Signing of the decision on raising investment in the Decade of Agriculture by the ministerial officer
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The newly appointed Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Ramnath Adhikari, has signed the decision to raise investment in the Decade of Agriculture announced by the government.
Today, after assuming office in the ministry at Singhdarbar, he signed the decision to raise the necessary investment to make the agricultural decade a success.
On that occasion, the minister said that only if the agricultural sector develops He directed the related staff to be active accordingly as it will help greatly in the development of the country.
He says that not only the villages but also the arable plains are barren, so the ministry should take steps to produce there. "Before becoming an MP, I used to produce my own food, I also know how to produce lamb, rice, corn, and millet." Now every Nepalese should be motivated to use their arable land. There is a need for the ministry to facilitate the work. We all have to work together on this', the Minister said.
प्रकाशित : असार ३१, २०८१ १८:३५