कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३४

Murder of mother and son in Udaipur's Sorong Chibse

भाद्र २०, २०८१
Murder of mother and son in Udaipur's Sorong Chibse

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A mother and son were killed in Katari Municipality- 10 Sorung Chibse. The bodies of Nirmala Thapa, about 40 years old, and her six-year-old son Aarus Thapa, who were running a grocery shop near the ward office, were found in the shop this morning.

According to Ward President Kshetra Bahadur Khadka, customers who came to the shop in the morning saw the bodies of the mother and son. 'The mother's body was found lying on the floor and her son's bed covered in blood Yes,' Ward President Khadka said, 'Information has been received that the son's body has been hit with a weapon.'

Umesh Mahato, Police Inspector of Ela Police Office, Katari, said that as soon as the information about the incident was received in the morning, the police had been sent to the incident site. Police Inspector Mahato said, 'The police are about to reach the scene. We will start the investigation as soon as we arrive.'

The incident site is located 32 km north of Katari Bazar . According to Ward President Khadka, Ashok Thapa, husband of deceased Nirmala Thapa, went to India with his younger wife two years ago. He said, 'The main house was three hundred meters away and they were staying in the shop last night, that's when the incident happened.'

Gita Kumari Giri, executive member of Katari Municipality, who reached the scene, informed that the police arrived from Batase police station and that the investigation process has proceeded . Local Deepak Raut said that the deceased Nirmala's in-laws spoke on the phone till 8 pm on Wednesday.

'There were small brothers-in-law, they were told to come in the morning,' Raut said, 'They were advised to cut straw at home in the morning, and they were killed at night.' After learning about the incident in the morning, the locals informed the police.

प्रकाशित : भाद्र २०, २०८१ १२:००