कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Landslide blocked Karnali highway

असार ३१, २०८१
Landslide blocked Karnali highway

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The Karnali highway was blocked due to the landslides that came along with the incessant rains, so vehicles could not move. DSP Arjun KC, Chief of District Police Office, Kalikot informed that landslides occurred in Takulla, Birtamod, Hulm and Gagnekhola on Karnali Highway due to rain on Sunday night.

As soon as the landslide is known, dozers and excavators have been mobilized to remove the landslide, DSP KC said, "If it doesn't rain, the highway can be opened in two to four hours. If there is rain, the landslide may not be opened.

District Police Office Kalikot has informed that people should be aware of the road while traveling as there have been landslides in different parts of the highway.

The vehicles coming from Surkhet Nepalgunj to Kalikot, Jumla and Mugu and those going from Jumla, Kalikot to Surkhet and Nepalgunj have been stopped since morning. It is becoming difficult to move away due to the landslides. According to the Road Division Office, Jumla, the road has been blocked due to the fall of large stones and rocks in Gagnekhola, Esmode, Birtamode, Jhamla Mode, Molfa and other places of Calikot section.

All the equipment and human power in the Division Road Office have been deployed to open the road. Earlier also, vehicles were stopped for almost four days due to landslides on the road. Passengers have demanded that the road should be opened for traffic immediately. Travelers have said that the risk has also increased greatly as landslides will occur on the narrow roads.

प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ १०:५३