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Politics still close to power, far from people

फाल्गुन १८, २०८०
Politics still close to power, far from people

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  • In the meeting of Congress and Maoists, the issue of people's livelihood and government instability were not given priority, the main opposition UML also accused of bargaining with the government.

Due to not being able to get the amount of about 7 billion for the past four months, the milk producing farmers all over the country are in trouble. The victims of meter-bagging and microfinance are protesting on the streets of the capital. Economic stagnation, migration of youth abroad is worrying.

The death rate of Nepalis is increasing in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Questions have started to arise from the house and the streets about the federal structure itself. The Chief Ministers are accused of not being able to work because the union did not give them the right. However, these issues of people's livelihood could not be prioritized in the recently concluded meeting of major parties.

In the general committee meeting of the Congress held last Thursday, the issue of whether to form an alliance in the upcoming elections overshadowed the general issue of the citizens. The issues of public livelihood and government corruption were not prioritized. The legislative session of the Maoists that lasted from February 1st to 3rd also focused on internal organizational management and leadership development. The Maoists led by the government could not show sympathy for the issues that are being raised in the streets and in the House in the forum of their party.

Maoist leader Narayankaji Shrestha, who is also the government's deputy prime minister and home minister, admits that other questions did not arise because the conference was focused on the issue of legislation. We have raised issues of public interest from the government and the party. We have already decided to run a special campaign in the East-West and North-South in a few days. As the party that led the government, we are serious about the daily concerns raised by the people," he said.

Congress is not only the main component of power, but also the largest party in Parliament. All the issues of the society did not come to the surface in the General Committee of the Congress, which has a role to take more responsibility than others. There was a demand that the Congress should take a concrete decision in favor of good governance and against corruption to instill some hope in the citizens. Activists have been complaining on the streets saying that the General Committee has not become dynamic in that direction as well. General Minister Gagan Thapa and another General Minister Bishwa Prakash Sharma's important proposal that the same person cannot be President once, Prime Minister twice, Minister three times and Member of Parliament more than four times has been passed by the General Committee. However, it has not been finalised. As it is said that the suggestions raised by the General Committee will be finalized, the central working committee meeting that will be held now is curious about what policy will be taken in this regard.

'But we needed important policies and behavior in the direction of the problem of meter-bagging and microfinance victims, government delivery, co-operative fraud, economic relaxation, increasing the morale of industrialists, increasing employment and preventing the migration of Nepali youth abroad and reducing corruption. One of the officials of the party said, "The message has been sent that the Congress has done nothing for the common people's livelihood by increasing the importance of their compatibility for power and strength." Which is unfortunate.'

The main opposition UML is also depressed on the issue of public livelihood. The main opposition UML, which is supposed to hold the government accountable, is sometimes accused of bargaining with the government. The full meeting of UML Central Committee held from February 8th to 10th took something important in the matter of good governance and people's livelihood. However, some leaders of their own party express their dissatisfaction in closed rooms saying that there are contradictions in the policies and behavior taken by the leadership. They say that the opposition side of UML has weakened due to the leadership's silence in dealing with power and big scandals of corruption.

Dhan Bahadur Chhetri, professor of political science at Prithvi Narayan Campus in Pokhara, says that now the life of political parties in the country is dead and the parties are running according to the personal interests of one person, so there is no place to hope for more. He believes that not only the Congress, but also the UML and the Maoist Center are run by the influence of individuals. UML and Maoists became communist parties. Democratic centralism is the philosophy of communists.

Therefore, it is not new that the Communist Party is run by one person,' he said, 'but such a trend is continuing in the Congress.' However, the second level leaders say that the entire state power of the country is run by a 'syndicate' of three leaders of three parties. Congress president Sher Bahadur Deuba, who is around 80 years old, is on the role of Prime Minister for the sixth time.

On the other hand, the 70-year-old Maoist chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who is leading the government for a two-year term, is said to be debating whether he will step down from power after one year as per the agreement or remain in the leadership of the government. There have been accusations that the main opposition UML President Oli, who has reached the age of 72, is constantly trying to destroy the ruling coalition. All these three leaders are vying to come to power before 084. Deuba has to take power by fooling Dahal and Oli by breaking the alliance. "The common interest of all three people is power," said an official of the UML, "we are also accused of bargaining on the issues of society and common people's livelihood by engaging in power transactions." If we don't refute this accusation in practice, our situation will not look good.'

However, UML chief whip Padam Giri claims that these allegations are not true. He said that UML is the party that raises the most questions and voices in favor of good governance and people's livelihood. He has not ignored the problems of meter-busting, microfinance and farmers. UML is raising most of these issues in the Parliament,' says Giri, 'but since the Prime Minister calls a meeting for a discussion and the secretariat gives another message, it is trying to make some perception of the UML negative.'

Congress General Minister Thapa has been continuously challenging Chairman Deuba in favor of party transformation and social issues. However, he does not have a decisive position in the party structure. Which has made it easy for Deuba to raise his policy. Dahal in Maoist and Thapa in UML are not as strong a challenger as Oli. They are in a comfortable position in their party. According to another Congress leader, there is pressure to change the ministers who are stained and unable to work within the party.

Prime Minister Dahal is insisting on reshuffle in the cabinet. Congress president Deuba is not accepting that. He is afraid that when the minister is changed within the party, the arithmetic of the parliamentary party will go down. Deuba is silent even when the issue of the resignation of incumbent Health Minister Mohan Bahadur Basnet, accused in the Teramox case, is raised. The United Samajwadi Party has come to the rescue of Physical Infrastructure and Transport Minister Prakash Jwala, who was found guilty by the Commission's report in the Bal Kumari incident. The issue of tourism minister Sudan Kirati's manipulation to lease the Ramgram Stupa of Lumbini to a private company has raised voices from parliament and the streets demanding his resignation. However, the Prime Minister is undecided about Kirati, who is a minister from Maoist. According to

analyst Tulanarayan Sah, in the new political environment after the popular movement of 062/063, there were three main agendas of the country, to conclude the peace process, to build a constitution and to exercise power. The constitution was promulgated on October 3, 1972. The main issue in the peace process was also resolved. Some subjects are left. That too has become the priority of the Maoists only. Shah says that after the 2074 election, the main agenda of the political parties could not be other than power. "The issues of common people, farmers and students have not been prioritized since the main leaders have concentrated power," says Shah, adding, "The opposition, which is supposed to bring the power on track, is not showing sincerity." The alternative party is also seen as having no issue.'

Congress Co-General Minister Jeevan Pariyar admits that the main focus of the Congress was not on social issues when the meeting of the General Committee was overshadowed by political issues. "Economic matters are now relaxed. If we look at social issues, there is extreme dissatisfaction with the parties. Not only Congress, other parties are also unable to raise social issues. In that, the activity may have decreased at our level as well,'' he says. Professor Chhetri says that only if three leaders can be given a choice in the 1984 election, hope will rise among the common people. Otherwise, nothing will happen, until this happens, the party is just like a box asking for votes. There is no such thing as living and life. He made a great contribution to change the system in the past. However, his ruling style was feudal like that of the Rana period. Those who have problems remain there. Slogans and behavior changed. At least I do not expect that there will be a change from the leader of this age.'

The chief whip of the UML parliamentary party, Giri, argues that the UML is trying to destroy the alliance because it is worried that the current alliance will not only pile up all the chaos but will end the state system. While saying that government change is necessary, UML is not oblivious to the issues of good governance, social issues and citizens. Keeping this in the center, we are raising our voice," he said.

'If the current leadership does not give a solution, it will increase itself'

Hari Sharma, analyst

There is a common understanding that leaders are more focused on obtaining power and how to stay in power than on the needs and issues of the society. How do you feel?

is for the leader-turned-power. The current leadership of the main political parties has somehow reached the highest position. People have already accounted for what they have done so far. There is an understanding among common citizens that politics only revolves around selfish individuals. No one is able to question that what difference does it make when the same person is prime minister seven times/eight times? If someone questions the reason for their lack of government capacity, it is said that the system itself has been attacked. At present, the leadership coming from the ruling coalition or other major parties does not seem to inspire any hope. They will only bring the Nepalese society further down.

The interests of the leadership have been met, but there is no sensitivity towards the citizens' issues within the party?

The leadership of the party is focused on maintaining its supremacy and prolonging the power by distributing it within the party and among themselves. In spite of this, why is the challenge not coming, somehow they are seeing a place to 'adjust' in the current government structure and structure. It is thought that all the resources of the state should be used together. This is not the idea of ​​developing the country. When discussing the desires, aspirations and capabilities of the current leadership and political people, it is not necessary to talk about the democratic system itself. Parties have plenty of room for improvement. Unfortunately, social movements in Nepal are weak, but there is not enough pressure on them to improve.

When the social movement is weak, the issues of workers, women and different classes of communities have become weak. It is customary for anyone to ask questions at party conferences and get nothing, to be easily dismissed as this faction or that faction. This shows that leaving politics and democracy in the hands of politicians has not cost the people. Therefore, we should also think about how new people enter politics.

How will a new leadership replace the current leadership?

New people have arrived but their roles are not encouraging. They also seem to revolve around political upheaval and power struggle. It does not seem to be able to speak about the change of time. However, the work of reforming politics should start from the political party itself. People who fight and rise should be seen, even if they are sick and tired. There is a need for leadership to rise above greedy politics and start reforming the party. Let's look at the example of India. Rahul Gandhi is being attacked like that. Rahul will not win the elections due to BJP's dominance in the state machinery, whether he can radically change politics or not is in place. However, options have been given. They are running a campaign to connect India with the people and justice. It has become necessary for us too.

Due to the government's incompetence, questions are being raised about the system itself? If there is a

danger, it is from the current leadership. If democracy cannot provide public services and facilities for the people, it is natural to ask why the state is needed. Why do we need the state, when I turn 18 I get to vote, I get a license, after I reach a certain age I get social security, I get health care. I get to do business for livelihood and livelihood. I also get to speak and question the government. I need democracy to say that I will not be blocked when I ask questions, and that I will not be hindered when doing business. However, these things are gradually declining. However, saying that does not mean that this system is not right. In the

option, be aware that the next order may be more difficult and scary. The beauty of democracy is that it is self-correcting. The important aspect for that is that periodic elections should be held on time. The leadership of the party had to change. Democracy never lives in despair, it lives in hope. Unfortunately, the current leadership has not been able to instill hope in the people. We can't get anywhere by commenting that no matter who comes, there is nothing when a new person comes.

Nobody is going to come from space to fix the broken. As the society is, so is the leadership. Therefore, there must be an alternative to the leadership and it is necessary to bring a new leadership. So far these leaders have never told me I made a mistake. This leadership has closed all exits. However, if they do not give an immediate solution, they will increase themselves, and others will also suffer.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १८, २०८० ०८:२३