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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३४

Constitution amendment coalition appearance agenda!

भाद्र १६, २०८१
Constitution amendment coalition appearance agenda!

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The issue of constitutional amendment, which served as a bridge between the current Congress-UML alliance, seems to have faded away these days.

Even after a month and a half since the new coalition government started functioning in the union, the process of forming the government in the state has not been completed. As per the provisions of the current constitution, no political party can get a single majority for the formation of the government, so the situation of the country has become more unstable after the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal 2072. Since the day when the constitution was promulgated was celebrated either as a happy day or as a dark day, it was thought that this constitution was not complete. Those who celebrate the Constitution Day as a black day instead forget the issues of dissatisfaction they raised during the promulgation of the Constitution along with the relegation of power. However, due to the immaturity and personal and party selfishness seen in the political parties, the inevitability of amending the constitution is becoming evident day by day.

Mainly, the two elections that took place after the promulgation of the constitution could not confirm the justification of federalism, but it clearly showed that it made the country more unstable and piled up economic burdens. The party which contributed to establishing federalism by making it the main issue, even when they led the power several times, could not present the basis of whether there was a need for federalism in Nepal. They did not consider it necessary to give autonomy to the province or considered it as a place for recruiting workers. If the state is to be kept in this state, it seems that the constitution must be amended first to abolish federalism. Since the constitution was written keeping in mind the situation of a certain time, it may not address the changed situation. Therefore, it should be made timely. On top of that, our political parties have devalued the constitution, so the need to amend the constitution has arisen so soon.

The present coalition was formed due to the mutual intention of amending the constitution on the electoral system in the current constitution, the form of government and the threshold mentioned for political parties. Now, after the formation of the coalition government, the constitution amendment agenda has been set. Therefore, there is a suspicion that this issue has been raised only for the sake of a new alliance. Even if a party opposes the amendment of the constitution for its own interests, it does not seem that any party will stand against the amendment. It is normal for the parties that have come to the opposition to make excuses, that is normal. However, in order to amend the constitution, it seems necessary to have a consensus among the parties that will sign it when issuing the constitution. If the Congress-UML, which has formed an alliance with the amendment of the constitution as its main issue, now abandons it and restricts itself to the game of maintaining power, it will be proved that this too is only an outward agenda made for political interests.

Sujan Devkota , Palungtar-4, Gorkha

प्रकाशित : भाद्र १६, २०८१ ०७:०३