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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

BP-The hot water of masculinity to literature

श्रावण ५, २०८१
BP-The hot water of masculinity to literature

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  • BP spoke the language of women's renaissance through the female characters of the narrative. However, masculinity limited it to the circle of 'sexual literature'.

BP has said somewhere that enough knowledge and skills are required to be a critic. The meaning of the statement is that there should be criticism with special knowledge, skills, creativity and ability to broaden the literature written with a broad consciousness. However, our reviewer has interpreted BP's literature as a whole with 'Freudian psychology' and 'social realism'.

BP has created female characters in literature with new voices and new issues. However, why was the literature explained only from other topics and angles without touching the topic and angle that the female character in BP's literature tried to raise? Most of those who criticize or ask about BP explained BP with the lens of masculinity. BP's literature was popularized as sex-literature. It was considered universal and the character shown by the female characters was overshadowed. No attempt was made to hear the voices of those characters. Masculinism considers itself powerful by not listening to women's voices and pretending not to.

Nepali society, which is considered to be diverse on the basis of caste, gender, and class, has different foundations of philosophy and ideals. BP has brought women from classes, castes and communities who are yet to be recognized by the society to the mainstream of literature by creating characters through narratives. Otherwise, when writing about social issues, female characters were portrayed as compassionate and sympathetic. Or Sahansheela or Devijasti or Mahan was made. It was a characteristic of masculinity not to allow women to stand as human beings on the ground of social reality.

When creating a character, BP has made the subject speak through the character himself, which is forbidden by social norms, but connected with the nature and nature of women. It is the religion of the writer to make the subject seen by the writer speak through the relevant character.

At the time when BP wrote literature, there was no awareness that rights should be raised on the basis of class, caste, gender and community as now. By carrying characters from the same society, but not recognized by the society, BP placed them in the core of literature. Bhoteni sister of Helambu, the character of "Writerbaje" story! 'Sumnima' novel character Sumnima and Puloma! Indramaya of the novel "Tin Ghumti"! 'Madhestir' character widow, 'Narendra Dai' novel's Munaria! Harimati, the character of the story "Baha"! Shwetbhairavi's character Faguni's Shwetbhairavi look! The character of the novel Modiain is Modiain! "Cornel's horse" character of the story Colonel! "Madhestir" character widow! These female characters stand out with strong voices and issues in his stories and novels. BP is of the view that through these characters, the concept of class and caste integration in the society is possible and integration should be done.

Rebellion and revolution are essential elements for social change. Revolutionaries and rebels should not have the nature to seek mercy, sympathy. BP has created female characters based on the principle that only those who can judge themselves can judge others. To break down the walls of society, a rebellious spirit is necessary and his character has a rebellious spirit. Change is not possible from a depressed person. Bound by our rules, laws and bonds make women the most oppressed. BP has created stories that free the character from physical sexual bondage.

is not only that, there are some social issues raised with the character who can break these barriers. For example, women should have rights over property, children should be recognized by their mothers, women should not have to wait for someone to become mothers according to their wishes, widows should also stay at home, get a respectable position even after marriage, mismatched marriages should not be done, sexual rights and desires belong not only to men but also to women. Women have the ability to read and retell scriptures, all men can keep women happy, it is not necessary. They may also remain unhappy. Roads should be built for them. A female character can treat her husband as a friend and address her as 'you'. There are issues of such topics in the literature of BP. The issue raised by BP in literature at that time has now started to be raised in politics. However, the lecturer ignored the voices of the female characters and called it only a 'psychological social realist narrative'. And ignored the meaning of these stories.

The burning issue of the moment is the legal identity of the mother. The 'Sumnima' character has taught Somdutt that 'mother's name should be said'. Somadattas bound by masculinity even today do not listen to mother's legal identity and mother's entire existence. BP's case was that 'children should be known by their mother's name', that is clear. Even today, the scissors of masculinity are cutting the legal identity of the child by the mother's name. This voice raised through Sumnima has not been heard as much as it should be heard by those who walk with the ideals and principles of BP. Those who should know have not. Even the dynastic rights of women mentioned in the constitution are not being respected.

There is a story that Bhoteni girl was happy when Bhoteni took Talachabi's hut from Writerbaje. When you read the story of 'Writer Baje', you will know that BP thought that women should have the right to property. Now Nepali society has moved forward by recognizing women's right to property.

'Ek Raat', the rebellious character of the story, Kishore, teaches his wife. Kishore's sister has studied. Not getting the idea of ​​compulsory education for daughters, BP raised the issue of education saying that 'women's education is compulsory whether they are single or married'.

At a time when the adage 'Khutta ho zootka kati kati' has a respectable place in the society, Munaria Narendra from BP's 'Narendra Dai' novel is happy to be identified as 'Shrimati Ho'. They are happy if marriage gives a respectable position to a woman. He raised the issue that respectable existence in the society should be equal for everyone.

Even now the government is avoiding single social allowance for widows. The state does not understand that marriage and alimony are separate matters. With the intention of settling down and having children, the widow in the story of 'Towards Madhes' left the mountains and came down to Madhes. Meanwhile, the boy she was trying to marry runs away after stealing all her money and jewelry. The concept of widow-marriage has been raised by BP in that story. Just like the marriage of a girl child with a widower, the campaign for the marriage of a girl child with a widow should/should have been carried out. However, the state is distributing a single allowance to encourage marriages with widows. In this sense, the idea of ​​BP is stronger than the entire system established by democracy!

is a political subject that is raised in small ways in literature. BP planted the seeds of social renaissance through literature. He considered the equal existence of men and women to be an advanced society. BP has raised his voice on widow marriage, mother's existence, right to property, right to education, inter-caste issues, right to be a mother. A

person should not run away from the society in which he lived, but should improve the society by staying within the same society. Society is guided by ideals and philosophy. Literary commentators explain the same philosophy from different perspectives and angles. The psychology of the society is built on the basis of that interpretation. Based on that psychology, we survive.

Another masculinist notion has been established that 'BP did not allow politics to enter literature'. In that sense, Lapche is used till today. Is literature far from politics? These issues raised above are not political issues? In particular, there were and are political issues in BP's literature. Even if BP's personality and his socialist views were explained only in terms of vision, what issues he raised would have been explained, but this was not done. Even the BP Path-Gamis do not seem to fully understand his meaning. It was tried to explain to the reader that the emperor is also naked in literature. Critics and readers feel ashamed after reading Samrat depicted naked like that. They fear that the society will collapse, and sometimes they cover it up, sometimes they dress it up when criticizing, make it beautiful and protect the society.

literature needs criticism to fill it with contemporary life. Criticism has a role to make clear to the society. Criticism helps to build perception by interpreting contemporary literature in different ways and provides an easy way to understand literature. How was BP's literature criticized and how was opinion formed? Is the angle of criticism made by today's contemporary commentator sufficient to address the issues raised by BP? That new ideas should be sought now?

I claim that BP's literature has been interpreted only from the point of view of masculinity. What does masculinity do? Masculinity always tries to prove its superiority by placing itself at the center. If masculinity has something that the other does not have, it either tries to take it away and take it away, or it tries to insult it. Masculinity always builds language in its favor and unwittingly gathers proof that 'I was right, I am supreme'.

Masculinism has established philosophy and ideals in society. If there is even a slight movement in that ideal and philosophy, the writers, critics, society, and the contractors who preserve culture, cry and cry, saying, "It's broken, it's gone, it's over." In particular, that scream and fear is the real voice of masculinity. Literature should always be understood objectively in the context of the current issues in contemporary society. The importance of the existence of female characters in BP written on the foundation of Eastern philosophy is special. Eastern philosophy also accepts only one perfect mother. Like – Kunti, Satyavati. As modern avatars of those ideal female characters like Kunti, Satyavati, BP created female characters like Sumnima, Indramaya, Puloma, Widhu. Those characters are not just standing there, they are the characters standing to voice women's voices. Today we are fighting for the legal recognition of the mother, who BP has already spoken about.

BP spoke the language of women's renaissance through the female characters of the narrative. The thought of woman-nature and women's social issues were intensively presented in literature. Indramaya has informed the society about the existence of women, the desire to be a mother, women and sexuality. However, masculinity called it sex-literature and smothered the voice of women.

BP was a man full of visionary consciousness. However, those who interpreted him called him a great man. Who is called a great man? The dictionary explains that a person with supernatural qualities and divine qualities is called a great man. Was BP really like that? He seems to be a victim of masculinity here as well. Masculinity has the character of turning the mundane into the supernatural. It seems that Abhay was visionary, idealistic, standing on theoretical ground. However, the topic of being supernatural should be redefined. Why should it be redefined, only if it is explained as it is, its ideals, principles, and essence of literature will be understood.

The reason for not being able to understand BP's literature and his theory correctly is because of the masculinity of masculinity, it should be torn. If we start to understand that he was a creative and sincere person who understood philosophy and theory rather than a great man, then we can understand, write and speak about BP and his creations in a fair manner.

Why didn't the characters born by BP come to Nepali literature in a continuous manner? Instead, why was his character covered up and called a psychologist? It seems that even Nepali women writers are not able to write like that. There was no need for male writers to write. BP has said that opponents should be defeated on the basis of principles. The same issue applies to literature.

There are women in every home, he said that the state and the principles of the society have done injustice to those women. From where the injustice started, injustice was done by binding the female body, which psychology is not 'Freudian' psychology, it is male-psychology, which wants to become powerful by always subjugating the female body. Every character in BP is against that psychology.

Critics have called BP's writing as 'literature written on social reality'. What is social reality? Social reality is only a criticism made on the foundation of male-psychology? BP, who considers literature as a symbol of civilization, connected the meaning of saying 'I am an anarchist in literature' only with sex-psychology. It became known that BP wrote openly about sex being a taboo subject. Sex is a political issue in society. There is a great deal of political discrimination between men and women. When it comes to sex, women are completely bound by religious and legal restrictions. A bound person has no rights. The right is in the hands of the binder. Binding is harmless. Sometimes they not know that 'I am bound.' & Nbsp; BP against BP in

society BP has raised the narrator and the vary of the novel and the novel of the novel. Society has stood in the belief that the "body of a woman should be controlled. ' But, BP has given the sound of 'the official of your body' in the voice of a woman's voice. Perhaps this is why he says herself anarchist. & Nbsp;

a woman raises her, the merchants of the miracles are abundantly when speaking. Since BP can be filled with foresight, he called himself anarchy. & Nbsp;

'literature was naked naked,' I was able to write a man in a person. However, the man was done in the explaining it. & Nbsp;

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ५, २०८१ ०९:२७