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44 startup enterprises got concessional loans

The shortlisted entrepreneurs took Rs 5 lakh for the first installment from the National Commercial Bank

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Out of 183 people selected for startup enterprise loans, 44 have taken loans. Umesh Gupta, executive director of the Industrial Development Foundation, said that 196,500,000 rupees had been provided to 44 startup entrepreneurs till Tuesday evening.

44 startup enterprises got concessional loans

The 44 selected startup entrepreneurs have taken Rs 5 lakh for the first installment from the designated branch office of the National Commercial Bank.

Foundation is going to give a startup loan of 194 million rupees to selected entrepreneurs. According to Gupta, only 183 projects can get loans at the rate of 5 lakh rupees for the first installment within this week. The recommended projects will get loans from 5 lakh to 20 lakh rupees at 3 percent interest rate by keeping the project mortgage. The duration of startup loan will be maximum five years. It is mentioned in the procedure that the project should start paying the amount for principal and interest from the second year. According to the Foundation, if the designated bank branch office is not contacted within 30 days of the release of the

notification, the project proposal and recommendation will be automatically cancelled. The authorized person will have to go to the branch of the bank designated by the institution for concessional loan with the specified documents. Agriculture and livestock, forestry, tourism promotion and entertainment and hospitality, science, technology, information and communication, human health services, education and teaching learning, automobiles, traditional technology, production and service delivery process improvement, household or daily living, food Loans will be given in areas related to production and processing, easy and safe transportation and transit services, mining and mineral research and development. 1 thousand 658 projects were registered in the proposal requested by

foundation for 'startup' enterprise loan from January 19 to February 10. The foundation issued a notice on Chait 2, announcing the details of 1,658 projects registered for startup enterprise loans. On May 9, the Foundation selected 394 projects from the list of eligible proponents in the first phase. According to the foundation, projects that have been registered for more than seven years, do not use new technology and creative thinking, and have a total paid-up capital of more than 10 million rupees are not included in the eligible list. According to the

startup enterprise credit operation procedure-2080, projects with a total turnover of more than 20 million and a fixed capital (excluding the value of real estate) of more than 20 million were not included in the eligible list. According to the foundation, the presentation of the project, which started on May 17, lasted until May 3. The foundation issued a notice for those who missed the presentation and gave time to June 6. However, out of 398 projects, only 335 projects made presentations. On May 25,

Foundation published a list of 183 projects recommended for startup enterprise loans. Gupta said, "The evaluation committee made an evaluation based on the photos, videos, financial and other details of the proponents shown in the presentation, presentation and question and answer," Gupta said, "The total score was calculated by adding the average score of the evaluation committee and the score obtained from the loan evaluation, more than 50 percent based on the total score. The final list was selected and published on May 25 based on the priority of the proposer

प्रकाशित : असार १८, २०८१ २१:४२
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