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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८४

Rumors about the stability of the government are baseless: Vishnu Paudel


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UML Vice President and former Finance Minister Bishnu Paudel, the main member of the ruling party, has asked us not to follow the rumors spread in the political market about the stability of the current government led by Pushpa Kamal Dahal.

Rumors about the stability of the government are baseless: Vishnu Paudel

Finance Minister Barshman Pun on Wednesday evening gathered 7 former Finance Ministers along with Poudel at a hotel in Baneshwar to take suggestions from the former Finance Ministers regarding the preparation of the budget for the next financial year 081/082. Poudel asked Finance Minister Pun to bring a small budget that would be implemented and said that the rumors spread by those who want political instability are baseless.

He suggested the finance minister to ignore the rumours, and start preparing the budget. Paudel said that no party has lost a single majority in the parliament and said that the government will not fall if someone wants it. Poudel recalled that there was a tendency from the past to try to scare the finance minister who was preparing the budget by showing fear of instability.

"There is a tendency from the past that some people create pressure by spreading rumors to make the finance minister who is preparing the budget by spreading rumors that the government is unstable," said Paudel, "No one has a single majority in the parliament. It is being propagated that this government is unstable. I see no reason to be influenced by that propaganda. I request the Minister of Finance to confidently start the work of budgeting.'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ ०९:२३
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