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The question of the leader of the province to the Maoist main leadership: 'Will it be true or not?'

भाद्र १८, २०८१
The question of the leader of the province to the Maoist main leadership: 'Will it be true or not?'

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The provincial leaders of the Maoist center have questioned the president Pushpa Kamal Dahal saying, "Will it be true or not?" In the consultation meeting held on the future course of action to be decided by the Central Committee, 350 leaders of five provinces suggested to the main leadership to correct their ideological, political and operational style.

They warn that when the party is going down in every election, if there is no leadership, the whole party will die. The party is broken from above. There is no option for the above leadership to fail,' is their collective suggestion .

Deputy Secretary General Janardan Sharma submitted a written proposal to Chairman Dahal to hand over the leadership and reform the working style in the standing committee meeting of July 4th, and intense discussion has been going on within the Maoists. Similarly, Dahal, who has been in the leadership for 36 years in the provincial meeting, has suggested that the party should be entrusted to the new generation by making a law from the convention.

Chairman Dahal, who came to the province to seek suggestions after the Maoist party went from power to opposition, accepted the suggestions of the leaders and expressed the commitment of the leadership to conduct a ruthless review and rebuild the party . Province-centric leaders have now challenged the leadership not only in words but also in practice. I am sincerely committed to rebuilding the party. Even if it is through a brutal review, now we have to make a strong party," he said in the provincial consultation meeting.

While expressing their opinions in the meetings held in the last two weeks in Wagmati, Gandaki, Karnali, Far West and Lumbini provinces, the leaders said that the leadership had displayed 'arbitrariness' by mixing up the decisions made by the Eighth Congress, Legislative Conference and the Central Committee . They strongly criticized the leadership saying that the leadership mixed the party responsibilities and distributed tickets in the election, appointed close people as ministers in the union and state governments, and repeatedly gave opportunities to asepase rather than the leaders and workers who worked for party building . In the future, they also suggest to conduct the organization by creating methods and systems from leadership selection to party responsibilities, ticket distribution and other occasions .

Lumbini State President Sudarshan Baral said that the 70 leaders who have expressed their views in their state have given suggestions from the top pointing out that the system and method in the party has broken down. In the Lumbini state level meeting held in Nepalganj on August 16 and 17, the state leaders said that the central leadership is leaving its ground and they are currently in trouble when taking the policy of coalition for power, so they suggested to clarify the policy and program.

'Party leadership is broken from above . Our main suggestion is that it should be corrected from the place where it has been corrupted,' said the provincial chairman Baral, who concluded that the individualistic character is dominant in the party, 'The leadership was found to be giving favors to the people around them as they should reward those who work and punish those who don't.' He also told that he had received suggestions from his province to improve the chaos in the party.

Stating that the functioning of the leadership in Lumbini has deteriorated, he said that there is also a demand to publicize the assets of the leaders who are in the position of facility . The party leadership had to be directly selected. "We had to adopt a proletarian lifestyle," he said, "provincial leaders have raised their voice to publicize the assets of the leaders in the facilities." There has been a suggestion to prioritize party relations. According to Karnali State President Vimala KC, the state meeting concluded that the party could not be strengthened due to weakness in policy making due to the leadership's cleanliness .

'Self-centered individualism dominates the party . "Leadership has been carried out in an arbitrary manner rather than according to the method," she said while narrating the conclusion of the provincial leaders, "because of this, party responsibility, promotion, and appointment have not been done according to the method."

'There is no delay in adopting the policy of properly assimilating the people's psychology and lifestyle,' she said, 'there is no basis for trusting Maoists when the class gap is increasing between the leader and the people.' Narrated .

In Gandaki Pradesh, the leaders have suggested to implement the language of abstract transformation in a way that people can understand . In the meeting held in Pokhara on August 9 and 10, the provincial president said that mainly 61 leaders suggested to improve the working style of the leadership. Gayatri Gurung, president of Gandaki, also said that unless all the leaders and workers of the party change their behavior, it will be difficult to rebuild the party and suggested to come up with a solid action plan.

'The transformation of thinking, working style had to happen from top to bottom . This work should be started especially from the leadership,'' she told the conclusion of the suggestion of the province, 'was the behavior according to the communist behavior or not? Why is there no difference between Maoists and others? Gandaki's leader comrades have also suggested to find answers to these questions.

She said that it is natural to have conflicts within the party and suggested to come to a conclusion after internal discussion. "It has also been suggested that the party will be strong only if there is internal unity, it will become weaker if it fights among itself," she said.

Chairman Saral Sahayatri said that in the consultation meeting held on August 5 and 6 in Wagmati province, 82 leaders suggested that the leadership should be handed over according to the law after resolving ideological and political issues in the party. "Leadership transfer is not only a technical issue but also an ideological and political issue." Therefore, ideological and political questions should be resolved first," he said, "is it time to find an alternative to Prachanda or not? Shouldn't there be a re-branding of the leadership and the movement? Leadership should be handed over after the ideological guidelines are in place. It has also been suggested that Prachanda has this opportunity.

He said that the whole leadership should take institutional responsibility in the party's deterioration. After following the organizational guidelines, the working style will improve itself . If we discipline them, they will improve themselves," Sahayatri said.

Sudurpaschim President Hari Choudhary said that the party organization has been suggested to develop a leadership selection method. If there is no consensus, there should be a method to go to the election. All kinds of votes should be respected,' he said, 'Now we have to have a convention with laws.' He said that in the past, there was a problem when decisions made by the eighth convention and the legislative convention were not implemented, so he suggested to the main leadership that they should work by creating a tight organizational structure. He also said that in the meeting, 67 leaders of the Far West province suggested to resolve the internal conflicts of the party and start building the party.

In the circular that the party did not run according to the constitution, it was accepted that the circular sent by the Maoists to the provincial committee on Monday revealed that the party was dominated by a person-centered character and that the party organization could not run according to the statute.

President Pushpa Kamal Dahal and General Secretary Dev Gurung signed the circular the said thing has been accepted . "The party depends mainly on the organization to implement the program and strategy according to the work direction". However, in the field of party organization, we were not able to move forward at the pace we should have. In the party, personal interest, position and prestige-centered trends began to increase,'' the circular states, 'therefore, negative thinking trends and activities such as factions and sub-factions of private interest groups were seen to be active. Adherence to the party's constitution and legal system became weak and a kind of chaotic situation arose. In the past, we could not discourage it due to liberal thoughts.'' It is said to take the policy .

In the resolution passed by the eighth congress of the party held in the year 2078, the course of action mentioned in 'Nepali's path of socialism in the 21st century' is the correct and objective course of action in the current context,' the circular says, 'but this course of action should be enriched until the coming congress.

Maoist has sent the conclusion to the floor committee that the programs and tactics adopted by the party through the House and the government are fundamentally correct despite some limitations and shortcomings.

Maoist has a policy of trying for left unity and has also sent a conclusion to prepare for it. "In addition to uniting the party to a new height, emphasis should be placed on left polarization and broad Communist Party unity with other left components that share the same views," the circular said, "if the party cannot be united immediately, a policy of building and expanding a socialist front with other left components should be taken." It is also circular not to talk about the conflict within the

party. There is and will be full freedom of inter-democracy in the party committee. But to publicize everything within the party committee is a serious violation of the general values ​​of the party,'' said the circular sent by Dahal and Gurung, 'therefore, being vigilant to prevent such actions from happening in the future, unite in favor of the direction of the party, the internal unity of the party and the leadership of the party. must stand .'

प्रकाशित : भाद्र १८, २०८१ २२:३६