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There should be a parliamentary inquiry into the overall co-operative fraud and the Home Minister's involvement in it: Author


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The chief whip of the main opposition party Nepali Congress, Ramesh Akhtar, has said that a parliamentary investigation committee must be formed against the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane in the co-operative fraud case.

There should be a parliamentary inquiry into the overall co-operative fraud and the Home Minister's involvement in it: Author

In an interaction with journalists on parliamentary affairs at the office of the party's parliamentary party at Singhdarbar on Wednesday, he said that Deputy Prime Minister Lamichhane is not just a person and that his involvement in co-operative fraud is necessary for a parliamentary investigation.

The chief whistleblower writer said that the bottom line of the Congress is to proceed by investigating Deputy Prime Minister Lamichhane and the whole regarding the misappropriation of cooperative funds . He said that the Congress has taken a clear stand that the funds of the cooperative savers should be protected by investigating the whole, rather than just investigating Deputy Prime Minister Lamichhane.

He said, 'The main thing is that there is a confusion here. What is that, we are trying to create a commentary that we should assume that the minister is only looking for an investigation. Not so. We have to advance both things. What is that - thousands of people have accumulated billions of rupees in cooperatives. That savings was squandered. Cheated. And savers' funds are at risk. Therefore, by addressing the pain of the savers, the money of the savers should be protected. People involved in embezzlement, misappropriation and abuse should be punished. Congress has not only talked about one person, and the deputy prime minister of the country cannot be just one person, so what is the accusation against him in this case? How has the co-operative been cheated? There should be a parliamentary investigation in both matters.'

He said that the meeting of the parliamentary party of the party on Thursday will make more comments about it.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २६, २०८१ १८:०१
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