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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७४

Emphasis on the implementation of agreements made with China

आश्विन २, २०८१
Emphasis on the implementation of agreements made with China

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  • The notion that China should be asked to convert the BRI project into a subsidy

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Nepal, in a program held in Katma on Wednesday, the speakers emphasized that the agreements made with China during President Xi's visit should be implemented.

In addition, they asked the Chinese government to change the BRI project into a subsidy and said that it should be implemented. They said that some of the agreements made during President Xi's visit could not be completed. Speakers at the

event included former Speaker of the National Assembly Ganesh Prasad Timilsina, Acting Ambassador of the Chinese Embassy in Nepal Wang Si, Congress MP Shankar Bhandari, UML leader and former minister Anand Pokharel, RPP MP Dhuvra Bahadur Pradhan and others.

Timilsina said that Nepal and China should benefit by implementing the agreements made during President Xi's visit. He said that after the agreement, more credibility should be maintained by implementing it. He also said that Nepal should be able to benefit from the BRI project initiated by China.

He also said that the Chinese side should be asked to turn the amount received under BRI into a grant. "Nepal should move forward with the help of everyone, not only from China and India," he said. He also emphasized that Lumbini and Pokhara International Airport should be operated.

'The number of Chinese tourists in Nepal is very likely to increase,' said Timilsina, 'for that, the government should focus on building infrastructure such as roads and hotels to bring tourists, rather than just goods from China.' He also suggested that the government should make a plan to teach the same from Nepal. "There is a possibility that meat, vegetables and fruits can be taught in China. Study and planning should be done in that direction as well," he said.

Congress MP Bhandari said that the time has come to review the status of the agreements and the implementation of the three agreements made during the high-level visit from China. "Poor countries need everyone's help, but it should not only be for the sake of party interests and gaining power." It should be for the benefit of the entire country and people," he said. Without mentioning the name of the BRI project, Bhandari said that only grants can be taken from abroad rather than loans.

'From a geopolitical point of view, Nepal is a land with both sensitivity and potential,' he said, 'Being in front of Nepal will help both China and India.' UML leader and former minister Pokharel said that the BRI project should be implemented. He said that investment should be brought in from all for the benefit of Nepal. 'There is an unequal view of the same issue in Nepal,' he said, 'it is necessary to create a common view on foreign policy. BRI is viewed in a different way.' He said . "There is a short-sightedness in the fact that BRI will be hit by loans," he said.

RP MP Dhuvra Bahadur Pradhan emphasized that Nepal should be able to take its own decision about BRI. "Some of our decisions are dependent on others. This should not be the case with BARI," he added, "Nepal should move forward maintaining equal relations with both its neighbors, China and India." Political stability should be learned from China.'' In the

program, Acting Ambassador Wang explained that after the visit of President Xi in 2019, the relationship between Nepal and China is getting stronger. He said that the agreements made at that time are being implemented and efforts are being made in the case of those that have not been implemented. He said that China is willing to work in the industry and agriculture sector of Nepal. "The Chinese government has a plan to work in the field of agriculture and industry. Survey work is also underway for that," he said, "We have opened an agricultural research center in Chitwan as a preparation." He said that he is going to do more work in Nepal. "Chinese doctors are coming to government hospitals to exchange knowledge and skills," he said ; He recalled that Kerung and Tatopani customs checkpoints were opened last year, and 14 more border checkpoints were put into operation this year. He said that the construction of the second phase of the Kathmandu Ring Road, Arani Highway and the upgrading of the Mustang Pass will also be prioritized.

प्रकाशित : आश्विन २, २०८१ १९:३७