कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९१

The one who gives 'justice'

भाद्र २९, २०८१
The one who gives 'justice'

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  • The 'August meeting' of the Ritituthiti Management Committee was completed

In the middle of the village there is a thanti, where the dignitaries are staying. Khukuri and Pati are placed in a copper plate on a table in the middle. The householders come in turn and stand in front of that tree. The dignitaries take turns answering the questions. At the end, everyone touches their heads and says, 'If I make more mistakes than this, I will be punished, if I don't, I will be blessed.'

More than 360 households live in Kholasothar Rural Municipality-4 Bhujung, which has a population of more than 2,000. After the names of each housewives are called by the dignitaries, they take turns coming to the stage and answering the same questions. They self-declare that they have not violated the policies made last year. In case of violation, the fine will be paid as specified. After that, they swear by touching the towel on which the leaves and khukuri are placed. By doing so, they feel that they are standing in the courtroom and making a statement.

In Bhujung, the customs management committee was formed from 2054, eliminating the previous chieftaincy. This committee has been holding 'Vadau Sabha' every year in the last week of August.

Kal Bahadur Gurung, who became the deputy president in the 2043 election, is now the chairman of the ritual management committee here. According to his instructions, the meeting is being conducted . Gurung Purohit is consulted for conducting the meeting. According to the day suggested by Purohit Adakjung Gurung, the Bhadu Sabha of this year started from 24 August. The meeting scheduled for August 26 was extended by one day and concluded on August 27. According to Chairman Gurung, all the villagers actively participated this year. Those who don't participate in the meeting have to pay a fine . If there is no man at home, if the man is abroad, or if he cannot attend due to special reasons, women also attend the assembly . A woman does not have to swear by touching a copper vessel. August assembly held in Bhujung.

'We are like lawyers in the assembly . A copper skin is like a judge . The judge decides . It is believed that if you touch your hair and tell a lie, it will be a sin, you will not prosper, it will last for generations," said Gurung, Chairman of the Ritual Management Committee. He claims that if you touch your hair and tell a lie, it will "burn" for a long time.

Bhujung residents have also made rules for the current year through 'Bhadau Sabha'. Some of the old rules have been amended. According to Vice President Phatak Bahadur Gurung, after reviewing the rules made last year in the assembly, the policy rules for the current year were unanimously passed. In the assembly, the gharmuli of every house are ordinary members. On the first day of the meeting, the rules made last year were reviewed. On the first day as well as on the second and third day, the housewives of all 10 tolls of the village spontaneously paid fines on behalf of themselves and their families for violating the rules implemented last year. They have taken an oath by touching the towel on which they kept the khukuri and pati, saying that they have not violated any more rules . It is called here 'holding religion'.

On the third day, every village was invited to propose new rules to be implemented in the current year. After discussing the proposal, on the last and fourth day of the assembly, on Thursday, the rest of the meeting passed a decision with a discussion on the proposed rule to be implemented in the current year. The Assembly has fixed the violation of rules, bar bans and the prices of daily consumables and food items. According to

President Gurung, the Bhadu meeting is held every year to bring uniformity to social, economic and cultural values, to make the village united, and to prevent the interference of outsiders. He said that after the sowing of paddy and millet in the rainy season, there will be some free time and the meeting will be held in the month of August during the free time. According to Dil Bahadur Gurung, the secretary of the

committee, those present in the meeting swore by touching the paper and leaf that they had not sinned since last year, that they and their family had not violated the rules, had not thought ill of anyone, had not done any wrongdoing, and had not done any bad deeds. Those who don't obey the rules and don't even pay the fine, all kinds of support from the village society will be stopped . The vice-chairman of the committee, Phatak Bahadur Gurung, has the task of solving the issues that could not be solved throughout the year in the assembly. Lamjung's touristic Bhujung village, where 33 homestays are operating .

'The law made by the Assembly is applicable within the village . As soon as an outsider enters the village, he must live within this rule," he said. Ward chairman Narayan Gurung, who is also the advisory coordinator of the committee, said that 'Bhadau Sabha' is an internal matter of the villagers. "Rules are made in 'Vadau Sabha' by taking into consideration the traditional values, customs, and behavior," Ward Chairman Gurung said, "The meeting is held to keep the village united and run the village internally so as not to conflict with the rules and laws created by the government. According to him, the committee has made its own procedure for the meeting.

For this year, Bhadau Sabha has also changed the price of daily consumables . Local chicken was Rs 200 per hundred last year, but this year it has been fixed at Rs 300. 8 shers are equal to 1 dharni (2 and a half kilos).

Last year, local liquor was 100 rupees per bottle, but this year the same price has been maintained. Similarly, the price of raw meat is 600 rupees, and this year also it has been continued. Khasi meat has been fixed at 1 thousand 100 rupees earlier, but 1 thousand 200 rupees has been fixed for the coming year. 600 rupees per day for skilled workers, 600 rupees for semi-skilled workers, 500 rupees for carrying stones and clay, 1000 rupees for plowing with oxen, 500 rupees per day for summer perm lunch, and 500 perm for winter perm have been fixed.

Similarly, rice, corn, millet is 250 rupees per person . Ghee pattern (cow) is 600 rupees, syakhu good 1500, syakhu uncut 1000, head with rump 800, tusks 900, mandro 400 rupees per hand . This year, 8,000 rupees have been fixed in the amount of 5,000 rupees for men. Similarly, the customs management committee said that 6,000 have been increased from 4,000 to 5,000.

In the committee formed for conducting the 'Bhadau Sabha', there are 25 elected representatives from tolls, nominated representatives, representatives of mothers' groups, youth clubs as well as ex-officio ward members . Officers and members along with the chairman are elected from the elected representatives. Mothers' group, youth club representatives and ward members who are ex-officio members are not allowed to sit in the office .

Kal Bahadur Gurung as President, Phatak Bahadur Gurung as Vice President and Dil Bahadur Gurung as Secretary again this year through the election of the committee under the convention held every 5 years. Members including Char Bahadur Gurung, joint secretary Pitraman Gurung have been elected as treasurer. Ward chairman Narayan Gurung has been elected as the advisory coordinator of the committee, as well as Khim Bahadur Gurung and Brij Bahadur Gurung as members.

प्रकाशित : भाद्र ३१, २०८१ १९:१०