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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६१

The earth is still young, let's save it

आश्विन १, २०८१

केपी शर्मा ओली

केपी शर्मा ओली प्रधानमन्त्री तथा नेकपा एमालेका अध्यक्ष हुन् ।

The earth is still young, let's save it

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  • Today's entire debate about the environment and ecosystems is focused on this - the earth should not age. Now the earth is alive, natural and youthful. Let us not make it infertile even for future generations. Let's not make the bamboo damaged, worn, wrinkled and wrinkled.

There are two types of elements in the universe - one is living and the other is non-living. Generally speaking, we can see the dominance of non-living elements in the universe. Although life is not a necessary condition of activity, mobility is a general rule.

Life is an intellectual consciousness, but motion is an independent property of the universe. For example, the earth is dynamic and alive, while the sun is also dynamic, but lifeless. The sun is fiery, fiery, burning. It is running on its axis and orbit with extraordinary speed. Surrounding it are the solar system i.e. Navagrahas which have their own satellites.

Thus, even the so-called inanimate elements have the activation of other elements. However, the combination of neutrons, protons and electrons inside their atoms make their color, form, shape, character, quality, taste etc. different. The difference between one inanimate element and another inanimate element is determined by the combination and amount of these elements.

There are objects with low density and large volume on Earth, and objects with high density and small volume. Diamonds, steel, iron, stones are objects with high density. Iron with a small volume weighs more because it is denser than wood with a much larger volume. The same is the difference between living beings. The difference in the amount of neutrons, protons and electrons in the molecules or molecules inside it. When there is no life or death, man becomes inanimate. The process of its chemical change is different. While living, the process of the digestive system is its motion, operation and existence. Taking oxygen, delivering it to the blood, eating food, drinking water, mixing food with water, etc. Solid food and water combine to make bones, flesh, blood, hair, nails, etc.

There are 11 systems in our body like respiratory system, digestive system, circulatory system. From which our lives run. When these processes are over, life also ends. Then another process takes place. The body swells, melts, rots, deteriorates, decays, etc. A dead body may swell or dry up during decomposition.

Living and non-living things move, act and change differently. As soon as life is mentioned, there comes the question of consciousness. It has some degree of consciousness. Consciousness also has an automatic method. A tree, a wave, a flower, a blade of grass has no head, no brain. However, they are living their lives. The roots take in food and transmit it up the stem to the branches. A tiny seed contains the traits of its pedigree. Like: Even the tiny seed inside a peepal seed contains biologically the information of its parent's form, shape, smell, smell, taste and color. How did his flowers bloom, how did his branches grow? Good information is taken.

A tree can be identified just by looking at the leaves. When a small seed germinates, the seed itself remains in the root and the seed turns into fertilizer and becomes food for the shoot. And, the plant develops from the stem. This tiny plant reproduces itself and depends on the seed for nourishment for the first few days. But later, the plant itself begins to take nutrients from the soil by spreading its roots. As the plant grows, it must spread its roots far and wide, as it becomes a large and heavy tree. The leaves of that tree fall at certain times, they change and the branches also spread. All this information is being transferred by the seed to the body. Once the seed has done its job, the plant grows on its own. The plant gradually evolves with its form, shape, color, taste and qualities, because it has its genetic memory. Like a

, when a wave of ferns or iscus grabs and wraps itself around rope-like plants, it propels itself forward. If this wave is mounted on a wall, a small piece of brick can also be attached to it to help. To live and grow in this way he is using his special kind of knowledge, which we can call consciousness. Although the plant does not speak, signal or exhibit any special behavior, it has life. This life helps plants produce oxygen, which humans inhale. Life is not possible without oxygen. All living things need oxygen to survive, but the amount and way each one takes in can be different. Organisms take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide in return. It is a fixed natural law of life.

Spiders are more alert than plants. He has a head, but the function of the head is largely automatic. Gadyoola, amoeba, etc. are not plants, but they have no more consciousness than plants. They get information only through touch. Insects have a small amount of consciousness, but humans have the most consciousness of any other creature. Human brain is the biggest, most advanced and best creation of creation. Humans see reality, but other creatures see the same reality differently. In some places scientists and researchers are also confused. For example, a lizard sees an object in one color, a buffalo in another color and a snake in yet another color. They don't see true color that way.

Some creatures see a colorful world, but they can't see true colors exactly. Those creatures are 'colour biased'. Some people see only 'black and white', while others see only one color, ie they can see red and yellow. Some wild animals have 'night vision', due to which they can see well at night. For example, Latocosero sees well at night. A tiger's eyes appear blue at night, because its eyes have a special lens called 'tapetum lucidum' that improves vision in the dark. This lens penetrates the darkness and helps the tiger to see clearly even at night. Therefore, day or night, no matter how fast a tiger jumps, it never hits a tree. Dogs, cats, cows, buffaloes can also see better at night than humans, but they have partial color illusions. A chile's vision reaches far. The lens in the chill eye works well even in very bright or cold weather.

The human brain is so advanced that it tries to correct misinformation coming through the eyes or to avoid being deceived. That is why man cannot see clearly at night - he sees darkness as darkness and light as light. Humans see the real color as it is, eg red color at night and green color as green. Human vision is special and has amazing capabilities. The human brain has two major characteristics. First, the pursuit of creativity, innovation and investigative knowledge. Second, memory (memory power). Memory stores memories. If there is no memory, there is no knowledge. There is knowledge only if it remains in memory. Therefore, knowledge is created by gathering experiences. Feelings become experiences after being formulated and experience becomes knowledge after being formulated. Knowledge is an authentic, processed and elevated treasure of experiences.

Knowledge, consciousness, life and beauty are only on earth. Only the human race and animals of the earth have got beautiful eyes to see the universe, sky, mountains, rivers, earth and those eyes are the beauty of the earth and life. Who said roses are beautiful? with the eyes Since the eyes say that flower is beautiful, it has become a symbol of beauty and tenderness. Who said flowers are tender? By consciousness, by touch. How can you tell if a flower is soft or hard without touching it? If two stones are joined or struck, it cannot be said whether it is soft or hard. But if two people shake hands, one can say whose hand is soft or hard. The message of that touch reaches the brain and differentiates softness, hardness, warmth or coldness. Life is truly wonderful, nature is also wonderful.

Earth-like beauty is not found in space, nor in any constellation, nor in the sun, nor in any planet or satellite. There is no place as beautiful as the earth. Nowhere else in the universe do such beautiful flowers bloom as on earth. Those beautiful flowers, fruits and children are not found anywhere in the universe. All these are only on earth. The eyes to see her, the consciousness to taste that beauty and the brain to perceive beauty are only on earth.

The luckiest constellation in the universe is the Sun, which is surrounded by planets. Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus etc. are navagrahas. The most fortunate and beautiful planet among them is the Earth itself. The creator of beauty is the earth alone and without the earth this universe would have no meaning. It would have happened even if there was a universe, it would have happened even if it didn't exist. Even the sun had no meaning. It would have happened, it would have happened even if it hadn't. If the Earth did not have an atmosphere, climate and ecosystem, without the oxygen and water necessary for life, the Earth would have no meaning. It is a blessed experience to live on such an earth.

Even inside tiny atoms, quantum energy appears and disappears like flashes of lightning. Life is also a form of quantum, just as inanimate matter is made of quantum principles. These quantum elements, such as neutrons, electrons and protons, determine the nature of life. Only the earth has the monopoly of life, because the earth is the basis of life. The main elements that give rise to life are life, nature and environment. The base that gives life to all these is the Earth. The sun also played an important role in this process. The Sun is lucky, because the Earth revolving around it is running its own life cycle. The sun creates the cycles of day and night, rain, drought, summer, winter, autumn and spring, which create the seasons. Climate is what makes an ecosystem. The role of the Sun is important in this, but it does not diminish the importance of the Earth.

Earth's soil is alive, which is why trees, plants, weeds, weeds, insects, snakes, lizards, elephants, rhinos and other creatures have originated here. How beautiful are the flowers blooming in such a good garden, how lovely is their lust. Ripe fruits taste so delicious. How beautiful is a child's innocent face, sparkling eyes, sincere sweet smile and sweet speech like a bird. All this is only on this earth. Earth is the only planet that has life, beauty and wonders like the human brain.

There are many galaxies in space, like the Milky Way, which are the building blocks of creation. Earth is the only place where there is a suitable environment. It is located at the perfect distance from the Sun. Why does the earth rotate to cool one part and warm another part? The sun maintains the environmental balance by creating summer in one part and winter in another. The Sun should be proud, because the earth within its circle is vibrant, productive and green. There is only one living planet in this universe—Earth. It is beautiful, productive and full of life. Here is nature, therefore here is life. Here is life, therefore creation. Time is equally prevalent for all the bodies of the universe, but the time of the earth is different, different from others. Earth's time is based on a 24-hour rotation and a one-year cycle around the sun. Earth time is one day's rotation and one revolution around the sun. Time is determined on this basis.

Creation is possible only with time and nature together. Time cannot create without nature and even if it does it will be lifeless. Nature does not need to manipulate time, because time is eternal. Time cannot be stopped by any element - neither fire, nor water, nor mountains, nor mountains. Time also smiles when it comes to earth, because it finds nature here. Otherwise, time will continue to be unproductive, without beauty. Only after coming to earth, the beauty of nature makes the time go by. Time co-creates with nature. Time has come to earth to know itself. Time knows its existence only after meeting with nature, and begins to create as Brahman.

We call the creator Brahma. Time itself has become Brahman in the male form. But Brahma alone cannot create, hence Durga was created. Durga means nature. The earth is young, young. However, now the earth's soil is diseased and this is our concern. Earth is needed, not just for trivial things, but for the future of mankind. The environment is needed, for the human race.

Who has seen a beautiful flower? Animals gnaw it and eat it. On the other hand, bees, butterflies and bumblebees, which are always swarming around other flowers, swarm for the nectar of the flower, not for its beauty. Who can see the beauty of a flower except a human? This living earth, this beautiful earth, is in the throes of creation and evolution. Earth is now showing a miracle of life that has never existed in the universe. Today, roadblocks are drawn across the earth. Trains, cars, trucks that run over those roads have become many vehicles.

The earth is green. There is wind, there is cloud, there is rain, there is snow, there is water, there is root, there is waterfall, there is Taltalaiya, Kholsakholsi and Nadinala. There are mountains. There are mountains. There are plains and fields. There is life in the water. There are fish. The forest has elephants, rhinos, tigers, bears, deer and antelopes. There are birds and insects that spend their lives in the trees, come down to the ground for food, but wander in the sky. There are snakes, lizards, and frogs. Birds are active in transporting food from the ground to the tree where they nest. Nothing in the world is silent. The leaves of every plant and tree are changing—either growing or withering. Either they are growing, or they are fading. The flowers are blooming. The fruits are ripe. Crops, fruits, and vegetables that have been domesticated and developed by humans are growing or changing to show their prowess.

Man has done wonders, producing food for food. Man has become civilized, he has also created something called shame. He has made the basic theme of civilization the covering of shame. Made colorful clothes, wore them. For millions of years, the earth that has been bent by the foot gives rise to man, he has made shoes, he brings them. He has built a society, he has tied the status quo. A method has been devised to maintain the status quo. It is not only a place to live, but also a beautiful and comfortable building. Knowledge, science and technology have developed. When the technology

Humkin puts on a fan and relaxes himself. Sometimes fire comes out of water and sometimes light. Sometimes the same technology makes you bake. He does not die suddenly. Medicines for diseases have been made. Sometimes he takes tablets, sometimes he injects. Sometimes he pulls out the body parts, sometimes he brings them back to the body and joins them. Those who live on the lower and upper sides of the earth talk face to face. A professor on the bottom of the earth teaches a student on the bottom. Creates false intelligence and creates chaos. In order to get there quickly, he builds an airplane, flies the sky.

Such is the dazzling creation of the earth's youth. Let not this earth's base fall. The whole debate about the environment and ecosystems today is centered on this—that the earth does not age. But now the earth is alive, natural and youthful. Let us not make it infertile even for future generations. Let's not make it frayed, frayed, wrinkled and wrinkled in bamboo itself. Let's maintain the peace of the earth.

प्रकाशित : आश्विन १, २०८१ ०७:०२