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RPP Steering Committee decided to vote against the Oli government

श्रावण ५, २०८१
RPP Steering Committee decided to vote against the Oli government

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The meeting of the steering committee of the Rashtriya Prajatantra Party has decided to vote against the government led by KP Sharma Oli. The Saturday meeting of the steering committee led by Prakash Chandra Lohani decided that on Sunday, KP Sharma Oli should vote against the motion of confidence in the Parliament.

RPP Spokesperson and Head of Publicity Department Mohan Kumar Shrestha issued a statement saying that after analyzing the activities of the UML and Congress Alliance of the Steering Committee, it was decided to vote against the opposition.

UML President Oli's leadership of government with Congress was taken positively at the initial stage, but now it is not possible to do so, according to the RPP Steering Committee.

The meeting of RPP parliamentary party has been called on Sunday. According to Gyan Bahadur Shahi, chief whip of RPP, a meeting of the parliamentary party has been called at 11:45 am on Sunday to discuss the matter of the Prime Minister's vote of confidence.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ५, २०८१ १७:२८