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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Energy Minister Khadka's first decision to form a working group to make a long-term action plan

Energy Minister Khadka's first decision to form a working group to make a long-term action plan

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The Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Deepak Khadka has decided to form a working group to make a long-term action plan for the energy, water resources and irrigation sector. Khadka, taking charge of the energy minister on Monday, said that he would create a comfortable environment for the implementation of long-term policies in the energy, water resources and irrigation sectors.

Spokesperson of the ministry Navinraj Singh said that a task force has been formed to prepare a current and long-term action plan for good governance and development in the energy, water resources and irrigation sector and submit a report within 15 days.

Spokesman Singh said that a 9-member working group has been formed with the heads of ministries and agencies under the ministry under the coordination of Madhu Prasad Vetuwal, joint secretary of the ministry.

In the government led by Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, Khadka got the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation. He is also the founder chairman of Manchiyam Hydropower Limited and Langtang Bhotekoshi Hydropower Company. The 4.72 MW Menchiyam hydropower project and the under-construction Rasuwa-Bhotekosi hydropower project with 120 MW capacity are promoted by these two companies. Khadka is also an advisor to the Independent Power Producers Association (IPPAN).

Lately, he was trying to make a policy favorable to the founding shareholders of the hydropower project. He had been putting pressure on the parliamentary committee, regulatory bodies, etc., to make a founder shareholder adaptation policy, citing the damage caused to hydropower projects by last year's floods in Koshi province.

MP Khadka is seen as the leader of the group pushing for the sale of founder shares in the flood-affected hydropower project. Apart from hydropower projects, he also has investments in Hotel Forest Inn, Makalu Varun Agro Concern and Sankhuwasabha Modern Agriculture Company.

Khadka's wife Vinita Thapa is also leading various tourism related businesses. Khadka was previously the Minister of Water Supply and Sanitation in the government led by Sher Bahadur Deuba in 2073.

प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ १७:१५