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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५९

Panveer's memorial letter to Comrade KP

श्रावण ११, २०८१

जेबी विश्वकर्मा

जेबी विश्वकर्मा अनुसन्धाता एवं लेखक हुन् ।

Panveer's memorial letter to Comrade KP

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  • The laborers, labourers, farmers and Dalit and marginalized communities have a huge contribution in building the party of which you are the executive head and in establishing the political system. I would like to suggest not to play deadly politics on them.

Panveer Vishwakarma, revolutionary communist leader of Siraha district. Born in the year 2002, Panveer saw and experienced the exploitation and oppression of Samant directly from his childhood. At that time there was feudal rule in the village. They used to severely exploit and oppress the common people. In the guise of power, there was not only robbery, beating and threats against the poor, but also extreme violence and atrocities against the women and girls of the poor, Dalit and marginalized communities.

However, they could not speak against feudal tyranny. Panveer joined the Communist Party at the age of 16/17 and started his underground life because he believed that only the Communist Revolutionary Party could overthrow such a system and establish a new democratic system based on equality and justice.

Joined the Jhapa Rebellion and launched a campaign to clean up the feudal lords. According to the party's plan, in 2032, "Dotel Scandal" took place in Siraha. Panveer, who was arrested in 2033, had to serve 14 years in prison on the charge of clearing the bureaucratic usurer Madhav Dotel of the village. Similarly, KP Sharma Oli was also arrested in 2030. He also spent 14 years in prison.

Panveer, who spent a lot of time with Rajbandis including Oli in Nakhkhu prison and Golghar, left the earth in 2066 without appearing anywhere on the central stage of politics. However, Oli, one of the leaders of the same Jhapa uprising, has become the acting prime minister for the fourth time. Just as a revolutionary and ascetic leader was banished from the Panvir world, he might have been banished from the psyche of Olijan as well. However, Oli's memory of Panveer, who has taken leave from the material world, has become like this:

meeting in struggle: similar prison life

Comrade KP Oli, I met you because of fierce class struggle. The Naxalbari movement in neighboring India, where Charu Mazumdar was running a campaign to eradicate feudalism and usurers. Nepali society also had the same extreme feudal, usurious and bureaucratic rule. His voice for justice and equality was widely suppressed and arrested by the state. However, in such dire circumstances, we had no choice but to fight.

Along with Dronacharya Chhetri, Radhakrishna Mainali, Ramnath Dahal, Viren Rajvanshi, Chavi Lal Rajvanshi of Jhapa, we stood for the rebellion. Being a committed revolutionary worker, I (Panveer) put myself firmly on the side of rebellion. You, at that time, were in favor of peaceful struggle rather than armed rebellion. However, because they considered the revolution to be everything and went into rebellion, they met you directly/indirectly. At the time of the Jhapa rebellion, the leadership did not have a clear vision, strategy and plan for the democratic revolution. However, we had a strong desire to be involved in a revolution that would change the country. The more oppressive the state became, the more energetic we were to join the struggle.

In 2029, five people, including the leader of the Jhapa rebellion, Ramnath Dahal, were shot dead by the state in Sukhani forest. The state wanted us to surrender through the Sukhani massacre. However, we persisted in rebellion. An example of such a struggle was the Dotel struggle in Siraha. The village was the site of oppression by the murderous feudal lord Madhav Dotel. Therefore, according to the decision of the party, he was purged. He was arrested in 2033 for being accused in the same case and taken to Nakkhu and Central Prison in Kathmandu via Sirha, Rajviraj.

After being arrested in 2030, you too reached Nakkhu and Central Jail in Kathmandu via Rautahat, Birganj. Our experience of living in prison for 14 years is the same. Oli Comrade, if you haven't tried to forget, maybe you remember my difficult days too. After all, the anti-feudal capitalists of that time have become. Theoretically, how much communist character is left in you? After celebrating the liberation of the poor, Dalits, women and workers, how can an ordinary worker like me remain in your memory?

throne of power

Firstly, congratulations to Comrade KP Oli. After your release from Bhadragol Jail in 2044, you have not left party power and state power. Became a powerful Home Minister in 2051, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister in 2063. This is the fourth time that he is the Prime Minister. He has been sitting as the party president since 2071. But you yourself and the party under your leadership really remained a communist party or not? You may have looked at the basic principles and indicators of the Communist Party.

You may have reviewed the conflict between ideas, theories, and practices. It can be estimated, how much more self-deprecating you are than if you are the leader of the Communist Party, because really the party is only wearing the cloak of Marxism and Leninism. There is no proletariat in Nepal, so class struggle has been ignored. Millions of party workers do not work, as perhaps a modern Communist Party leader/worker should not. Leader/activist's setting with power, commission and middlemen

After being able to exploit the country, who will fight for? If the party had fought for radical change, it would have done so for the downtrodden, historically exploited, oppressed and oppressed communities like the Panveers. However, after the party left the path of liberation of the basic class, what did a leader like you have to do for us?

It is said that the pride of happiness erases the steps of suffering and struggle, maybe the same thing happened to you when you started to ascend the throne of power. That's why you don't remember the names of many people who contributed to the uprisings of the communists all over the country since the Jhapa uprising. One of them is Panveer Vishwakarma. I had a firm belief that the Communists would really deliver class liberation as well as deliver millions of Dalits from the quagmire of the caste system. I joined the rebellion for the sake of liberation because the casteist government has subjected us to extreme discrimination, oppression, exploitation and oppression from generation to generation. Believing in leadership and party like you, I devoted myself to your party till death.

You did not forget me who was imprisoned for 14 years with the hope of the liberation of the oppressed class during difficult times. So when you are the acting prime minister, your cabinet is devoid of Dalits. Dalit leaders/activists of the party are banned in Baluwatar and Balkot. Dalit leaders/activists should not be encouraged, but insulted by you. Through the lens of Manusmriti and casteism, Dalits are never seen as capable leaders, only slaves. The result is showing what your glasses look like. In Rukum, 6 youths including Navaraj Vishwakarma were massacred because of their inter-caste love affair, but you did not speak for justice. Because of the caste system in Jhapa, how many Dalits still face discrimination and violence?

is faced, you don't feel like such basic class problems because your politics is no longer for oppressed classes and communities. Dikendra Rajwanshi, your comrade in the Jhapa Rebellion, committed suicide at Balkhu, the then headquarters of CPN (UML). He had to commit suicide in the party office because of leadership like you and disregard for the party. Sorry Comrade Oli, Panveer could not commit suicide because he was disrespected. A revolutionist who has experienced rebellion, prison, is neither a coward to commit suicide, nor to beg for an opportunity from a leader like you.

Comrade, my honesty did not allow me to sell my self-esteem and sing devotional songs, I was happy with this. That's why I could not rise above Siraha district committee of your party. Don't beg for a job for your children. Instead, they felt pride when they sweated in a foreign land. Comrade, this is not just Panveer's story, you have stepped on the chest of many Dalits like me to become the party president and climb the ladder of Prime Minister. Our chests are broken, we are bloody, but review how much political dishonesty has been done to those on whose chest you are standing. Please, don't play with and devalue the blood and sweat of Dalits and marginalized communities like me.

Pride of struggle

Comrade Oli, you are at the center of party power and state power, I am neither proud nor sad about it. The party led by you has rejected the ideology of emancipation of the poor, working class and oppressed classes, genders and communities. However, as long as I lived, I was not disturbed by communist ideas, ideals and principles.

Do not violate the expectations of your class and community. I could not do much because the Panveer Party was neither in power nor in the state power. But I did not do anything against the country and the people. I am the representative of that community, which has contributed to the change of the political system and the building of the country, but has not yet committed treason. Panveer and his community have no role to play in making the country politically unstable, economically distressed and a breeding ground for corrupt people. The meaning of this is clear, the party, state power, personnel system led only by your own class, gender and community are mainly responsible for creating this condition of this country. To break the story, when the movement was on the side of the republic, you used to say that coming to the republic is like going to the US by train. The people's movement brought a republican system with federalism and you also became the prime minister many times. You never stood firmly in favor of federalism, but the movement of Maoists, Madhesi, tribals and oppressed communities brought federalism. Inclusion has been like a cow to you.

You don't want inclusionary rule, your speech and behavior have repeatedly confirmed that, but you can't abolish inclusion. I am proud of the fact that I stood up for the oppressed community for the restructuring of the state and inclusive governance, whether you wanted it or not. Comrade Oli, when I was alive, I did not have the environment to present such a matter to you because many of the leaders-activists who questioned you were brutally reprimanded. Finally, the laborers, labourers, farmers and dalit and marginalized communities have a huge contribution in building the party of which you are the executive head and in establishing the political system. Please, I would like to suggest you not to continue killing politics on them.

– Panveer Vishwakarma (born 2002–died 2066)

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ११, २०८१ ०७:२४