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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Monetary policy comes to solve the problem: Finance Minister Paudel

Monetary policy comes to solve the problem: Finance Minister Paudel

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Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Bishnu Paudel has expressed his belief that the National Bank will bring a monetary policy to solve the problems of the monetary sector. Taking charge of the Ministry of Finance along with the Deputy Prime Minister on Monday, Finance Minister Paudel said that the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank will work together as they will work for a good purpose.

He also mentioned that Governor Mahaprasad Adhikari and his colleagues will be in tune because they will do good work. He said that the preparation of monetary policy will give a positive message to the market through good coordination between the Finance Minister and the Governor.

'The media says that there will be tuning with Rashtra Bank, that is right . We get good tuning, we get good work. We believe that the monetary policy will help the financial policy," he said, "As soon as there is good coordination between the finance minister and the governor, a positive message will be sent to the market. If we move forward together, morale will also increase in the market.'

He expressed that he was never interested in personnel changes in the Ministry of Finance. He believes that the slowdown in the economy will decrease. He says that his tenure will be focused on the work of breaking the despair and instilling hope in the public and private sectors. He said that the responsibility of the Ministry of Finance was interpreted as a very challenging responsibility.

'The Ministry of Finance is never interested in personnel changes, there are tendencies to brand employees as members of different political parties and they cannot work together, and employees also prefer to do so,' he said, 'There is no faith in branding . I believe in the results of the work .'

प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ १७:५०