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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Four national records in para weightlifting


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Four weightlifting athletes in para and special sports have set four national records on Tuesday. All four records were made in the men's competition.

Four national records in para weightlifting

Ashish Manandhar of Wagmati province improved his own national record by lifting 145 kg in the men's 72 kg competition at the International Sports Complex in Satdobato. He had a record of 130 kg in his name. Kirankishore Sapkota from Karnali state and Super Rai from Koshi state came second and third.

Suresh Bishta from Sudurpaschim Province lifted a national record of 86 kg in the men's 59 kg competition organized by the National Sports Council (Rakhep) and managed by the National Para Weightlifting Sports Association of Nepal. 85 kg record was held by Deepak Timalsina. Somnath Rai of Koshi came second and Man Bahadur Rana Magar of Wagmati came third.

In men's 65 kg, Deepak Khadka of Wagmati set a national record by lifting 101 kg. He broke Thakur Shrestha's record of 90 kg. Biru Dhungana of Wagmati won silver and Laxman Nepali of Lumbini won bronze.

Bagmati's Thakur Shrestha won gold with a record lifting of 100 kg in men's 54 kg. He improved his own record of 90 kg. Pawan Gharti Magar of Gandaki state was second and Deepak Timalsina of Wagmati was third.

Bagmati's Manish Pun Magar won gold in men's 49 kg. He lifted 50 kg. Ruplal Basnet of Karnali won silver and Ajit Khati of Koshi won bronze. Rajaram Silwal of Wagmati lifted 80 kg and became the winner in men's under 72 kg category. Narayan Timalsina of Lumbini came second and Ramkaji Magar of Wagmati came third.

In the two-day competition, 42 athletes from 6 provinces, apart from Madhesh, competed. There were 9 competitions, 6 for men and 3 for women.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ १९:५२
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