कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

Waiting for the commander!

श्रावण ५, २०८१
Waiting for the commander!

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  • Are you ready to climb the train of your life yourself? Are you crying because you missed the train of life? What kind of commander are you waiting for?

What is this country waiting for? A visionary politician? Those who remove the existing problems and make the country happy/prosperous, maintain good governance! Or, the messiah who will boost the declining economy and tame rising inflation and unemployment?

Like this country and its people, the actors of 'Railway to Nowhere' who appeared on the stage of Mandala Theater are also anxiously waiting for someone. whose of the commander. A commander who is about to arrive by train will lead all those who wait to a beautiful destination that will give them the sweet fruit of that painful wait. Such, a destination where the problems of the past will be left in the past. Actors are all waiting around the train station. Some loud noises wake them up, from somewhere a soft sound also makes them think that the commander has arrived! You will also find yourself in the many waves of excitement, exuberance, exuberance, excitement and passion that arise in them while waiting for the commander.

will witness your waiting. The play, which was staged at Madfest, a color festival organized by former students of Mandla, is being staged again from July 4. Waiting for this artist to meet you, to find yourself, you can watch the drama directed by Sanyog Guragai. The set of

absurd style 'Railway to Nowhere' is in accordance with the genre of the play. A league of ladder-like rails seems to float in the air in a strange fashion. There is a big difference between the league that is attached to the ground and the one that is facing the sky. The middle part of the league is broken somewhere, the two are not connected. The league of that train that was broken and broken at the place where it should be joined, what kind of train was the commander waiting for? But those gathered at the railway station stand on the same side of the league, surrendering their all to it. They have their own league, holding that league they wait for the commander. Those who cannot catch the league hold the floor and wait. They keep fighting with others for the league. There is also a ticket counter/inquiry area next door. However, the person sleeping inside does not speak even when he speaks, nor does he listen when he listens to those who are waiting.

This play prepared in the style of little dialogue, physical movement gives a new taste. There is no story in the play. Characters are found scattered. However, the actions of those characters, their experiences and waiting creates a beautiful story on the stage. Director Guragai is adept at telling stories in this way. In 'Rogan' too, he told the story in an absurd style through different, background characters. The characters of 'Railway to Nowhere' are looking for relief from the quagmire and turmoil of life. There is a swamp in here, there is a swamp. Where is the peace here? Everything is out,' people who are waiting for the rescuer are sitting at the station with this slogan. They don't even know how the commander comes. One says, 'The savior, my dear commander, will come one day, breaking down the wall.' He will come on a train, on an elephant.'' Another character says, 'By hand, the commander will carry me around the universe.' , 'Given the key, the commander makes me powerful.' They have to get out of the sick city, the desert city. They need immediate rescue. As the Nepali people want to be freed from the politics of swamp, the city of extreme despair.

The faces of the Nepali people are found in the waiting, waiting and hope of these characters, their shape is found. But will these people meet the commander at the train station? Will the Nepalese people find a commander with a plan to make the country beautiful by addressing the existing problems?

Directed by young director Guragai, this drama does not just teach you to wait. From the experiences of those who are waiting for the commander, he also adds new zeal, energy and hope to find a way to solve the current problem.

drama not only shows dreams, it also collides with our reality . Are you ready to climb the train of your life yourself? Are you crying because you missed the train of life? What kind of commander are you waiting for?

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ५, २०८१ ०८:५८