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Discussion of 'Himalism' in Nepal-China relations


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Experts on Nepal-China affairs have said that although Buddhism has been an important bridge in the relationship between the two countries for centuries, it has now become a mutual strategic partnership.

Discussion of 'Himalism' in Nepal-China relations

Congress Netra and former Foreign Minister Sujata Koirala, the chief guest at the 'Culture and Dialogue' conference organized by BP Koirala School of Public Policy on Monday, mentioned that from the corridors built during the historic Silk Road to the Belt and Road era, there have been more opportunities to take the relationship in a new vein .

'China is now a world power in the scientific world . His financial ability is changing world politics as well. There is a huge opportunity for financial cooperation and technology transfer," said Koirala. "There is a great need now to implement the many projects that we have promised in Trans Himalayan cooperation.

Netri Koirala said that even between different political and economic systems, the fact that Nepal-China relations are always strong is a sign of the possibility that mutual cooperation can reach new heights.

In the same program, Li Tao, an expert on South Asian affairs and Sino-Tibetan culture and a professor at Sichuan University, mentioned that when Buddhism spread in the two countries through ancient trade routes, a strong foundation of mutual relations was established.

'In that sequence, our archetypal styles and food influences were also exchanged through scholars and businessmen. Therefore, our cultural interaction is still dynamic,' said Tao, who is also the deputy secretary general of the South Asian Society of China.

But in the recent days, Professor Tao said that trans-Himalayan cooperation is not only focused on economic activities, but also on the expansion of public-level relations. Describing it as 'Himalayanism', Tao said that instead of 'regional cooperation' of the Western perspective, relations between Himalayas can be resolved through 'Himalayanism' linked by geography and culture.

Addressing the same conference, Professor Shen Hemei of Yunnan Minju University said that although most of the geopolitical issues are discussed in mutual relations, other important issues that explain the relationship between the two countries are overshadowed. 'Culture is such a basic foundation, not an extra aspect,' She said that she was also the head of Nepal Studies Center of Yunnan Minju University.

'The many cultural aspects that bind us together have yet to be explored further and may reveal new avenues of collaboration and relationship,' said Professor Hemei. Premraj Joshi, president of BP Koirala School of Public Policy, the organizer of

, said that although there may be many forms of cooperation with China, the relationship will be sustainable and strengthened through culture and dialogue. He said that China cannot be denied in the future.

Nepali ex-diplomat Shambhuram Simkhada, Leelamani Paudel, geopolitical expert Chandradev Bhatt, tourism expert Deepakraj Joshi, Khem Lakai and others commented on the scholarly discourse of the Chinese expert.

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २०:३८
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