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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७४

Political dishonesty on workers

वैशाख २१, २०८१

जेबी विश्वकर्मा

जेबी विश्वकर्मा अनुसन्धाता एवं लेखक हुन् ।

Political dishonesty on workers

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  • Workers sacrificed their lives in many movements. He supported the leadership in the political struggle. Currently, no party has the ideology of emancipation of workers. No goals, plans and programs. The party that has left the workers only has an agenda to protect the interests of the capitalists.

International Workers' Day is a day that is remembered by the political leadership, president, prime minister, etc., even if it is only for formalizing the laborers in Nepal. The government issues a statement to respect the work done by the workers and not for the appreciation of the political movement, but for formality. The political leadership stands on the platform soaked with the sweat of the workers and makes an implausible speech about the liberation of the working class.

It has been decades since the leadership who gave speeches saying that they are workers, laborers and farmers, what is their pain, they will be emancipated. He also discusses the resistance struggle and sacrifices made by the workers and peasants against the power of feudal, usurer, bureaucratic capitalists. However, there are no characters who sacrificed and contributed to overthrow the feudal state power and bring the republic, and their voices are not heard.

parties away from labor

Some time ago I went to the villages of Sirha and Saptari for study. In Saptari, we met a 60-year-old man from the Dalit community, who has been working in the landlord's house for generations. During the conversation, in a depressed mood, he said, 'I would probably die in the courtyard of Giharat, I think I would have been able to die in my own hut, maybe I would not have been able to die in my house.' On the other hand, the wife should take charge of the bighaunbigha land of the zamindar and should take care of all the household goods. However, they will not get anything except five hundred kilos of rice a year.

This is a living story of a democratic republic. However, this democracy does not listen to the stories of thousands of vagrants, and pretends not to have heard. Nor does the party that shouts the slogan of workers' liberation listen to the life story of the workers who have shed all their blood and sweat in the landlord's farm. Not only from feudalism, but also from usury and meter-baze, workers, laborers and farmers are among the groups that are forced to fall into the trap of extreme exploitation.

Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane decided to open Kathmandu's Thamel Bazaar all night from Baisakh 1. Perhaps he considered it a very big task after becoming the Home Minister. This will naturally boost Thamel's business. It will benefit the capitalists who are doing business. In taking such an important decision, the rightful wages, safety and dignified life of thousands of workers involved in the entertainment sector were completely ignored. This decision is likely to increase further exploitation and violence against workers. However, such serious issues of labor were completely ignored. Because he, his party has no clear vision to address the issue of farmers and working class. Not having a vision for the liberation of the workers, farmers and the oppressed class is to protect the interests of the powerful businessmen and capitalists. Neither the Communist Party of Nepal has a clear view on such a matter, nor the party that claims to be democratic.

Farmers produce food, vegetables, fruits, etc. for their livelihood, even if it is little, after suffering a lot. From buying seeds to selling the products, they are often exploited by traders and middlemen. The farmers in the lower middle class have been transformed into wage laborers as they are unable to sustain their livelihood from production. Similarly, a large number of workers are involved in the informal labor market. After an accident or illness, they are not only unable to receive treatment but also unable to support their families. There is a very large number of people working as domestic workers in the urban areas of Nepal. Such workers do not even get minimum wages. Labor is not respected and appreciated. However, their cases are not heard anywhere.

Every year the labor force in the Nepali market is increasing, while the labor market is decreasing. Even the few opportunities available are dominated by the middle and elite classes. Workers, farmers and children of workers do not get opportunities even in places where they can work with their capacity. A large number of workers who are forced to do wage labor due to the situation of not being able to produce and not get employment are employed abroad. Every day more than 2000 Nepalis have reached from Malaysia, Gulf, India, Russia to Africa for labor. Among those who have gone for foreign employment, the group that is most likely to be cheated and embarrassed is also from this category. However, there is no debate and discussion on such issues in any party in Nepal. Due to economic crisis or poverty, suicide has increased rapidly in Nepal. If we look at the statistics of the last 10 years, more than 5000 people committed suicide every year. Most of them occur in the lower middle and middle classes. Such a serious issue has not been discussed within any political party.

The concern of workers

There is a history of the world that the working class overthrew the tyrannical regime by completing great struggles and revolutions. The communist parties called upon the workers of the world to unite, saying that the construction of the political system of the proletariat is possible only through the struggle of the workers and the working class. The Paris Commune was founded in 1871 by the workers' revolt in Paris.

The Paris Commune gave the message that the working class can build state power, and also gave the message that the working class should be elected to the state bodies. World-shaking movements such as the October Revolution and the Chinese People's Revolution were made possible by the workers and the working class. Even in Nepal, the struggle of the Nepali Congress, which was formed in 2003, began with the Biratnagar Jutmill movement. The 2003 movement led by Girija Prasad Koirala in favor of Jutmill workers was an important link in the labor movement. Likewise, the Communist Party of Nepal was established in 2006 with the goal of liberating the working class.

Basically the issues like ending of feudal exploitation and oppression, right of tiller on the land, fair wages according to labor were strongly raised. From the Jhapa Rebellion to the Maoist People's War, the slogan of the liberation of the proletariat, the working class continued. In all these struggles, the working class made a great contribution and sacrifice. As a result, it became possible to establish a democratic republic system in Nepal.

In Nepal, the working class contributed to system change through political movement. Born the leadership of the Democratic and Communist Party. The arrangement has changed. However, there was no change in the status of workers in all those movements. The political leadership left the workers on the shore like the fisherman and the passengers from the boat, never to look back. For the farmers who cooked and fed food during the Jhapa rebellion, the workers who gave shelter to the leaders in the anti-panchayat movement, and the workers who carried guns in the people's war to overthrow the feudal power, those same leaders and parties have become aliens. Because workers and workers have become invisible in the policies, plans and programs of that party. However, most of the parties in Nepal have trade unions or labor organizations. However, they are bent on exploiting the workers in capitalist alliances rather than benefiting the workers.

Currently, the number of wage laborers in Nepal is increasing. Without getting the opportunity to work in the country, millions of Nepalis are going to work as wage laborers in foreign lands. No matter where you go, the complexity and crisis in the life of the poor working class has not left. The political party that claims to liberate the workers is in power, but that party and the leadership remember the workers on International Workers' Day for formality and remember them during elections because they need votes. Apart from that, he is never touched by the sufferings of the workers' life, the extreme exploitation and oppression of the workers has no effect. No incident of suicide due to lack and poverty is touched. Shrouded workers in political transformation movements send blood and sweat remittances to foreign labor markets, some returning in wooden boxes. The ruler of the state runs the country from it. Political middlemen take bribes from it. However, he never sees the concerns of the workers.

Now the real workers are powerless. There are no trade unions that stand up for workers' rights here. There is no party or leadership to speak for the workers who are subjected to exploitation and violence in the formal and informal labor sectors. It was the hardworking farmers and laborers who gave the biggest support to KP Sharma Oli, the son of a farmer, in the Jhapa Rebellion. Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who led the people's war for 10 years for the proletariat's state power, is not only the son of Prachanda farmers, but he is also a person who has studied agriculture.

There are many such movements, where the working class sacrificed their lives. He supported the leadership in the political struggle. The same person came to power again and again. However, he never looked back at the concerns of workers, farmers and workers. In his party life, there is no ideology, no goal, plan and program for the liberation of the working class. The party that has left the workers only has an agenda to protect the interests of the capitalists. If we look at all these examples, the party and leadership created by the working class is not with the working class. Therefore, there is no party in Nepal that carries the agenda of workers, laborers and farmers.

This does not mean that the movement of workers, laborers and farmers is over. There is a progressive force fighting for economic-political transformation in Nepal. Progressive power, both organized and unorganized, favors workers' rights. Despite being betrayed by the sworn party and leadership, farmers, laborers and laborers have a strong dream of liberation. History has also shown that the state tries to suppress, the political party tries to confuse, but the workers do not leave the path of struggle. Breaks down walls of challenge. Because the only way for workers to get rid of exploitation, violence and oppression is through struggle.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २१, २०८१ ०८:५१