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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

Laskus Nepali language

असार २२, २०८१
Laskus Nepali language

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  • Asa Safu Kuthi has a collection of 7,000 rare handwritten texts, the Pancharaksha text written a thousand years ago in Haritalika Patra is also found here.

Google Translate
On Thursday, June 27, a special information was released internationally. Soon after, the Newar community in Nepal and elsewhere experienced great joy. And shared happiness among themselves, exchanged greetings. That was a particularly pleasant topic - the official announcement that the Newar community's mother tongue Nepali language can be converted into other languages ​​in "Google Search Tools" under "Translation Tools"!

'Google Search Tools' is actually an effective means of accessing a vast ocean of information and knowledge. In the beginning, English language was the main medium of information in 'Google Tools', gradually other major languages ​​of the world are also being given a place as a medium. Being available in various language mediums, 'Google Search' has become a convenient and popular information technology tool for maximum users. This has widened the linguistic options. Till today, more than 400 languages ​​of the world have been arranged as a medium for 'Google Search'.

In the initiative of 'World Neva: Organization' efforts were being made to include Nepali language for 'Google Search Tools'. Hundreds of young Newar activists have been involved in the campaign as community participation in the call of the organization to recognize the medium of Google search tools. By continuously participating in 'Wavnair' for the past three and a half years, they have cataloged around five lakh sentences. However, according to the methodology and standards of Google Translation, only ten thousand sentences have been approved for public use. From now on, Nepali language has also become one of the international languages ​​listed for 'Google Translation'. However, there is still a need for accuracy in this kind of language transformation done by 'artificial intelligence' technology. However, since Nepali language is also included in the list of languages ​​of 'Google Translation', it has increased its international prestige and it has become easier for Nepalese-speakers to have access to vast knowledge base like 'Google Search' through their mother tongue.

'online' dictionary and 'utility apps'

A public function was held in the capital a few days ago, in a slightly different nature. It was a moment of special convergence of language, script, literature, culture and heritage and technology. Apart from the aroma of ancient heritage and modern technological know-how, the active involvement of the new generation added a special charm to it. Three different digital apps were developed for mobile users under the initiative of Nepal Lipi Guthi and Dabuli, a non-profit organization with a grant from Kathmandu Metropolitan City. All the three apps were released that day.

In particular, the words quoted from Nepal language 'Academy', Lok Sahitya Parishad, Kutah Publications, etc., have been compiled under the published 'online' dictionary 'Apps'. There are more than forty one thousand such words in Nepali language available in that 'app'. Using the latest information technology, you can search words not only in Nepali language, but also from Nepali to Nepali language, from English to Nepali language. For that, the user has the facility to choose any one of the Nepali scripts in addition to the Devanagari script, Roman script at their convenience. It also happens when a word written in those three scripts is converted into any other script. Sample sentences that can be made using one of the words are also placed in context for each word. How to pronounce the word important? 'Apps' has arranged so that you can listen to its recitation. It also includes words under Dolakha and Bhaktapur dialects of Nepal language.

Twelve hundred proverbs and a list of thousands of names suitable for newborns can be found in this app. There is also a sample lesson for those interested in learning the language.

was released on the same occasion - Nepal script and Ranjana script, two other 'apps' that teach the method/style of writing! However, in a long collaboration with Microsoft company, in combination with Nepal Lipi Guthi, both of these scripts had already developed "software" a few years ago in information technology friendly conditions. However, now you can learn how to write single letters and conjuncts in an easy and beautiful way from these 'apps' that are prepared to match 'Unicode'.

Calijatra Foundation's script campaign

A few years ago, a Jamaat youth started a single-handed campaign to spread practical knowledge of the endangered Ranjana script and the practical knowledge of writing and reading the Nepali script. The campaign was named Kalijatra meaning script writing festival. The campaign reached many places in Nepal. Ranjana and Nepal Script were taught free of cost to anyone interested at the public level. The campaign also reached abroad. Ranjana script is used not only in Nepal but also in many Asian countries in the fields of religion, culture and writing ancient texts. However, the Ranjana script did not receive international recognition accordingly. Kalijatra 'Foundation' collaborated with 'Font Design Company' of India. A Jamaat Newa of the new generation: Pravidhigya developed Ranjana 'Unicode font' and made it public. Named Nitya Ranjana, the 'font' is available for public use on computers and mobile 'apps' in 'Unicode' based on Devanagari and Nepal script.

Nepal Samvat use app

The government has already declared Shankhadhar Sakhwa, the promoter of Nepal Samvat as a national monument and Nepal Samvat as a national Samvat. Last year, the Prime Minister also announced a public commitment to be used at the government level this year.

'Spralogic', a special 'app' has been developed in this context due to the continuous efforts of young scientists of the Information Technology Institute. By using information from astronomical studies collected by NASA, a cutting-edge, scientific and accurate information technology 'Apps' was prepared based on 'algorism' to determine Nepal Samvat Tithi date. By using this 'app' which can be used even on a mobile phone, one can easily get information about not only the date, time, hour, month, but also lunar and solar signs and constellations according to the Nepal Samvat. By using this app, you can convert the days, times, dates, etc. into AD or Vikram Samvat or find out the dates according to the Nepal Samvat. Dr. Bhagwandas Manandhar and a group of friends prepared a formula called 'Nesantikodi' in this regard some time ago. Based on that, this app has been developed.

'Online Digital' library

An initiative was taken last year in collaboration with Tribhuvan University, Nepal Language Central Department under the grant of Kathmandu Metropolis. That was the creation of an 'online digital' library. Within the last fourteen/fifteen months of

, books, newspapers and research papers are being 'digitalized' with the latest information technology. It is said that so far more than twenty thousand titles of books, newspapers and other materials have been collected for this library according to information technology. According to the target, seventy thousand titles of books etc. will be collected in the first phase.

The 'digital' materials kept as open source on 'online' can now be studied from home without any scholar going to the library. In this way, the 'digitized' collection mainly contains books, magazines and research papers in Nepali language, while textual materials in other languages ​​related to Nepali language, Nepali culture and history can also be found under this library.

Ancient Manuscripts Museum

Chasapasa is the oldest literary institution in Nepalese language. This institution has a distinguished history as it has passed its Diamond Jubilee. Under the leadership of writer Prem Bahadur Kansakar, formed during his visit to Calcutta, India, there is another autonomous unit under this organization, that is - Asa Safu Kuthi (Museum).

Manuscripts of ancient texts are stored here. There are manuscripts of various genres such as theology, sources, Ayurveda, architecture, Tantra Vidya, liturgy, literature, music, dance, history, and Vedic and Buddhist folklore. There are also many writings on woodwork, painting, sculpture, architecture, metalwork. Vedas, Puranas, Buddhist Jatakas, anecdotes and genealogies and historical notes are also found here. On the one hand there are ancient materials written hundreds of years ago and on the other hand there are priceless books written from the same rare gold and silver dust. Many of the texts written in Ranjana, Bhunjimol, Nepallipi etc. are in Nepali language, some are also in Sanskrit, Maithili, Bhojpuri, Bengali, Tibetan script. There is a danger of theft of these important texts written on Haritalika, Tadapatra, Bhojapatra etc. At the same time, there is a possibility of decay due to environmental and fire, natural pollution and insects.

A long-term plan for the protection of these collected texts of Asa Safu Kuthi was put forward through the joint efforts of the late Prem Bahadur Kansakar and Professor Kamal Prakash Malla. Initiated with the support provided by Takaoka, the religious leader of the Nagoya Buddhist Mahavihara, Japan - the collection of ancient texts with modern digital technology. To date, about seven thousand extremely rare manuscripts have been archived, among which the Pancharaksha texts written in the letters of Haritalika about one thousand years ago.

Similarly, more than 1,200 ancient documents including family and private transactions, purchase and sale of property, shares, etc. have been digitized.

Today, in collaboration with the University of Haimberg in Germany, another twelve hundred ancient books have been 'digitized' with the involvement of Yuva Jamaat using the latest technology. All these 'digitized' materials are easily available at Asa Safu Kuthi for both domestic and foreign scholars.

Learning and message for all

Importantly, in all these endeavors, the new generation is particularly active and interested. And new technology and scientific knowledge have been used. It is very promising and exemplary for the youth community to take the lead and to use new technology, knowledge and skills according to the changing times and conditions for the awakening of the intangible heritage such as art, literature, script, and language created in the community from the elders in the historical chronology.

In a country with a diverse language, literature, culture and script like Nepal, we have been blaming the state for the situation of crisis over the intangible heritage of the communities in which discrimination and injustice were experienced due to a single caste and narrow ruling power for a long time. And there is also a comment that the main responsibility of their protection and development is the government.

However, the way the new generation within the Newar community strives for awareness and activism in various dimensions and achieves with new techniques and skills, it is an example for others and also a positive messenger.

प्रकाशित : असार २२, २०८१ ११:०२