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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

Barriers to job creation

चैत्र १९, २०८०

सीके राउत

सीके राउत जनमत पार्टीका अध्यक्ष हुन् ।

Barriers to job creation

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What do the Nepalese people want? We have been saying for years - weed, housing, cotton, education and health. However, it should be clearly understood that the first priority is employment. Strange as it may seem, free education requires better education and job guarantee.

No matter how poor the village is, after taking a loan of 2-3 lakhs at 36 percent interest rate, the youths do not hesitate to go abroad even to be shot by the police. If our education and economy guaranteed jobs after education, wouldn't they invest in education? When they don't see that guarantee, they go to get a passport instead of going to school, even if it's free. So it would be an exaggeration to say that everyone is looking for free education, free health, free electricity and free water. They are arranging and will do everything themselves if they get a job. It is not arranged by any state to provide LCD televisions in homes and smartphones in hand.

However, this country has not been able to provide employment. Unfortunately, there is no idea of ​​providing employment. According to the 2021 survey of the Central Bureau of Statistics, a total of 8.6 million people are currently unemployed in Nepal. According to the Immigration Department, in 2023 alone, 800,000 citizens went for foreign employment. There is no hope of any economic progress in a country where only remittance figures make the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister smile. Per capita income was 1,047 US dollars in 2075/76 and 1,410 US dollars in 2079/80. The National Planning Commission has set a long-term target of $12,100 per capita income by 2100. But that is a constant double-digit economic growth rate of nearly 11 percent, which is far from realistic. The economic growth rate of the last four years of the fifteenth five-year plan is only 2.6 percent.

People's mentality

We want capital to make the country and the people prosperous, but we are the ones who are opposing capitalism. Opposition to capitalism is buried deep in Nepali society. By making a list of the big rich, we demonize that all the capital is concentrated in them. The political proposal of the 8th Congress of the Maoist "Nepali Way of Socialism in the 21st Century" has been presented as the main enemy by making a list of the world's 10 leading rich people. These include Bernard Arnault, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Armanio Ortega. How can the leadership of the world's 10 "monsters" or the Nepalese society produce Bill Gates who brings information technology to everyone's desk or Jeff Bezos who employs 1.6 million people or Apple, a company that is richer than the economies of France and Italy? Shouldn't we say that two/four Bill Gates or two/four Jeff Bezos were born in Nepal? If there were only five people in that list demonized by the Nepali society, would Nepal be prosperous today or not? Would there be employment at home or not? Would Nepal dominate the world market or not? But we covet the wealth of the rich. We have blacklisted them. This is the 'sadistic' mentality of the society.

People are not poor because they are rich. Elon Musk was asked that if you spent as much on poverty alleviation as you spend on rockets, no one would be poor. David Beazley, the director of the United Nations World Food Program, said that if Musk were to spend only a percentage of his income of $6 billion, the world would end hunger. In response, Musk said that he is ready to sell Tesla's stock for 6 billion if the official will explain it to me. The end of poverty and hunger will not come from a capitalist distributing capital. But it was put into our minds that the cause of our poverty is the capitalists. If we want to make Nepal rich and prosperous, first of all we have to remove capital, capitalism and hatred towards it in the conscience of the society. It cannot be right to expect huge capital and to be hostile to capitalism and capitalists. We must oppose consumer or broker capitalism and financial capitalism, but national capital cannot be built without embracing productive capital.

America and Japan did not develop by embracing socialism. We aspire to rapid development like Dubai or Qatar, but oppose capitalism. Our leader says he will make Nepal Singapore, but Singapore was developed from capitalism, not socialism. They talk about making the country Switzerland, but they forget that Switzerland is a federation of 26 cantonments (provinces) with a population of 9 million and 41 thousand square kilometers, developed by an open market economy.

socialist philosophy

Many would also distinguish between socialist and communist philosophies. But after communism was discredited, after the rise of totalitarianism, after millions of people were killed, after taking away the freedom of their own citizens and after proving that the country itself would turn into a 'concentration camp', now the Communist Party has put on the shell of socialism. In Marx's theory, socialism is the last step leading to communism.

Scientific socialist philosophy considers historical materialism to be a scientific essence. The Maoist in the report '21st Century Nepali Way of Socialism' has wrongly concluded that no scientific invention has been able to displace the Marxist science of scientific materialism until the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, information technology revolution and the beginning of the digital age. While today's science has proven that matter does not exist, only 'energy' (power) exists. When Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848, science had not even been able to see inside the atom. As it was broken down, it was realized that there is no substance in matter. Electron even inside the atom, still going to 'string theory', nothing is left except 'vibration' i.e. energy. However, in Nepal, we still find 'primitive' neutron physics to be scientific. The political thinkers of Nepal seem to be oblivious to the scientific development behind it.

Nepal cannot develop with a 'scientific' socialist or communist philosophy. This is based on Marx's notion of historical fatalism. Socialism is based on fatalism, like the theory of karma. It says that you have become poor because of history. To say that socialism is rooted in historical materialism is to say that it is because of history. What you cannot do today, the discrimination and suffering you have suffered, is because of history. Socialism is the philosophy that you cannot change history, that there is no way to change your position. It only brings indolence and helplessness, not prosperity and hope. It says that how society will be is not determined by people, but by scientific history. If everything were to be determined by history, there would be no place for people today to work and determine their destiny or shape what life would be like. That is confirmed by history. This is extreme fatalism. Even in 'Alderian psychology' this is something to be rejected outright.

As science developed, it began to speak the language of probability, not certainty or fatalism. In neutronic physics, everything is determined by the motion of particles, but when it comes to 'quantum mechanics', even where the electron will be cannot be said with certainty. This fact seems to be rejected by socialist philosophy. Dor Bahadur Bista's 'Fatalism and Development' is from a social, religious and cultural point of view, but socialist philosophy is trying to cover fatalism and development under the cover of scientific certainty. Only capitalism has the means to produce

capital. Socialism does not produce capital, it distributes it. But when the nation has no capital, how to share it? So socialism is not a political philosophy to make rich or prosperous, it is a philosophy to make everyone poor. It's not that we need or don't want socialism, but the capitalist revolution has not happened in Nepali society, thousands and millions of industries have not been opened and jobs for millions have not been created. Therefore, when the capitalist revolution has not been completed, the ground has not been created to bring a socialist system.

country's economic policy

The economic policy adopted by the country is not a matter of choice. In the preamble of the Constitution 2072, the goal is to build a prosperous nation by being committed to socialism based on democratic values ​​and beliefs. Similarly, Article 4 of the Constitution defines Nepal as a socialist-oriented, federal democratic republic state. In the directive principle of Article 50 (3), the economic policy of the state shall be to develop a socialist-oriented free and prosperous economy by making the national economy independent, independent and progressive. Not only that, under Article 17 right to freedom, in Article 2(6) it is said that "it shall not be considered as a prohibition to make a law so that a particular industry, trade or service may be operated only by the State". In this sense, a law can be brought at any time to state that only the state invests in education or health or that a specific sector can operate the industry.

While the constitution was being drafted by the Constituent Assembly, the left-wing forces were dominant and other major parties were also under the influence of the left-wing. They wrote 'socialism' in the constitution, but they failed to realize that it means not only free education and health, but much more. The main theme of socialism is state ownership of the country's economic system and means of production. Being socialist means that whatever private investment industries, factories or organizations exist today, they will also be owned by the state tomorrow or will be acquired by the state. That is why today the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, IMF and global investors run away as soon as they know that Nepal is a "socialist" economy. Even if any foreign investor has a trillion rupees or a non-resident Nepali has billions of rupees, why invest in Nepal if the state is going to acquire it tomorrow? The question is natural. If Nepal does not have capital, it should have been brought from the world. Non-resident Nepalis could invest how much, but we cannot create an environment for them.

Some time ago, the government brought the Education Bill, in which there was a provision to convert private schools into Guthi. After the Medical Education Act, National Medical Education Commission policy, government decision to close the health insurance program in private hospitals and medical colleges, hundreds of private nursing colleges and hospitals are in a situation of closure. Businessmen who have been supporting commerce in the country have been prosecuted and put in jail. The top industrialists of the country, who are employing tens of thousands of people, are being tried to drive them away by showing a case from 30-35 years ago.

On the one hand, the state constitutionally talks about bringing everything under its ownership, on the other hand, whatever the state has tried, it has completely failed. The general public is well aware of the condition of government schools, hospitals, banks, organizations and industries. Even if they have to work for daily wages, people want to educate their children in boarding school. If they have money, they want to go to a private hospital. There is a situation where one has to face many tortures and bribes to deposit and withdraw one's own money from the government bank. Almost all government-owned industries are loss-making. The total return of the government, which has invested more than 6 billion to run public institutions, is 1 percent. Corporations like Nepal Airlines Corporation are always running at a loss.

Unstable power and political unrest There is a tendency for

s to be done under the guise of politics and under the patronage of top leaders. School fees are paid – no need to pay if there is agitation or vandalism. They can escape even by vandalizing the hospital. Some industrialists work together with the party to loot the state's taxes, while the workers can strike and shut down the industry at any time. In such an environment, institutions related to education, health, employment, and public services cannot be established confidently and cannot deliver services. Investors do not feel safe and opportunities for job creation are disappearing.

No matter how good the plan is, if there is political and institutional corruption and impunity, it is difficult for the country to develop. Although Nepal is independent on paper, in reality every important political and economic decision, coalition formation and government change is influenced by external influences. There was no political leadership or party that could withstand it. Whoever makes a decision contrary to the instructions of an external power, his government collapses and another character is set up. Because of this, it was not necessary for investment and employment privileges in the central environmental 'government of the governor' government. This has only done the work of promoting broker capitalism. & Nbsp; What is the state of

country and the people of the people are not honestly concerned with it. There are many examples that have taken borrowers or other agreements for showing self-reliance with the external force center to reach power. The debt and agreement was clearly for the country or the people. The leadership lack commitment. Although some point initially, they may not be committed to the level until they reach various accusations until they reach power.

Nepal's power was never stabilized after the democracy came. After not, its policies and programs, strategies and plans were not stable. What a government is trying to do some months later, the government will be tired after the change. Even if an office head tries to settle the situation, then the other is done later. A government is found by the next government comes by the decision of the cabinet. In addition, the policy is also mentioned from what policy will come from government taps. Investment-friendly environment does not create or create employment.

- Raut is the national president of the People's Party.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० ०८:१७