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Wagmati government, Gurung of Congress and Koshi government removed the name of UML's Pokharel's wife and sent the file to the police

Wagmati government, Gurung of Congress and Koshi government removed the name of UML's Pokharel's wife and sent the file to the police

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  • Ministry of Cooperatives of the state removed the name of Congress Vice President Dhanraj Gurung from the complaint filed by the directors in Miteri cooperative fraud and sent it to the police. Although he claimed to have divorced in February 2076, when he took a loan from the cooperative in February 2077, his wife's name was named as the beneficiary.

Even though the directors of Miteri Savings and Credit Cooperative Society filed a complaint against Congress Vice President and Former Law Minister Dhanraj Gurung, the Wagmati government tried to protect him. Although the directors have filed a complaint against 11 people, the state government has written to the CIB removing the names of 6 people including Dhanraj in the name of internal investigation. In Wagmati, Bahadur Singh Lama of Congress is the Chief Minister and Bimal Thakuri of the same party is the Cooperative Minister.

The then wife of Dhanraj and general manager of the cooperative, Jyoti Gurung, together with Jyoti Bahadur Bhandari, had filed a complaint against the misappropriation of funds by the cooperative itself. Bodhvikram Thapa, the director of Miteri, submitted a copy to the CIB while filing a complaint with the state government. But the police said that the complaints related to the cooperative case will not be registered individually and they will proceed with the investigation only if they come from the relevant agencies (local level, state government and association). Thapa, the owner of the

cooperative, filed a complaint with the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Cooperatives of Wagmati Province. In the complaint, Jyoti Gurung, Dhanraj Gurung, Jyoti Bahadur Bhandari, Sujan Shakya, Hitman Thapa, Prakash Yadav, Dinesh Bhandari were accused of embezzling 140 crores including principal and interest. Krupes, Arjun, Tekendra and Saroj were also accused in the complaint.

The Cooperative Ministry of Wagmati has written to the CIB of the police on August 21 regarding the misappropriation of Miteri's savings. Dhanraj's name is missing in the complaint sent by the Ministry of Cooperatives saying that it is a report after 40 days of investigation. The ministry has made only Jyoti, Jyoti Bahadur, Sujan, Hitman and Yadav accused.

Wagmati State Cooperative Minister Thakuri claimed that Dhanraj's involvement in Miteri Cooperative fraud case was not found in the investigation of the State Cooperative Registrar Office and only the list of those involved was sent to CIB for investigation. "On the basis of the complaints received from the cooperative operators, during the internal investigation by the provincial government, a letter has been sent to the CIB with only the names of those involved," he told Kantipur. Provincial Cooperative Minister Thakuri is elected from Kathmandu 2 (3).

CIB Chief Additional Inspector General of Police (AIG) Deepak Thapa mentioned that the investigation has started in the Miteri cooperative fraud case and said that no one will be given immunity until the facts and evidence are found in the investigation. Both the Wagmati provincial government and the cooperative operators have filed a complaint with the police for investigation into the Miteri cooperative fraud case in Lalitpur. According to that, we have started the investigation from CIB,'' AIG Thapa told Kantipur, 'those who are seen in the fraud, they will be investigated and brought to the scope of action. Crime is not investigated by individuals, but by facts and evidence.'

Jyoti, who was appointed to the assistant level of the cooperative on the recommendation of Congress leader Dhanraj Gurung on July 25, 2070, became a senior accountant on May 4, 2070 and is a member of the organization. , savers and co-operatives have been accused of misappropriation of funds. It is claimed that he along with Jyoti Bhandari embezzled 125 million till February 4, 2079. This amount with interest has now reached 14 crores.

It has been revealed from the study of the cooperative that Jyoti used the cooperative's savings several times to Jyoti Bhandari's meter badge and that money was transacted between them 9 times. But last time, Jyoti Bhandari said that since a parcel worth 330 million had arrived from abroad in the name of Krishna Bahadur Rana, a member of the cooperative society, he had to collect 10 percent commission to get the amount. After disbursing the amount of Rs.33 crore, Jyoti deposited Rs.34.4 million of the cooperative into the account mentioned by Sujan Shakya, saying that she would also distribute it among the general manager and directors of the cooperative. However, that amount was not returned to the cooperative, Jyoti tried to escape saying that Bhandari had cheated her.

The directors claim that Dhanraj himself is aware of this matter. It is mentioned in the complaint that after it was found that the funds of the cooperative were embezzled time and again by using meter badges, the owners of the cooperative held discussions with the Dhanraj couple and promised to return the amount in any way in December 2076. However, after two months in February 2076, Dhanraj and Jyoti were divorced from the court. An investigation is being demanded in this matter.

The parliamentary investigation special committee formed three months ago under the chairmanship of MP Surya Thapa conducted an on-site study of Miteri Cooperative on Thursday. Chairman of the committee Thapa and other members went to the office of the organization and questioned the president of the organization, Kumbraj Gurung. In response to the questions of the chairman and members of the committee, Kumbharaj said, "Dhanraj Gurung has done a 'paper' divorce to avoid misappropriation of the funds of the cooperative, this is not real."

However, even after the divorce, on February 3, 2077, Tamsuk took a loan of 12 lakh rupees from the cooperative keeping Jyoti as his wife. Before the divorce, Dhanraj had taken a loan of around 180 million rupees from the same cooperative saying for the purpose of building a house. Gurung has admitted that he took another loan of 12 lakhs in February 2077 despite the loan not being repaid. But its tamasuk has the name of Jyoti Gurung as the beneficiary, while the court papers of their divorce had already been made a year ago.

Dhanraj told Kantipur's question that if the divorce was already over, why did he keep Jyoti Gurung as the beneficiary, he said, 'I took a loan when I sent my son to Australia. At that time, I have already divorced the employees from my wife, I have corrected not to write Jyoti's name. After I left, the staff mistreated Jyoti by using her name as his wife's,' said Gurung, 'I demand that an investigation be done on this too.' No matter how much you pay, the debt does not decrease, the interest rate increases. Interest was added upon interest. And it should be around April 2081, the cooperative paid 91 lakh 26 thousand 14 rupees at once, he said. He said that he sold the house he built by taking a loan from the cooperative and paid off the loan of the cooperative with that amount.

His party, the Congress, is silent on the allegations against Vice-Chairman Gurung in misappropriation of Miteri Cooperative's savings. The Congress has not brought out its institutional opinion on the matter of investigating the party vice-chairman. A few days ago, Congress General Minister Gagan Thapa demanded an inquiry into Vice Chairman Gurung from a public platform. Another General Minister Vishwaprakash Sharma has responded that the party and face will not be seen in the fraud case.

Chief Minister Sharma said that the investigation started by CIB is welcome. "If we said that there should be an investigation when accusations are made against the leaders of other parties, then if anyone thinks that there is no need for an investigation when accusations are made against the leaders of their own party, that is wrong," Sharma told Kantipur. We look at the blame, we don't look at the party.'

Dhanraj has also responded that Gurung has welcomed the investigation against his ex-wife Jyoti and the directors and employees. "I demanded an investigation in the Parliament meeting so that the allegations against me would be clear soon, news has come that the CIB has started an investigation. It is my wish that after a fair investigation, they bring back the zinc as it is," he said to Kantipur. Central member Meen Vishwakarma, who is also the head of the propaganda department of the

party, has also demanded a fair investigation against Gurung. "The responsibility of any allegation lies with the person himself. The clear view of the Congress is that there should be a fair investigation of the allegations against any leader of the party, the truth should come out," he added. He himself has demanded an investigation. As far as the question of not being separated from the official responsibility, it is too hasty to talk about this matter now when the investigation is going on. He has been accused of misappropriating funds from the cooperative. Pokharel, along with his wife Anjala Koirala, have been blacklisted after the documents of the borrowers who had taken loans from the cooperative were placed in banks and financial institutions and embezzled about 11 crores.

Although the victim filed a complaint with her name, the cooperative registrar office of Koshi province has disappeared Anjala's name when sending the file to the police.

According to cooperative owners, leader Pokharel made his wife Anjala, who is also a teacher, a director for about 6 years. Umagouri Cooperative, which has about five thousand savers, has been closed for about a year and a half. According to the saver, all the documents from the establishment have disappeared. Anjala, who has been the director since 2072, left the organization in 2078 when the cooperative began to fall into crisis. 

The cooperative victims have filed a complaint against the chairman Shambhu Prasad Rauniar and the director Anjala Koirala at the cooperative registrar and training office of Koshi province. Registrar's office has written to District Police Office Morang for investigation. "We have sent a letter to the police to investigate all the directors including the chairman of the government," said Hari Bahadur Khatri, the head of the cooperative registrar's office Details of Anjala Koirala published in the 35-day public notice issued on 16 November 2079.

Although the name was mentioned in the complaint filed by the general saver, the name of Pokharel's wife has disappeared in the letter written by the office of cooperative registrar to the police. He also confirmed that Anjala's name was not mentioned in the letter written to the police, but did not want to reveal the reason. District Police Morang spokesperson DSP Gyanendra Bahadur Basnet said that he was not aware of the letter. He said, 'I am out now, I don't know if the letter has arrived/not. I will look and report. According to

savers, a loan of 11.56 million rupees has been taken by keeping the documents submitted by the borrowers of the cooperative from various banks and financial institutions. While taking a loan of one million from the cooperative, it has been found that the directors took a large amount by keeping the documents submitted by the borrowers in the bank. The debtor was not even aware of this matter. Moreover, 23.54 thousand owners of savers have embezzled," said a saver.

The cooperative has not paid the loan taken by the institution. RSDC microfinance financial institution issued a notice on 16th October 2079 and issued a 35-day public notice in the name of Umagouri Agricultural Cooperative to repay the loan. Anjala's name and photo were also mentioned in the notification. Even after that, after the cooperative did not pay the loan, RSDC Laguvitta filed a case against Umagouri Cooperative on 12th Chait 2079. The cooperative took a loan from RSDC, which has an office in Rupandehi.

Based on the case given by the financial institution, the Ruppandehi District Court issued a notice in the Gorkhapatra Daily on 8th March 2080 and asked the cooperative members to appear within 21 days. The hearing of the case is scheduled for August 30. 
According to Khatri, head of cooperative registrar's office, the fraud committed by keeping the documents of people who come to take loans from cooperatives in various banks and financial institutions is unique. "The borrower came to know only after the bank put him in the blacklist and issued the mortgage auction notice," he said.

Khatri, head of cooperative registrar's office, said that he did not even get to see the account book and decision book of Umagouri agricultural cooperative. "We asked for an account, but the chairman of the cooperative refused," he said. Rauniyar, the chairman of the cooperative, has claimed that all the documents have been submitted to the cooperative registrar's office. He says that there is a problem in the cooperative due to the non-payment of the invested loan. 
Anjala has claimed that she resigned from the board member after the cooperative regulations issued in 2075. Anjala, who is currently teaching at Mahendra Secondary School in Biratnagar, said, "I have already resigned from the cooperative, my name has been smeared unnecessarily." This is wrong.' She said that she herself was cheated by the cooperative and was blacklisted instead.

Chairman of the Audit Committee, Pokharel, claimed that his wife and himself were connected on the basis of prejudice after the Audit Committee started an anti-corruption investigation. It has nothing to do with the cooperative. The wife has been a member for seven years. He left immediately," he told Kantipur, "If the organization (cooperative) has taken a loan, it must have been mortgaged. Loans incurred by the institution will also be on record. It is done by looking at the annual audit report of the cooperative.

UML Publicity Department Head Rajendra Gautam said that the relevant agencies can investigate the question raised about Pokharel. "When a question is raised about someone, it becomes clear if the relevant agency investigates," he said, "Why was the question raised?" Related bodies can recognize the truth by identifying the truth and make a truth public. "He asserted that there was no discussion in the party. 'There are a government of investigation. The party has not been discussed now, "he said.

प्रकाशित : भाद्र ३०, २०८१ ०५:४७