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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १६१

Why is obesity increasing in women?

आश्विन १, २०८१

अरुणा उप्रेती

डा. उप्रेती जनस्वास्थ्यविद् तथा लेखक हुन् ।

Why is obesity increasing in women?

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  • Obesity is not only reduced by exercising and playing sports, but the balance of healthy food is equally important

The average life expectancy of Nepali women has reached 74 years. This is a success from a public health perspective. However, the latest government data shows that 35 percent of Nepalese women are victims of obesity.

Such women are mostly 53 percent of big cities (Kathmandu, Birgunj, Biratnagar, Nepalgunj) and 20 percent of rural poor families. As 35 percent of women are obese and 57 percent of women who come to the hospital for examination have fat deposits in their livers, it seems that the health of Nepalese women is poor.

Most people have heard about heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, cancer etc. There is also a discussion about 'what should be eaten and what kind of exercise should be done to keep the heart healthy'. But there is not much discussion about how to avoid if the liver is unhealthy. While the liver is such a factory of the body, which works to remove the toxic elements of the body. The food that keeps the heart, kidneys, and stomach healthy is the same food that is healthy for the liver.

Diabetes, heart, kidney and liver problems have been observed along with obesity. Not only financially strong women but also in some places financially disabled women can have liver problems. Obesity, diet, physical inactivity, various types of drugs can also be among the main causes of fat accumulation in the liver, Dr. Dr., a famous liver expert in India. SK Sarin says, 'Just as there are many problems when the heart is bad, the health of the liver shows the glimpse of the overall health.'

He has even written a book on what can be done to keep the liver healthy. He writes, "Early on, in the Greek community, it was customary to worship the liver as a very important part of the body, not the heart or lungs." Worshiping a part means showing how important it is.'' His experience says, if the waist of women and men is more than 35 cm, 38 cm, such people are more likely to have liver problems.

The main cause of fat accumulation in the liver is 'alcohol'. But people who do not drink alcohol also have the problem of fat accumulation in the liver. The main reason for this is junk food, very sweet, greasy, starchy food. Some people say, 'If you exercise enough, you can eat whatever you want.' This is wrong. Finland's Sami Inkinen was the owner of the world famous 'Takia' company.

He went to America and started a business. He used to exercise for 5 hours a day, but he was not yet 38 years old and had health problems. A blood test showed high sugar levels. The diabetes was gone. He has been using energy drinks that athletes drink. This means not only exercising, playing sports, healthy food is also important.

According to the latest statistics of Nepal, about 6 percent of teenage girls are victims of obesity. As these teenagers enter married life, they are more likely to experience problems with pregnancy. 30-year-old Meena (name changed) was 80 kg. According to his height, he should have been only 53 kg. Married at the age of 23 but did not conceive for 7 years. Examination revealed fatty deposits in the liver. The doctor told her that if she loses 20-30 kg, there is a possibility of pregnancy. In a year she gave up sugar, junk food, high fat, cold drinks. She also managed to lose 20 kilos by doing yoga. At that time she was under the supervision of a doctor. After losing weight, it became easier for him to go up and down the stairs. Menstruation also started from time to time. Sometimes it used to be 2 months and sometimes 3 months. When examining the uterus, it looked like a water blister, when she lost weight, the 'cyst' also got smaller. Eventually she conceived naturally. Fat deposits in the liver also decreased. She and her husband were very happy. "After losing weight on the doctor's advice, my overall health was positively affected," said Meena.

There are some, like Meena, who don't care much about being fat as a teenager. He is likely to face many problems later. If you have to get pregnant using modern technology after not being pregnant, it is not easy for everyone. Not all girls can conceive as happily as Meena. Those who eat many types of junk food, take cold drinks, have liver and heart problems. Therefore, the time has come to discuss what can be done to keep the heart, kidneys and liver healthy.

प्रकाशित : आश्विन १, २०८१ ०६:५९