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BBA Cup Football from Thursday


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The 16th edition of the Tribhuvan University BBA Cup football tournament will be held from June 20. In the opening match, former winners and host Shankardev Campus will play against KCMIT College.

BBA Cup Football from Thursday

The organizer, Independent Students' Union (SWAVIU), Sankardev Campus held a press conference on Tuesday and informed about the competition. The tournament under the management of Chand & Brothers Pvt. Only students who are graduating in business administration under Tribhuvan University will be allowed to participate in the

competition. The participating 26 teams are divided into two groups. According to the organizers, the winner will receive 1 lakh rupees. A trophy will be awarded to the man of the match of each match. The best player and the best player in the category will get a special award.

Mahendra Multipurpose Campus In the 15th edition organized by Dharan, Shankardeva won the title by defeating NCC of Kathmandu in a tiebreaker in the final. After winning the title, Shankardeva got the project responsibility.

Sankardev Swaviyu President Sushant Basnet, Campus Student Welfare Fund President Joginder Goit, ANFA member Ravindra Chand gave speeches. The

competition was started 18 years ago at the initiative of Sankardev Campus. Tribhuvan University has been providing technical support to the competition.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २२:४३
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