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Labor Minister Bhandari's request to the World Bank to help create domestic jobs

श्रावण १७, २०८१
Labor Minister Bhandari's request to the World Bank to help create domestic jobs

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Labor, Employment and Social Security Minister Sharatsingh Bhandari has requested the World Bank to support the government's plan to create domestic jobs and reduce forced foreign employment.

In a meeting held by the country director of the World Bank, David Sislen, at the ministry on Thursday, he informed that the government has a plan to sustain internal employment and end forced foreign employment. In the

meeting, Labor Minister Bhandari said that all employment service centers at the local level will be developed as 'job hubs' through strengthening, collaboration with development partners and technical support.

Director Sislen said that the World Bank is always ready to support domestic job creation through the 'Country Partnership Program'. During this, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Labor Govinda Prasad Rizal informed that there was a discussion between them regarding the increase of internal employment and the sustainability and strengthening of employment service centers.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण १७, २०८१ १८:०५