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Congress-UML 'benefit of doubt'

In the background of all kinds of alliances being used, there was one option left - Congress-UML alliance. Why not give the benefit of the doubt to this use?
If it was used only for the interests of the power, then it will definitely be accounted for by the people's court.
दुर्गा खनाल

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The country has once again entered a new political phase with the agreement between the Congress and UML, the two largest parties in the House of Representatives, to share power and amend the constitution with alternate leadership.

Congress-UML 'benefit of doubt'

According to the popular belief of the parliamentary system, one of the two major parties should be in power and the other in the opposition. But on the strength of parliamentary arithmetic, when getting enough public votes to accept the leadership of the third party are forced, then the main two parties have come to a point . An example of this is the decision of the Congress-UML Sahayata that took place at midnight on Monday.

After the election of 2079, the chairman of the Maoist Center, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who was reduced to 32 seats in the House of Representatives, sometimes kept trying to turn the key of power in collaboration with the 78-seat UML and sometimes the 88-seat Congress. In a period of one and a half years, the UML went through the Congress in the presidential election and three months ago last February, Dahal returned to the UML.

Shortly after his return to UML, Dahal said he had the 'magic number' of 32 seats. Began to consume bids on the public platform .

After the 2051 election, Prime Minister Dahal, who is enjoying the game of a hung parliament, forgetting the role of the then RPP, has appeared to be reined in for the time being by the agreement of Congress-UML.

As the numerical presence of the parties in the last parliament was the same, instability was certain throughout this tenure. As the equation of the center was changing, its impact was also affecting the seven provincial governments. The main job of state governments is to produce chief ministers and ministers, It was just happening that one would file a case against the other, someone would be appointed by the court order, someone would be reinstated .

In the Parliamentary Arithmetic game, the party with 10 seats, CPN United Samajwadi, was also bargaining for the post of Prime Minister . Despite having 4 seats in the province, he took the post of chief minister and took over the reins of the provincial government.

The situation of the party carrying a large share of the public vote obtained from the election was a kind of political scumbag As there were no plans and programs from the federal and state governments to fill the public with enthusiasm, the political system as a whole was becoming increasingly disgruntled.

If it is the intention of Congress and UML to make proper use of this cooperation, then it can also open the door to return the country to consensus politics.

The Congress-UML has talked about forming a government of national consensus with a rough outline of reforming the government systems that have arisen recently, and amending some of the provisions in the constitution. It is agreed that such a government will be led by UML and Congress alternately.

Now, if other political parties join together on the basis of this consensus, there may be a situation of forming a government of national consensus . However, the 'body language' of Congress-UML leaders is not like forming a government of national consensus by including all parties.

Even if there is no situation to include other parties, Maoist, National Independent Party and other parties will also get an opportunity to gain their power by sitting in the opposition. When the two big parties are running the power, opposition voice is needed in the parliament . If there is a two-party autocracy in power, only the opposition can keep it in balance. Therefore, the agreement of this cooperation of Congress-UML can also be a starting point for reforming the government distortions seen in recent times .

If it were a similar situation, it would be beautiful if two big parties were in power and opposition in the parliamentary front. But when the two big parties are sitting in two parts, there will be more political instability and resentment over the government structures, why not give the benefit of doubt to the new option that is going to be practiced?

When there is a crisis in national politics, there has been cooperation between the main political parties of the country in the past.

2062/2063 people's movement and after that a national consensus was formed asking the political parties to sit together and complete the task of making the constitution. On the basis of this agreement, the forces including Congress, UML and Maoists were in one place in the country from the peace agreement, the election of the Constituent Assembly to the declaration of the Republic.

After that, the situation appeared until the dissolution of the First Constituent Assembly due to intense party strife . In the political vacuum after the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, a national consensus was reached between the main parties even when the Chief Justice was made the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and the second election of the Constituent Assembly was held.

Similarly, when the constitution was made by the Second Constituent Assembly, the parties took turns leading the government and proceeded with national consensus. On the basis of that consensus, the constitution was created by the Constituent Assembly in the country.

After the formation of the constitution, after the agreement between the main parties broke down, new political alliances were formed several times. Even after the promulgation of the constitution in 2072, all kinds of political equations were practiced. Like

, in the local elections of 2074, Congress and Maoists formed an electoral alliance . In the House of Representatives and State Assembly elections of 2074, the UML and the Maoist left formed an alliance and contested the elections. About two-thirds of the votes were brought by the coalition. After the formation of the government, the UML and the Maoists united the party and formed the CPN. After CPN fell into internal division, an attempt was made to dissolve the parliament. Both parties split.

After that, it formed an electoral alliance with the Maoist Congress in 2079. But soon after the results of the election, the Maoists left the Congress and joined the UML. Although UML and Maoists formed the government on January 10, 2079, Congress and Maoists merged within two months. After that alliance lasted for about a year, UML and Maoists stood together again last February. Each alliance did not have the patience to wait a certain amount of time . Sometimes Congress-Maoists meet and sometimes UML-Maoists .

After the election of 2079, the Parliament's arithmetic is being done on the strength of The game of power change was drowning out the voices questioning the political system itself. Therefore, in the background of all kinds of alliances being used, there was one option left - Congress-UML alliance. Now how sustainable will this experiment be ? The next steps of UML and Congress will determine .

Both the Congress-UML parties, which are said to be big, are now going through a transition . The target of anger and disgust among the citizens is mostly on the big parties. Without the transfer of generations, the work of the party is not dynamic, due to which it has not attracted the youth .

After the emergence of new political forces in the last election, challenges and fears are also increasing in the old countries . If this unstable style is maintained and there is no scope for any fundamental reform in the country, it is also being estimated that anyone will be promoted in the next election. Six . The votes seen in the by-elections after 2079 have also indicated that.

Congress-UML has once again come to the conclusion of using a new method while evaluating the extent of its power within the party structures.

Although there is a history of cooperating on certain political issues, Congress and UML are different in terms of ideology. In the language of communists, Congress and UML are each other's 'main enemies'.

So far, the vote base of Congress and UML is somewhat different. Since the class base of votes is different, the priorities of the two parties are also somewhat different. The main aim of these two parties is to surpass each other in competition and achieve their superiority. The main purpose of the 2084 elections is how to maintain their dominance. So how long will cooperation between closely competing forces be sustainable? There is plenty of doubt and room for questioning.

There may be some theoretical differences between Congress and UML in the style of power management. Congress and UML may also differ in their view of foreign countries and neighbours. Such If the disagreement becomes effective during the collaboration, then the alliance may come to a standstill.

Another complicated issue has also entered into the current consensus - the amendment of the constitution. How will the amendment of the constitution proceed? It is not clear what kind of amendments will be made in which subjects. When those topics are coming out in the

schedule, theoretical disagreements on how to amend may also be revealed. Again, the subject of constitutional amendment is not the only concern of Congress-UML. For this, a two-thirds vote in the parliament is required. Two-thirds of Congress-UML is not enough.

The third party of the Parliament, the Maoist Center, on Tuesday The secretariat meeting has viewed the issue of constitutional amendment with suspicion. Maoists have made an initial comment that the achievements mentioned in the constitution will go in the direction of amendment. When the debate on the amendment of the constitution starts, such comments may increase from elsewhere.

to each other from wrong actions of the past with the intention of protecting or of any external force Doubts have also been expressed in the political circle that there has been cooperation between Congress and UML even in Jodbal. Congress-UML will have to crack down on all these doubts and comments.

Likewise, within this agreement, the issue of handing over the leadership to the Congress after one and a half years is also covered. If at the time of the transfer of leadership or before that, it cannot be said that any party dishonestly does not practice equation . Because the parties have broken such agreements from time to time.

After the constitution was promulgated in the year 2072, the history of Sushil Koirala running for the post of Prime Minister against UML's KP Oli has not become old. From that point, the Congress-UML alliance is about to be connected after 9 years.

All the weaknesses of the past, the bitterness of companionship and all the doubts raised after the agreement If the Congress-UML moves forward by erasing and including everyone, it will definitely benefit the country. If it was used only for the interests of power, then it will definitely be accounted for by the people's court.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २०:२७
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