कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९७

"Cruel slaughterhouse" of knowledge!

भाद्र १०, २०८१

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  • Even if we look at the Trivi, which has been considered as the 'temple of knowledge' till today, it seems that it is no longer the temple of knowledge as it used to be. He has become such a slaughterhouse, where the dreams of thousands of students are slaughtered every year!

Academic institutions or academic research institutions (think tanks) are the ones who produce the necessary 'governance knowledge' to make public service 'delivery' acceptable, fair, inclusive and accessible while maintaining the ooze of democratic government beauty.

If government practice is to be strategic, result-oriented and practical, one should not dare to underestimate the role of such organizations in decision-making. In Nepal's government political practice, what should have been done was done.

, that is, the role of academic institutions (facts and data) was not considered necessary. As a result, the overall governance practice became a victim of the "wonderful wisdom and divine knowledge" of the "all-knowing and insightful leader", whose effect has been weakened and transformed into a "flying" political system. Speaking at the 'University Assembly Meeting' (Senate) of Tribhuvan University recently, Education Minister Vidya Bhattarai, who is also the Vice-Chancellor of Tribhuvan University, also remarked that 'government research institutes are not working as expected'. However, she did not open her mouth when asked why she could not work as expected. Perhaps the 'magical political practice' that our political circle has been doing until today is the 'mouthful answer' to that question?

author James Magon argues in 'The Fifth State' (2016), 'The fifth part of the state is today's 'think tank'. If the state does not listen to its fifth limb, it is understood that the state is straying from the basic principles of the art of governance. Leaving this context aside for a moment, let's take a look at the global past. With the height of the Second World War, a 'think tank' was established to produce solid expertise in development matters by centralizing reconstruction.

Western countries are succeeding on the strength of the knowledge produced by them, the admirable result of which is evident in today's world order. Like today's global political grip and governmental influence of the glorious America, which goes to the "think tanks" there. Henry Kissinger, a well-known diplomat-strategist and scholar who passed away recently, and his academic institution played a significant role in bringing the world order after the Second World War into a rhythm. Foreign policy and geopolitical-strategic 'knowledge' produced by Kissinger-affiliated organizations in US national security affairs has proven to be strategic in the world political system.

Gyanshala for not knowing

At the northern end of the university campus, there is an institution assigned with the responsibility of research and knowledge production, Center for Economic Development and Administration (SEDA). As one enters the main gate of the Seda building, one sees in the courtyard straight ahead, a small bus numbered BA1K 2572, which has been there for years. Seats are half-upturned, bent. Tires that have sunk to the ground are all punctures! It seems that this small bus is the representative state of our academic institutions that produce knowledge. When entering the building, the name of an executive director, Prada, is hanging on the nameplate outside the door. Anyone who sees it may feel that the nameplate must have been very strong to carry the burden of the name! There are many 'bad luck' names of many such academic institutions, they are forced to hang on the wall for years carrying the burden of someone's name.

After the bird settles down, it follows the minimum conditions of nature. That is, eggs are laid, chicks are hatched! In the Nepali context, where the main government priority is 'derailed' due to the lack of government knowledge, it seems like this when we see the 'government intellectual institutions that have received tenders' for knowledge production, all of them are sitting on the other side! It has been a long time since they settled down, but they are not obliged to follow any conditions!

If we look at the global context, for the past few decades, the executive of every country has been searching for the role of 'think tanks' in the overall government management in one way or another. The scenario of Nepal looks different. The country is thirsty for government knowledge, but no "power hero" has shown any interest in the undertaking to quench this thirst. In other words, government activity in the production and management of government knowledge, which is considered a necessary condition for building the foundation of strategic management and prosperity of the country, is equal to zero.

intellectual organization in character

Nepal is a country run by whims and arrogance rather than the knowledge of the government. (What can we say about what is going on! It is a broken country, which needs 'full servicing'.) Did Trivi ever teach us to question? Rather rote answer. To show the proof that the university has made the students knowledgeable, they handed the character certificate of 'academic quality' in their hands, but they did not teach the basic knowledge to build a competitive and strong character in the global knowledge market. There has not been an intense and serious debate about what kind of person should be the leader of an intellectual institution like the University. Instead, sometimes the responsibilities of the university are handed over to "accused of intellectual dishonesty" and "incompetent party farmers". The general interest is that, at least, if the practice of its Chancellor being the Prime Minister ends, the tradition of 'Political Dham Pujan' done by the Tri-University could end!

Modern management scholar Peter Drucker argues, "Bad rulers corrupt established facts and knowledge so that people believe their own narratives." And, so that people can be easily reined in. Perhaps this is exactly what is happening in Nepal. The past also shows the same - control over the production method and source of knowledge. And, the knowledge produced in a planned way is not used in the government system. So, Trivika does not have any of his hands! There are no wings that Swachchandv can spread for himself! Trivi always had to remain in the 'sphere of influence' of Baluwatar and Singha Durbar. And if knowledge institutes stop producing knowledge or promoting expertise and do not engage in the activities of wooing people or power centers of political parties, then 'charity' will cease to exist!

'Think' without 'Tank'

It seems that the government 'think tank' has failed in its transparent performance due to the unwillingness of the political actors in the government practice here. The state did not want to use those 'think tanks' for policy intervention and research matters. Instead, he was turned into a tool by those in power to provide jobs to the so-called intellectuals in their pockets. In essence, the overall intellectual practice was 'used' by the leader for personal and party interests at the expense of the country's interests. Some leaders of political parties felt that the role of 'think tank' was not in line with the party's interest and there was a practice of political interference on such organizations. That may be why, here, the government "think tank" has not become a reliable government partner of the government itself.

With the changing strategic-political interests of the world, the country's governing style, political philosophy and diplomatic priorities have also changed. In such a situation, geopolitical complexity management will also remain as the main challenge. In order to restructure the country from a different perspective in a different government system, it is inevitable that the government should be proactive in economic policy, regional security, international relations, internal affairs management, promotion of external interests, economic diplomacy, etc. A 'policy research institution' that creates knowledge in the global modern context should help unconditionally in the management of national interests and interests by forming a strategic partnership with the executive mechanism. However, when you see the official 'think tanks' of Nepal, it seems that they are just empty 'tanks', where you can collect a lot of arrogance and inaction!

Yale University professor and author Peter H. Suk has a book - "Why Government Fails So Off: And How It Can Do Better". There is a sad comment in that, 'Knowledge-malnourished rulers do not realize how hungry their country is for knowledge. In his view, he sees the knowledge center as a slaughterhouse!' Even though the government in Nepal was led by a brain who was 'malnourished with knowledge'! That's why no public Gyanshala in Nepal could become a real Gyanshala, instead they became a slaughterhouse of knowledge! Who killed more knowledge than producing knowledge!

The epic story of 'Think Tank' is taking place! Apart from that, even if we look at the 'Mau Sanstha', which has been regarded as the 'Temple of Knowledge' till today, it seems that it is no longer the 'Temple of Knowledge' it used to be! He has become such a slaughterhouse, where the dreams of thousands of students are slaughtered every year! Where more than the knowledge of "Politics" is produced! So much 'Bitulo' that those who eat 'Bali' either have 'indigestion of knowledge' or 'malnutrition of knowledge'! Which is the biggest and most direct 'side effect' of malnutrition in the government politics of the country. For its diagnosis, whether to look at a good "Jhankri" or to perform a medical surgery, the final decision rests with Singh Darbar!

प्रकाशित : भाद्र १०, २०८१ ०८:२४