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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८२

Employment or foreign employment?

फाल्गुन ३०, २०८०
Employment or foreign employment?

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  • There is not only despair in labor and employment. New dimensions are being seen in employment within the country. Opportunities such as Pathao, Foodmandu, Auto Rickshaw, online goods delivery etc. have increased. The subsidy given by the local level has given an opportunity to do business in the village.

Now four people are painting my house every day. I thought they were brothers from Madhesh province, but they all came from India. We do not look at citizenship while awarding such jobs (contracts). I asked the contractor while writing this article. He said that many youths from Bengal, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh are getting employment in Nepal.

There are definitely Indian workers in Nepal's internal labor market, so we have established ourselves as a country that provides employment. But how long will we lose the roadmap of what kind of workers or technicians from which country? There has been an initiative to test the skills of Nepalis who have returned from abroad and provide employment within the country, but it has not been implemented. The government does not have a plan for how many lakhs of people come to our labor market every year, how much domestic consumption can be done, and what kind of jobs foreign workers will be employed. In Nepal, the comment is to promote internal employment, but it has not been done.

How many people know that the minimum wage for workers in Nepal is 17,300? I have heard that even some policy makers and MPs do not know this. There is no environment to think about what is the employment situation, where are the places to get employment, what are the areas of employment, who gives information about it, and what kind of job can one get. Moreover, there is a tendency to not consider small or large jobs because of our values ​​about employment. That is why those who are studying 6th to 10th grade in Nepal go for foreign employment. When the field of employment and opportunities are unclear, the youth tend to follow the trend of what they see in front of them. Nowadays, students think that they will fail after reaching the 5th or 6th grade, so that if they fail, it is also heard that their parents will be forced to sell the land or take a loan and send them abroad.

In Nepal, the price is increasing in such a way that even if there is a job, it will not be enough to eat and live. In such a situation, agents who send abroad go to homes and facilitate foreign employment, and the youth are bound to go to foreign employment. It is estimated that 400,000 young people enter the labor market every year, but last year, 771,327 young people went abroad, breaking all records. Although the leaders and policy makers are not positive towards foreign employment, they are humbled by the contribution of remittances to the GDP. However, there is very little integrated effort of the government regarding what has gone well with foreign employment and what needs to be improved. There is a big gap in the coordination of ministries.

Agents were banned by the government in 2019 but now they are more and more scamming the youth openly saying they will send them here/there. Ironically, the youth trust agents more than the government. So how to make them aware is another big challenge. Working in a different style requires an agile mechanism. On the other hand, the informed are also at risk of exercising their right to self-determination. Our youth went to the Russian army and died and 244 families who were stranded have applied for rescue. There is very little awareness among the youth that even if they decide for themselves, they need the government to rescue them. In terms of risks, according to Seslam's study, 20 percent of men died of natural causes and 15 percent of cardiac causes, while 26 percent of women died of suicide and 15 percent of natural causes. Instead of researching such incidents and making strategies, the government is worried that those employer countries will stop taking Nepalis.

There is only one dedicated government agency to look after internal employment and foreign employment - the Ministry of Labor and Employment. There is a huge opportunity as these two sectors are interdependent, but it must be strategically balanced. Commentaries on employment policies are very old, there is no theoretical difference when reading them, policy comments should also be attractive to go to middle income countries. How many jobs could be created by the authority of the local level in federalism? Can municipalities be self-sufficient in the technology they need? It should be evaluated. The constitution has laid down guidelines for special provisions in employment for women. How many used it? If federalism only sees Nepalis employed abroad, how meaningful this structure is, a review is necessary.

The government has recently appointed an employment coordinator in each municipality. That structure should take responsibility for all types of employment outside of the Prime Minister's Employment Program. Maybe it's just a coincidence, when I asked the employment coordinator in a rural municipality what the minimum wage is, I got the answer, "No, I don't know that." How can services be provided effectively to the youth when the people who are supposed to be informed are uninformed or with incomplete information? And how can the youth believe in such mechanisms. People can benefit if development partners and government invest in job information flow.

In Nepal, the highest involvement in agricultural occupation is in fish farming at 57.3 percent. There are more women than men. 12.5 percent are involved in wholesale and retail trade, motor vehicle and motorcycle repair, 8.1 percent in construction, 3.9 percent in other services and 3.8 percent in industrial production. The population of Nepal who has not done any economic work for more than 10 years is 89 lakh 75 thousand 558, of which 46.8 percent are students. 22 percent are involved in home business while 7.5 percent are in family care as mentioned in National Census 2078.

I saw a 13-year-old girl working 'part time' for 2 hours a week in Ekta Australia. In our country, it would be called child abuse. I asked his parents why I made the child work. She said that she used to make him work for two hours so that he would be self-sufficient for pocket money, to inculcate the habit of working, to understand the importance of money. She said that it is not illegal to do so much. I was confused about this.

Women's participation in agriculture and service sector has increased. However, there is a huge gap in the employment status of women. Eighty-four percent of women are in the informal sector, in household work and care. Only 26 percent of women have the opportunity to earn money. There is also a 30 percent gender gap in wages. The number of women in teaching, nursing, civil sector has increased more than before. In the context that seven lakh Nepalis are migrating for foreign employment every year, they must have done some work in the family. Unfortunately, more responsibility for that work has fallen on the shoulders of women. According to a 2023 study by the National Planning Commission, ILO, UN Women and IIDS, women work four times more than men in South Asia and six times more in Nepal. Currently, there is a government study that women work for 12 hours, the goal is to reduce it to 6 hours in the Sustainable Development Goals. Addressing this paradoxical situation is a challenge. Nepal aims to calculate this work by conducting a 'time use' survey in 2025. It is necessary to include this topic in the upcoming budget.

Three months ago, I trained officials of Simikot Rural Municipality in Humla. In the survey conducted by the rural municipality, it was seen that 90 percent of the farmers are women. Humla is the only district that is not connected to the national road, but the local level is exporting 70 tons of phapar, millet, chinu, and kaguno through an agreement with the Food Institute in Kathmandu. However, what the local people's representatives found out is that 90 percent of women are farmers. On the other hand, the government has said that 70 percent of women are in agriculture across the country. The National Agricultural Census of 2078 showed that 32 percent of women farmers are in Nepal. Migration of men for foreign employment has put more responsibility on women. If any agriculture is done in four annas in the mountains and hills and eight dhurs in the plains, then the farmers will be included in the calculation criteria. In Nepal, only 9.7 percent of families have passed the land (including agricultural or non-agricultural) in the name of women.

Meena Acharya and others started advocating that women should own real estate from the 2058 census. That first count showed that about 11 percent of women owned houses and flats. As a result, the government started subsidizing the registration fee when the property was transferred to women. It increased by almost 10 percent in the 068 census but only reached 4 percent in the 078 census. Why the trend of 10 percent dropped to 4 percent after federalism is a serious issue. Where did we focus development after federalism? We have always focused only on building local level buildings, digging roads, and physical infrastructure. This data shows that we have not paid attention to human resources, economic, social development and justice.

We have to invest enough to make agriculture attractive. Being respected as a doctor and being a farmer reduces the scope of thinking. While great agricultural revolutions have developed. There is also a generation that wants to do modern and scientific agriculture. If women's ownership of land is not increased, they would be deprived of getting agricultural loans and grants. The opportunity to become self-employed by doing agricultural work was hindered. In such a situation, whoever started dreaming of abroad. The dream began to show through neighbors, courses, and social media. The youth generation has been oppressed by the state's service delivery system. It has forced me to make a mindset that I will go abroad rather than face many problems to get a service.

Political parties and municipalities do not consider youth as capital. There are also those who have learned skills from abroad and started agriculture in Nepal and then return again. What did we do to keep them here? The Nepal Policy Institute studied eight countries including six Gulf countries, Malaysia and India during the Corona epidemic. 80 percent of the workers said they would return to Nepal. They wanted to return to their country and start employment, self-employment. Two percent of them said that they have an idea of ​​what to do when they return to their country. 28 percent had little information about 'where, who to contact, how to get loans and support'. 70 percent did not even know who facilitates them to join employment or start a business in their country. But the workers who went to India expressed their desire to return after finding employment in Nepal. When I met on a personal level, some of them said that even if they pay less than the minimum wage, they want work. Most of them, except India, preferred not to work as a job and to become entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur is about wanting to take the lead. But Nepal did not show the courage to consider their desire as an opportunity, to debate, to create an opportunity.

A young man who had just returned from Singapore met me while making periodic plans. He said, "I have an idea about the subject to be included in the periodic plan of the municipality, please put me in that debate." When I put this to the head of the municipality, he flatly refused. His reply was, 'They say let's keep the things that we have seen abroad, how is it possible to do that here?' What the local people's representatives and political party leaders fear is that it will be difficult if the youth who bring knowledge, skills, and new ideas from abroad are included in the implementation of local policy making. Otherwise, Nepal neither welcomed nor cared about those who came in large numbers due to Covid. The government is the parent.

Commentary has been created that immigration is wrong. If you ask the political parties and the government, maybe 90 percent will say that it is not correct. It has helped in livelihood, knowledge creation, but overall, it cannot be said that immigration is wrong. According to the 2078 census, the population was negative in 34 districts. Whether it is due to climate change or lack of employment, the government should find out and find a solution. It was not by pointing out the weakness of the people that foreign employment is wrong, that the country is run by the youth. We couldn't make the youth dream. They are disappointed that they cannot get a job if they are not a party worker, they cannot even go to any government office and take service. It is difficult for those who have studied abroad after investing 80 lakhs to return to Nepal and get a job worth even 20,000. Those who want to return to Nepal cannot get the return of investment in education in Nepal. It is my right to live my life in a dignified manner without being a party to a political party, says the youth. As the party and its leaders became corrupt, the people lost hope, the youth started leaving the country. Much of the work that has been done in the field of internal employment has been done without a long-term vision. A vision should be created to promote internal employment.

Along with foreign employment, more care should be taken to promote internal employment. The government's Ministry of Labor and Employment, Department of Foreign Employment, Foreign Employment Boards are facilitating foreign employment, but the Department of Labor is weak and slow. A new plan is needed on how to attract youth within the country. The aspirations of today's youth and the changing global context must come into play in our policies. Foreign employment must be made safe. How many of the Nepalis's means of committing abroad should be released, before they go abroad, it should be a priority before they go abroad. The work of preventing women to go abroad as a domestic worker. How to make the family accountable to make their parents accountable. It is making women forced to go abroad to go abroad. Their service, facility, has not reached the salvation. & Nbsp;

labor and employment is not just despair. In recent times, new employment schedule is becoming wider. Sent, Buddund, Auto Ricksa, making foreign software opportunities to make paroofing / video, including the savings of the wedding, has the opportunity to do at home. The local level has given subsidy. But when we work and about work, we need to give the opportunity to women, disability, sex, sexual and minimal communities, the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor, the poor. Women's care and domestic work should be included in the prompt economic policy and framework. There is an opportunity to show the ability to be in information technology in information technology in the nation in developed countries. Enterprise business can be done by online platform. Thus young people are using new in agriculture and enterprises. If this opportunity is to bring in a numeric result, clear Vision, roadmap and checked mechanisms.

- Joshi Nepal Policy Institute, & NBSP; International Thinkank's board of Director.

(राजनीति मात्र होइन, उद्योग, व्यवसाय, कृषि, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य, पर्यटन, बैंकिङ, सिनेमा, साहित्य सर्वत्र अहिले निराशा छ । देशले यो निराशाको भारी लामो समय बोक्न सक्दैन । सजीव विश्वास प्रवर्द्धन गर्न कान्तिपुरले सुरु गरेको छ विचार शृंखला– 'Export When Various Experts will be written by different experts, constantly preposition, constantly.)

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ३०, २०८० ०९:०२