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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २०९

Installation of CC cameras for forest fire control


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Various divisional forest offices have started installing CCTV cameras to control forest fires. Since most of the forest fires are human-caused, CCTV cameras have been started to control them.

Installation of CC cameras for forest fire control

According to the divisional forest officers, forest fires occur due to human activities, such as throwing stubs and cigarette butts in the forest after lighting a cigarette, deliberately setting fire to the forest because of the growth of grass. The installation of CC cameras has been started with the recommendation of the forest experts to bring the arsonists under the scope of law by installing CC cameras.

Vijay Subedi, Divisional Forest Officer of Kapilvastu, said that the work of installing CC cameras has been carried forward for control after people deliberately set fire to the forest. Currently, two CC cameras are being installed. We have planned to move ahead with the process of installing cameras in other places as well," he said. The camera will also be easy to bring the arsonist to justice.'

President of Nepal Technical Association Rakesh Karna also said that if CC cameras are installed, it will be easier to control the fire. "Most of the forest fires are intentionally set by humans, it is advisable to install CC cameras in forest areas to control human activities," he said, "including this, it is necessary to give high priority to forest management activities."

There is a provision for legal action if people set fire to the forest. In section 49 of the Forest Act, 2076, there is a provision of punishment for starting a fire in the national forest or committing any act that may lead to a fire. "The person who commits this offense shall be punished with imprisonment for up to three years or a fine of up to Rs. 60,000 or both," the Act states.

Forest Fire Management Strategy, 2067 aims to build and strengthen the policy and institutional structure necessary for fire management, to mobilize local communities, civil society, government and non-government agencies for fire prevention and control, and to prepare for advance information on the risks that may arise from fires. kept Stakeholders have emphasized on the effective implementation of laws and policies to control forest fires.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ७, २०८१ १५:२३
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