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Discussion about 'Participation of Nepal in Olympics'


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On the occasion of World Sports Journalists' Day (July 2), an interactive program on 'Nepal's participation in the Olympics' was held in the capital on Tuesday.

Discussion about 'Participation of Nepal in Olympics'

Member Secretary of National Sports Council Tanklal Ghising, Secretary General of Nepal Olympic Committee Nilendraraj Shrestha and Olympian Deepak Bisht expressed their opinion about Nepal's participation in the Olympics in the program organized by Nepal Sports Journalist Forum, an umbrella organization of Nepali sports journalists.

The discussion about the Olympics of Nepalese athletes was conducted with reference to the upcoming Paris Olympics, the forum said. Nepal started participating in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. He did not participate in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. Since then, Nepal has been continuously participating.

Seven athletes are participating in the Paris Olympics this year. Santoshi Shrestha of athletics, Duwana Lama and Alexander Shah of swimming, Santu Shrestha of table tennis, Prince Dahal of badminton, Sushmita Nepal of shooting and Manita Shrestha Pradhan of judo will participate in it. Ghising, member secretary of the

council, said that the council is ready to move forward by joining hands to increase the morale of Nepali athletes. He said that a lot of work regarding Olympic participation is being done through the Olympic Committee. He said that he is working to get the players ready for the related association.

NOC Secretary General Shrestha explained about the selection process of athletes selected for the Paris Olympics. Stating that not only participation in the Olympics but also achievements can be achieved only if the state invests enough, he complained that this situation has not yet been reached.

Swarnadhari Deepak, who played in the Beijing Olympics four times, narrated his Olympic experience. He said, "The dream of an athlete is to play in the Olympics. I also tried many times for that, and finally I succeeded in playing in the 2008 Olympics." I was also lucky in that.' Bista, who is also the president of the Olympian Athletes' Association, informed about the participation of Nepalese athletes in the Olympics so far. Ajay Phuyal and Mahesh Acharya, former presidents of the platform who have reported on

Olympics, narrated their experience while reporting on the Olympics. Phuyal 2012 and Acharya participated in the 2016 Olympics. The program was chaired by Niranjan Adhikari, Executive Chairman of the Forum.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २२:१७
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