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Explosives found in Palpa's Ribdikot

माधव अर्याल

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An object that looks like a socket bomb left during the conflict has been found in Somer Community Forest located in Ribdikot Rural Municipality-7, Maidika, Palpa. Explosives were found at the foot of Laliguras, 50 meters away from the temple while the locals were cleaning the Kalika temple premises.

Explosives found in Palpa's Ribdikot

Locals said that the object looked like a socket bomb. Information Officer of District Police Office Palpa, Sugandh Shrestha, informed that the police was informed immediately after the object that looked like a socket bomb was found.

A team deployed under the command of a police sub-inspector from the area police office, Muzung, investigated and secured the place and informed the district police. After the investigation by the police, a team of security personnel deployed under the command of a police inspector from the district office and the famous Mahindra Dal Gana Tansen, according to the police, disposed of the explosives on Friday. The police said that they are conducting further investigations regarding the


प्रकाशित : वैशाख २८, २०८१ २१:३२
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