that from happening, we should continue to speak the daily language, continue to write, find and read what others have written, and spread the word.

committee chairman Rai said. He informed that a souvenir publication and Bantava grammar will be produced immediately along with the list of donors.

was formed 11 years ago. The vice-chairmen of the committee are Balkrishna Mukarung Rai, Changmayuma Dubdengma Rai and former AIG Ramkaji Bantawa. Similarly, the secretary is Tirtharaj Mukarung Rai, the joint secretary is Basant Rai and the treasurer is Puranjan Mukarung Rai.

members Prof.Dr. Nowalkishore Rai, former Deputy Secretary Mahendra Kumar Bantawa, Jitpal Kirat, Captain Dhundiraj Suchcha Rai, Captain Narayan Prasad Rai, Padam Kumar Rai, Dick Bantawa, Jai Shivahang and Himshail are there. The dictionary was created by the committee by collecting funds from the community. A technical group was formed under the

committee and the group formally started its work by giving one-day orientation training to 15 Bantava speakers in Dharan on October 17, 2069. After the training, the participants went to the village and collected about 22,000 words. The committee completed workshops on new and technical vocabulary in Damak and Srianthu.

Similarly, the committee worked in a 10-day closed session workshop at a homestay in Lamatar Lalitpur. Hundreds of formal/informal meetings and discussions were held with linguists, experts, linguistic communities as needed. Prof.Dr. for the dictionary. Vishnu S. Rai, Prof. Dr. Balram Prasain, Prof. Dr. Hemang Raj Adhikari, Dr. Netramani Dumirai, Kwangju Cho, Himshail Rai, David Rutherford and Bantava speakers from India were consulted and helped several times.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १४, २०८० २१:०५
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