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Decisive agenda for winning or losing US elections

भाद्र १७, २०८१

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Decisive agenda for winning or losing US elections

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  • Voters trust Trump more on immigration and Harris more on abortion rightshave done Top agenda plays a more important role in winning the presidential election in America than sentiment. The stand taken by the candidates on that agenda has the potential to change the election results.

114 years after women were given the right to vote in America, Kamala Harris of Asian-African origin is in the race to make new history by becoming the first female president. She has already made history by becoming the first female vice president, but the decision whether she can make a new history this time will be on November 5.

But the fact that a black woman accepted the nomination for the presidential election at the Democratic Party's national convention in Chicago has made history in America.

There is society not only in Nepal, but also in America, where women laugh, speak loudly, or reach the top of politics and are shocked and disliked. Even now, Republicans including Donald Trump, the Republican candidate for the US presidency, joke about Harris's laugh. It is not easy for Harris to become president in America where Hillary Clinton, a white woman dedicated to politics all her life, failed to become president. However, the path he chose is becoming a source of inspiration for the second generation of the immigrant community in America. However, in the US, the top agenda plays a more important role in winning presidential elections than emotional ones. The stand taken by the candidate on that agenda has the potential to change the election results.

In the US, a minimum of 270 electoral votes is required to be elected in the presidential election. The electoral weightage is fixed differently for each state. US citizens eligible to vote in elections vote for members of the Electoral College. Such electors have already committed to which candidate they will vote for. Electors chosen by the people cast electoral votes for the President and Vice President. After the voting, the candidate with absolute majority is declared the winner. At least 270 votes are required to be the winner out of total 538 electoral votes. 538 Electoral Votes are determined based on the proportion of population from the 50 states and Washington DC.

In most states in America, it is almost certain who will win the election based on past history and party influence. In those states known as red and blue states, where the Democratic and Republican parties have strong influence, the results are almost the same in every presidential election, but in the elections, 9 different states have changed their election results several times. In these states, known as battleground states, where only a few thousand votes can change the outcome, candidates are sometimes more focused on influencing swing voters.

Looking at the 2020 election results and current polls, all attention is focused on 9 states: Minnesota, Virginia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, Georgia and Nevada. Also at the top are Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Georgia. Michigan has 15, Pennsylvania 19, Wisconsin 10, Arizona 11 and Georgia 16 electoral votes. But in order to win in these states, the electoral agenda that can change the minds of the voters is playing an important role. Among them, issues such as border security and immigration, abortion rights, and taxes are being seen as the main issues.

Abortion rights

The issue of abortion rights has been taken by the Democratic Party as its electoral strength. The issue is such a powerful issue for Democrats that Democratic Andy Bessier won the governor's race in Kentucky, where he stood up for abortion rights after 20 years of consecutive Republican presidential wins. The Democratic stance against rape and consensual abortion laws may also prove fruitful for Harris.

The Democratic convention also featured the experiences of those denied health care due to abortion bans, raped by stepfathers. Harris has long supported women's rights to abortion. She has played a key role in making abortion rights central to the 2024 election and has long advocated for legislation covering reproductive rights nationwide. Even as she accepted her nomination at the convention, she reiterated her commitment to sign legislation to restore reproductive freedom.

Trump has been proudly taking credit for the Supreme Court ruling that overturned abortion rights. Because the 1993 decision to decriminalize abortion was overturned in 2022 because of the three conservative justices he appointed to the Supreme Court. Even when he was president, he expressed his support for the law banning abortions after 20 weeks. Trump, who has said that he has no regrets about appointing Supreme Court justices who overturned an old historic decision on abortion rights, has been trying to show himself in favor of abortion rights.

He says that if the bill to impose a federal ban on abortion is passed, he will use his veto to reject it. Aware that his political future may be at risk because of this issue, he is making soft statements about abortion rights. He seems to be of the position that an exemption should be provided for aborting a pregnancy due to rape, consanguineous sex, etc. However, looking at the track record of advocacy on abortion rights as a whole, the Democrats have a heavy lead.

Border Security and Immigration

Border security and immigration have become one of the biggest headaches for Democrats. The Biden-Harris administration has been heavily criticized due to the chaos in the border area and the high rate of immigration of immigrants to the United States through the visa-free border. Recently, due to Biden's policy of banning asylum in the border area, although the number of people entering the US without a visa has decreased significantly, it has been seen that the issue of not taking effective measures on border security can have a significant impact on the mood of voting and the election results.

Attempting to undermine the political attacks on him, Harris recounted his experience of successfully prosecuting drug and human trafficking gangs while he was California's attorney general, but Trump and top Republicans have been blaming Harris for the US-Mexico border situation. Harris is trying to deflect attacks on her by saying she supports the bipartisan Senate deal to tighten asylum standards, add border security agents, immigration judges and asylum officers. She has supported sweeping immigration reform that would put undocumented people in the U.S. on a path to citizenship through green cards. But since the Biden-Harris administration has failed to fulfill its previous commitments on this matter, voters have not been able to believe it.

Trump, while he was the president, started to adopt stricter standards in the border area as well as building a wall. If re-elected, he has vowed to crack down on the undocumented and end the scourge of the border. He is also committed to ending catch-and-release in border areas and ending asylum fraud. Trump's agenda is to deploy the National Guard to quickly deport foreign gang members and criminals. Trump has become popular among Republicans because of his tough agenda on immigration, including rolling back policies implemented in his first term, reviving and expanding the travel ban, restricting entry to the U.S. based on ideology, deporting insurgent sympathizers, and ending birthright citizenship for those born without legal status to their parents. But voters seem divided on these issues of border security and immigration.

According to the latest Gallup poll, the majority of Americans are in favor of immigrating and undocumented immigrants who were brought as children to be allowed to become American citizens if they complete a certain process, and if the number of asylum seekers at the border increases too much, the asylum ban should be implemented. These issues are especially the Democrats' agenda. Both parties have an agenda to increase the number of patrol agents for border security, and the survey shows that the majority of American voters are in favor of this agenda.

The majority of Americans are also in favor of the Republican agenda to expand the construction of the border wall with Mexico. According to the survey, 47 percent of the majority are in favor of Trump's agenda of deporting the undocumented, even if they are not Americans. By 2019, only 40 percent of Americans were in favor of building a border wall, and now this percentage has reached 53. Overall, Trump's stance on border security and immigration has been heavy, with Democrats' track record of failing to deliver on commitments in the past.

The economy and taxes

The economy and taxes are an important topic that affects the daily lives of Americans. In this context, Harris's stance is seen in favor of the working class, while Trump's stance seems to lean toward wealthy businessmen. Harris is in favor of working to eliminate $7 billion in medical debt for up to 3 million eligible Americans and making permanent the child tax credit of up to $3,600 per child for eligible families. She wants to propose a new $6,000 tax credit for those with newborn babies. She wants tax cuts for frontline workers and for health care plans created by the Affordable Care Act. Harris' plans to expand tax credits for first-time homebuyers and provide up to $25,000 in grants to first-generation immigrants who buy first-time homes have also been attractive to immigrants and the middle class.

However, Harris' plan to invest more money for middle and lower-class Americans by raising the corporate tax rate to 28 percent has caused mixed feelings among middle-class businessmen. During his presidency, Trump signed legislation that lowered the corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent, and doubled the standard deduction and child tax credit. Trump's plan to not only extend this tax cut if he is re-elected as president, but also to lower the corporate tax rate to 15 percent, has attracted not only upper-class, but also middle-class businessmen.

Similarly, Trump has promised to reduce other tax increases made by the Biden administration and eliminate taxes on income from tips. Trump's tax agenda has appealed to the wealthy and business class, while Harris's agenda has favored the middle class and working class. Such commitments and stances of the candidates are seen as the main agenda that can influence the election results. Because the tax agenda is one of the main issues influencing swing voters in battleground states.

In addition to these, Harris and Trump's positions on international relations, US aid to Ukraine, Israel-Gaza war, health care, crime control, gun laws, climate change, etc. According to a poll by ABC News, The Washington Post and Ipsos, voters prioritized the economy and inflation the most, and trust Trump the most.

Likewise, the voters believe that Harris can handle issues such as health and protection of democracy, which are the priorities of the voters. Voters trust Trump more than Harris on immigration and Harris more on abortion rights. Israel-Hamas - Trump's side is also heavy in terms of war, while many have supported Harris in his stance on gun control.

Harris has done another trick by choosing Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate. The candidacy of 60-year-old Walz, who has been in the news for his liberal policies, has turned the spotlight on the US Midwest. Walz's executive experience as governor and policy stances on paid leave, gun control, reproductive rights and free school lunches make him a strong candidate to appeal to voters in Midwestern battleground states.

Walz, seen as a champion of progressive policies, represented Minnesota's 1st Congressional District from 2007 to 2019 when he was in Congress. In 2016, Donald Trump wilked Walz to District-digit Walz and Nbsp; elections in Parliament. That is, the voters in the District Promise on the same ballot on the same ballot on the President to Democratic Walz in the President. Walc of Walc of Walc, Walc, Walchers, including

, labor, labor agro-agriculture, has attracted a freedom of independent voters. However, it must wait for November to help Harris to help or not.

प्रकाशित : भाद्र १७, २०८१ ०७:१७