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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

The sister who suffocated in the fire died during treatment

श्रावण ८, २०८१

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A sister who was suffocated by smoke died during treatment in Patarasi Rural Municipality of Jumla. 22-year-old Mayalakshmi Mahatara and her 19-year-old sister Junmaya Rokaya, who were 11 days pregnant, died. They were living in Kalekholi of Chandandananath Municipality.

Mayalakshmi, who was 11 days after delivery, died on Monday during treatment at the hospital. His sister Junmaya died on Tuesday morning, according to the District Police Office Jumla.

Sisters who fell ill due to smoke suffocation have died during treatment . They are suffocated in the smoke of the coals of the fire that was lit for childbirth. Even an 11-day-old baby is sick due to suffocation. DSP Chedilal Kamti informed that the child is being treated in the hospital's ICU.

to all three He was taken to Karnali Health Sciences Academy Teaching Hospital Jumla for treatment on Monday morning. 'They are staying in a two-storey house . It was found that because she was pregnant, she lit a fire to heat fenugreek in oil,'' he said. '

When the police reached the scene, they lit a fire to warm the mother-in-law and found that the effect of smoke was still present at the scene, says DSP Kamti. After he did not wake up late on Monday morning, his relatives broke the door . They were found suffocated .

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ८, २०८१ ११:११