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२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७२

Compulsory education abroad

श्रावण १७, २०८१
Compulsory education abroad

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  • Lack of good governance, insecure business, uncertain opportunities, high cost, corruption and unstable politics have led to discontent among the youth.

Increasing intellectual manpower migration is becoming a big challenge for countries. The data of the Immigration Department shows that every year more than one lakh students leave for foreign education. In 2022, 1 lakh 1 thousand 246 students went to 95 countries and in 2023 1 lakh 5 thousand 123 students left Nepal.

Countries like Japan, Australia, Canada, India, UK, USA attract more students. Only 54 thousand 58 students went to Japan in 2022 and 2023. During the same period, the number of people who went to Australia is 54 thousand 495. Similarly, 21 thousand 151 people are going to Canada. According to Rashtra Bank's data for 10 months of 2080/81, 51.33 billion domestic capital has been withdrawn in the name of foreign education. In the last decade, 2 trillion 67 billion has been withdrawn, adding the last 10 months to 3 trillion 16 billion 33 billion.

Currently, students who pass SEE have been admitted to college for ten plus two. Those who failed have to wait for the result of the chance test. Science subjects are the first choice of the more brilliant students to pass. After studying science, being more interested in technical subjects is like ensuring foreign education. Students say that the technical subject for foreign education is like a visa license. Currently, Nepal's educational institutions are being transformed into factories for the production of export-oriented manpower. The need of the day is to debate radical changes in the educational system to promote vocational education. Instead of stopping students who want to leave, it is necessary to formulate policies to increase their attraction in Nepali schools.

Developed countries have been adopting a policy of easing visas for skilled manpower. However, recently Australia, America and Canada have taken some stricter policies on visas. Foreign opportunities have become due to the growing interest in technical subjects in Nepal. Lately, the attraction towards nursing and computer engineering seems to be rooted in overseas opportunities. The nurses express the reality that most of the private hospitals in Nepal are paying nurses at a salary of 13/14 thousand per month. Foreign opportunities are also linked to the attractiveness of technical subjects such as agriculture, forestry, and medicine. Due to Nepal's unstable politics, short-sighted policy making and unscientific educational system, the party leadership does not seem serious about the fact that even skilled people are choosing to migrate abroad. Students who have gone abroad for higher education are migrating abroad with exception.

According to the Ministry of Education, the number of students who took 'No Objection Letter' to go to Japan in 2079/80 was 21 thousand 641, which increased by 12 thousand 976 to 34 thousand 617 in 2080/81. Compared to 2079/80 and 2080/81, the number of students receiving 'No Objection Letter' has decreased for Canada and Australia, but it seems to have increased for America. In 2079/80, the number of NOC takers for Canada was 20,800 and in 2080/81, it decreased to 15,804. The number of NOC takers for Australia has halved. In 2079/80, the number of NOC recipients was 28,079, while in 2080/81, it was 13,863. There seems to be a slight increase in the number of NOC takers for the UK. In 2079/80, 10 thousand 280 took NOC and in 2080/81, 11 thousand 276 took it. Recently, the attraction of students towards South Korea seems to be increasing. In 2079/80, 3,079 people took NOC for Korea, while in 2080/81, 5,623 people took it. It is mentioned in the data that 1 lakh 2 thousand 610 students took NOC in 2079/80 for the purpose of going for higher education in different countries including India, while 1 lakh 4 thousand 898 took NOC in 2080/81.

In this way, the indifference of the party leadership towards the psychology of the students who dream of leaving the country at any cost is having a negative impact on the country's economy. Due to the diligence and hard work habits of Nepalese students, we often hear the news that they have obtained excellent results in various universities of the world.

According to most of the young people who go abroad in the name of foreign education, because it is difficult to get a working visa for developed countries, even if the goal is to earn money, it seems that they choose the path of getting foreign education for the ease of visa. An officer of Rashtra Bank said that even after obtaining a native degree, they were assuring their children that they could get good opportunities in their own country, but due to the problems seen in the economy, they had to be forced to go abroad.

Lack of good governance, insecure business, uncertain opportunities, high cost, corruption and unstable politics have led to discontent among the youth. To attract intelligent manpower in the country, radical reforms in the education system and ensuring an investment-friendly environment are the needs of today.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण १७, २०८१ ०६:३५