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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Timangkhola flood washed away Kathepul: Bensisahar-Chame road blocked

आश गुरुङ

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When there was a big flood in Timangkhola of Chame Rural Municipality 1, Timang of Manang, Kathepul was washed away. The Manang administration said that the road was blocked after the bridge collapsed around 8:00 pm on Tuesday night.

Timangkhola flood washed away Kathepul: Bensisahar-Chame road blocked

According to the chief district officer of Manang, Subaskumar Lamichhane, the section of the Bensihar-Chame road has been blocked due to the heavy flood in Timangkhola. Similarly, the concrete bridge collapsed due to the accumulation of gegran from Timang Chhahara in the lower area of ​​Timang. Even before that, a bridge was built on the Timang river, where vehicles were passing through, 3 years ago. After the heavy flood of June 2078 swept away Belibridge, a bridge was built to allow traffic. Chin Bahadur Ghale, Head of the District Coordination Committee, said that the road connection with the 3 local levels of upper Manang, including Manang headquarters Chame, has been cut off after the bridge was washed away.

The Manang administration said that after the rains and landslides subsided, Kathepul will be placed again in Timangkhola until there is no other option.

District Administration Office Manang has requested not to travel in the area until an alternative situation is established. Chief District Officer Lamichhane has asked to be cautious saying that it is still raining and there may be more damage. District Administration Office Manang and District Administration Office Lamjung have requested the citizens not to live in coastal and risky areas and to be cautious as floods and landslides are occurring with incessant rains and rivers are rising.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २१:२४
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