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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७४

Shining Constitution, Shining Constitution

आश्विन ३, २०८१


चन्द्रकिशोर कान्तिपुरका नियमित स्तम्भकार हुन् ।

Shining Constitution, Shining Constitution

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  • The constitution came, but the fight for the constitution of all continues. Today is an opportunity for introspection and testing for all those who believe in the power of people.

Janakpurdham has not forgotten its old identity, nor has it been able to integrate its new identity. It is also a city of power, a city of anti-establishment. To know any city, you need to know its various dimensions. In order to understand the driving forces of a society, there is a need to remember their discussion topics and development.

At the same time, don't stop chasing the past. Janakpuriyas always claim that this city is a record of extraordinary achievements by ordinary people. While saying this, they do not forget to mention that the government always fails to understand the mind of Janakpurdham. The day Janakpurias are forgotten about the struggles, dreams and beauty of their time, the weight of being Janakpur is lost.

Janakpurdham, the 'capital' of Madhesh Pradesh, has a new turban. This week, the election of the Janakpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held here. The election frenzy heated up every square and stop of the city. It was a secret matter, which party would occupy it. This election is a good example of the partisanship taking place in professional organizations in recent days. UML won the competition between Nepali Congress and CPN UML. During the implementation of the constitution, there was a period of victory for UML in Madhesh province. The UML is full of confidence that the upcoming general elections will be its best performance in the state. Researchers coming from Kathmandu also come back preparing similar reports. Everything is fine.

Janakpur is lucky that it is getting rail service soon. Anyone who visits Janakpur must at least once see the railway station decorated with Mithila paintings. The Sandhya Aarti performed at Gangesagar and the railway station have become coastal destinations these days. At a tea party in Ramanand Chowk, someone told me. The story is old. A monk from a monastery near the railway fell in love with a train engine. Whenever a train passed by, he would run to see the engine saying 'Siyawar Ramchandra Ki Jai'. One day his disciple asked - 'Why did you run to see the engine like this?' He said - 'I fell in love with this engine, so I want to look at it until my eyes run out. Nayan is never satisfied. And why not love? The first reason for this is that the engine of the train takes a rest after reaching its destination. Second, it moves each compartment together. Third, it feeds the fire itself (when the train is powered by coal first), not the bins. Fourth, it does not move beyond the drawn line. The activist who narrated the story interpreted its current message - the leader who implements the constitution should be like a train engine. However, they did not meet this criterion. We need multi-partyism, not a quagmire of parties.

The day of the promulgation of this constitution is a celebration for some, a release for others. No one can be forced to celebrate at gunpoint. Those who brought the constitution are more dangerous than those who want to overturn the constitution and amend its contents. They don't want to improve themselves but are trying to create a festival ritual in Panche style. It is a real celebration to be able to increase the acceptance of the constitution by making it strong, meaningful and creative. Which party ever said Black Day, did any character win more trust than Batasa Bante? Today is the day of self-observation. In a democracy, the constitution created by the people should resolve the current tensions, eliminate the current frictions and develop an atmosphere of commonality. What did our republican constitutional journey do? Time will show that any victory that is sought to be achieved by keeping the marginalized communities like Madhesi and Tharu in a state of defeat will be fleeting. If Madhesh-based forces are translated into Madhesh-dependent forces, the possibility of movement will not be reduced.

Democracy is not created only by those who win elections. Even those who lose elections can shape it. Democracy works to empower the weakest. It is not democracy to leave those who are weak, even less in number, to their own trust. Democracy is not at the mercy of anyone. A character in Marathi writer Shanta Gokhale's play 'Avinash' says that his elder brother's depression cannot be entirely the result of an inborn habit. It can also be rooted in the economy, social structure and political system. After hearing this, the character's father says - 'What does politics have to do with this? Who you are is the result of your destiny.

The period of implementation of the constitution has awakened the people of the country from complacency. They have woken up from the merger psychology of 'living in this country like this'. It has been noticed that 'the biggest dispute is brotherhood'. There is a catchphrase in English – It Matters Who Speaks for You. It is important that your 'voice' is established. No one wants to tell what the constitution actually is, how it is. Even the government itself is indifferent to it. What power is doing the business of selling fake toothpaste like Chatke by showing that socialism, federalism and inclusion are written in the constitution? No need to search more in the streets and squares of Janakpur.

If this constitution is gone, democracy will not survive. Democracy and constitution are inextricably linked. This Constituent Assembly wanted such a constitution, first of all, which would become a document of the movements. Which should draw the line that connects the diversity. Which draws a line of possibilities. Imagine the future of Nepali society. Don't divide yourself into winners and losers. Let it guide, promote the value of democracy wherever it exists. However, it was not as expected. The forces that were dissatisfied with the constitution are now divided. There is confusion and confusion as to what needs to be corrected. However, in order to get rid of the psychology of defeat in a large community, the state called democratic did not fulfill the basic obligations. So the wound is slow.

Is this constitution only on paper? no In the political community we have, there is no opposition. All politics is ideologically one. This added to the frustration. The new and the old all looked the same. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the creator of the Indian Constitution, said, which is admirable even in our context. I think that no matter how good the constitution is, it can be bad. If those who follow it become evil. No matter how bad a constitution is, it can prove good if those who follow it are good. The effectiveness of the constitution does not depend entirely on its nature.'

The initiative to make the constitution an object of worship has been intensified. The men in power think that it can cover the anti-democratic wave. The constitution did not bring about the expected rejuvenation of politics and society. The pace of social change did not accelerate. He did not set himself up as a common achievement of various struggles. However, this means that the intention to tear the constitution cannot be encouraged. Waiting is also an art. Some people wait so happily that waiting is the song of life. And they hum it slowly. The Constitution shows the way to strengthen the citizens, it does not block the way. This requires joint efforts. Any attempt to amend the Constitution should not take place from a dark room. Anarchy created by illogical debates and superstitions cannot happen under mob pressure. The ritual of amending the constitution is done with the goal of deepening and advancing democracy.

It's true, the constitution is cracking. It has become the refuge of various dominant forces. This is a secret agreement. Common Nepalese want cheap, accessible and speedy justice. All the three constitutional institutions are walking with a limp. Demonstrating the blood of faith in their arteries is essential for democracy. Constitution is a fertile ground. Every five years, the seeds of public faith are sown in it. Voters are farmers. They are happy when the sun comes after the crops are ripe. Although this constitution is called the best, it is on the most difficult and challenging journey. It's meant to be a giant canvas or classroom blackboard. On which one can write a bright belief. Alas, they have the recitation of the constitution in their throats, not the deeds.

The constitution came but the fight for the constitution of all continues. Today is an opportunity for introspection and testing for all those who believe in the power of people. That Sisyphus in the story must have watched the stone roll down the hill many times. The Sisyphean Character of Civil Rights Practice An enterprise often like pushing a boulder up a hill a thousand times. But never reaches the top. Yes, the battle for Nepali democracy is not over. People-communities who think that salvation is possible alone, it is not so. When salvation is found, it is through collective effort.

What a contradiction. The communities which remained behind in access, representation and dominance, are now very loyal to the Constitution. The biggest paradox of Nepali democracy is that those who benefited the most from democracy and the constitution, they do not respect the constitution. This constitution is not a paper document, it is necessary to be dreamy to make it a civil document of change. Now let's leave our duffles and our ragas. Now is not the time to cook khichdi.

प्रकाशित : आश्विन ३, २०८१ ०७:३४