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GB's passport was released within a week of the suspension

GB's passport was released within a week of the suspension

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  • The passport of Gitendrababu (GB) Rai, who is also the president of our new agricultural cooperative in Kathmandu, was suspended on June 20 last year and was released on June 28.
  • Namraj Ghimire was the registrar of the cooperative department and Jhalakram Adhikari was the director general of the immigration department at the time of writing the letter of suspension and fukuwa.

It has been revealed that Gitendrababu (GB) Rai, who was accused of misappropriating more than a billion from half a dozen cooperative organizations to Gorkha Media Network and other companies, was driven away by the government machinery. Within eight days of the suspension of Rai's passport, it was found that the way to leave the country was opened with the cooperation of the federal government's cooperative department and the immigration office.

Along with Rai, who is also the president of our new agricultural cooperative in Kathmandu, the passports of secretary Omprakash Gurung, treasurer Naveen Achami and members Ashraf Ali Siddiqui, Durga Chapagain Pandey and Ramhari Adhikari were suspended on the recommendation of the cooperative department on 080 June 20. Soon after the

, the cooperative department wrote another letter to the immigration department on June 28, 'The passports of the members of the board of directors of our new agricultural cooperative organization have been suspended until further orders, and the department has written to the department to provide necessary assistance in preventing them from going abroad. However, it is requested that the restriction imposed on foreign travel be lifted and the rest of the members be kept as is.''

It appears in the immigration records that Rai went to Malaysia on the evening of 080 July 11 after the passport was released. A month later, he returned to Nepal on the night of August 10, 1980. Since then, the details of him traveling abroad by air are not with the immigration. Sources claim that Rai, who is currently in Malaysia, entered India by road and reached Malaysia from there.

Namraj Ghimire, the then registrar of the cooperative department, said that a letter was written to the immigration department to release Rai's passport due to the fact that he had a mortgage to return the savings. Ghimire is currently Joint Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers. According to him, the savers of our new agricultural cooperative organization had applied to the cooperative department to return the savings.

'After receiving a complaint from the saver for refund, the department writes to the relevant authorities for the owner's passport, immovable property including real estate and bank account freeze. At the same time, a letter was sent to stop the passport of the director of our new agricultural cooperative on June 20, 2018, said Ghimire. The

department called the petitioners and all members of the board of directors, including chairman Rai, for a discussion. The total liability of that organization is around 5 crore rupees. Papers were sent to the directors for payment of that amount. GB Rai mortgaged personal land, which was also agreed to be paid with the money from the sale,' said Ghimire. According to him, after getting a decision from the cooperative directors, Rai submitted a request on 080 June 27 to get his passport released as he has to go out of the country for family and professional reasons. A letter was written to the Immigration Department to release his passport, asking why he should be detained and his family and professional work will be affected after the deposit was enough to repay the savings, said Ghimire. After the

, after the evidence of Gorkha Media Network embezzling large sums of money from the cooperative organization and the involvement of Gorkha Media Network Chairman Rai and the then Managing Director Ravi Lamichhane started coming in the media, the Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Police 080 Magh 13 and the troubled Cooperative Management Committee On the 17th, he wrote to the Immigration Department to stop Rai's passport. Rai's passport has been suspended since then.

080 When Rai's passport was suspended on June 20 and released on June 28, Narayankaji Shrestha was the home minister. Shrestha claimed that he was not aware of the passport suspension and cancellation at that time. On the one hand, there was no decision to take action against GB Rai. On the other hand, the issue of releasing his passport did not come to me. That is why I did not know about Rocca's passport being released," he said. "When complaints started coming against Rai, I told the CIB to investigate. After that, I ordered diffusion and red notices to be issued respectively.' He also said that he himself ordered the Malaysian government to send diplomatic correspondence and the requested documents about GB were provided to the Malaysian government and Interpol.

After seeing the collusion of the government apparatus in expelling Rai from Nepal, the Surya Thapa-led Cooperative Inquiry Parliamentary Special Committee took statements from the former registrars of the Cooperative Department, Tokraj Pandey, Jhalakram Adhikari, Namraj Ghimire, the former head of Wagmati Province Cooperative Division, Narayan Prasad Gyawali (currently retired) and Vikram Prasad Pandey. A written statement was taken with Pitambar Ghimire, the current registrar of the cooperative department. Among the former registrars whose statements were taken by the

committee, Pandey was the registrar in the department from 075 February 29 to 077 February 25. Jhalakram Adhikari was the Registrar in the Co-operative Department from 078 October 8 to 078 Faugan 1. The officer was the director general of the immigration department when Rai's passport was released. When asked by the committee why the passport of Rai, who was accused of misappropriating the cooperative's money, was revoked, the official replied that the immigration department could not stop it after the cooperative department wrote a letter.

Namraj Ghimire was a registrar in the cooperative department from 26 January 1979 to 14 December 1980. During his tenure, a letter was written to stop and release Rai's passport. In his statement to the committee, Ghimire said that initially he was stopped because of a request to stop the passport from the cooperative organization and later because it was the decision of the board of directors of the organization, he wrote a letter for Fukuwa.

A member of the parliamentary investigation special committee said that there is no condition to return the money of the savers through the sale of the property of the cooperative organization led by Rai. It seems that the seven cooperatives led by GB Rai are in the names of more than one and a half dozen people. The assets of that organization are very less. The possibility of the saver's money being returned from the property sale is very low," said the member. "According to the media, there is an obligation to return savings of around 16 billion and according to our system, around 8 billion. But there is no property or real estate in the name of the cooperative. Loan investment is also not done in member. Big investments have been made in other companies in GB including Gorkha Media Network.'

' I don't know about the passport release'

Narayankaji Shrestha, former home minister

When you were the home minister, GB Rai, who was accused of misappropriation of cooperative funds, had his passport suspended in a week, why?

When I was the Home Minister, there was no complaint about GB Rai's misappropriation of cooperative funds, nor was there a case. So many things came only after GB Rai left the country.

Did you make any inquiries with the immigration department when GB Rai left the country?

At that time there was no talk about GB. Therefore no inquiry was made.

Didn't you know when immigration under the Ministry of Home Affairs released the suspended passport of the person who embezzled so much money from the cooperative?

At that time, the proceedings against him had not yet started. So I did not know about the passport suspension.

Is it possible to release a person accused of money embezzlement, whose passport has been suspended, because the action has not been taken?

On the one hand, there was no decision to prosecute GB Rai. On the other hand, the issue of releasing his passport did not come to me. So I did not know about the release of the suspended passport. When the case started coming against GB Rai, I asked the CIB to investigate. Then I got them to issue ``Diffusion and Red Notice'' respectively. The Malaysian government was forced to enter into diplomatic correspondence. Requested documents about GB have been made available to the Malaysian government and Interpol.

प्रकाशित : आश्विन २, २०८१ ०५:१६