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२९.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १०४

Menuka and Indrakumari selling sale roti with ghongi

भाद्र २७, २०८१
Menuka and Indrakumari selling sale roti with ghongi

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The Star Cup football tournament was conducted from August 10th to 21st at the playground under the Chitai River near Baruwa Bazar of Madi Municipality-1. At that time Menuka Mahato and Indrakumari Mahato were also very busy. They were encouraged to sell vegetables, vegetables and blankets.

They who do not have their own land and cultivate other people's land in Andhiya have recently started selling tea and snacks. Therefore, they do not miss to reach the place where people gather, fairs and festivals and sports events. They arrive with a dish of ghongi with celery roti and vegetables . "Festivals and sports festivals are good opportunities for us to earn money," Menuka said.

In May of last year, women from all over the village gathered and formed Shanti Mahila Group and received training on income generation. They started this business only after that. There are 25 of us in the group. Two of them belong to the Dalit community,' said Indrakumari, the secretary of the group, 'all the others belong to the Tharu community . We are mostly landless. Those who have land in their name also have land until they can get the same land.'

Menuka and Indrakumari decided to sell roti-vegetables together when they wondered what work could be started with less money. They saw that Celroti and vegetables were sold well in the market. However, the women of the Tharu community did not have the habit of cooking sale roti .

'We don't cook Celroti in oil much . Tharu community's roti is steamed roti made of sweet rice,' said Menuka. Among the Tharu community, there is a tradition of eating bread like this . However, after opening the shop, there was a doubt whether others would eat the baked bread or not. So they thought of making Celroti . Asked the women of the village neighborhood who went to cook the cell and how to make it . They started making bread by mixing flour, sugar and ghee as they said. However, the cell roti did not turn out to be very good.

'The cells made at the beginning were not good . We asked how to make a good cell . As taught by them, we first kneaded the ghee and sugar mixture and then mixed the flour. When made in this way, the saleroti turned out to be good,' said Menuka. After the day of Teej, people gather to dance and sing in Madi . On Teej they happily sell sale roti . People liked . After that, if there is an event where people gather, they will go to sell roti, vegetables, oranges, almond dumplings. They said that they saved Rs 15,000 during Shivratri Mela.

'Earnings are not big, we are learning . We are going to gradually increase it,' said Indrakumari. Lunch was sold at the rate of four thousand rupees per day during the football tournament. It was in this mess that Kushe Ounce fell. On that day they also cooked sale roti in the morning, it sold well. Even if there is no land, they are able to become self-sufficient with skills. As many as there are women in our group, most of their husbands have not helped us in the work. We have to do other household chores by ourselves,' said Menuka, who is the president of the group.

There was a situation where some work had to be done to support the household expenses and to educate the children. That's why Menuka said that she started making and selling sale roti. Along with sellroti, the special khanki ghongi of the Tharu community is also cooked and sold. Ghongi is a dish cooked in the kitchen of the Tharu community. Now others also like it very much . "Many people who come to watch football also eat ghongi along with saleroti. Someone even tried to learn how to cook ghongi, said Indrakumari. The husband of Princess Mahato, a member of the

group, is a truck driver. However, he left work and stayed at home after having problems with his back. "Now I have started raising broiler chickens, even if it's a small amount." After sitting in a group, listening to friends makes me excited and the courage to work increases, said the princess.

Menuka and Indrakumari have learned a lot since it's been a year since they started selling Celroti. "The first thing is that after starting work, I realized that I can move forward by learning more things." Now we have the idea of ​​not only in fairs and gatherings, but also selling lunch every day by keeping a basket,'' Menuka said .

प्रकाशित : भाद्र २७, २०८१ १६:५९