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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Oli's answer about Giribandhu: There is no need to spread rumours

श्रावण ६, २०८१
Oli's answer about Giribandhu: There is no need to spread rumours

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Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has responded to rumors about Giribandhu Tea Estate. While answering questions raised on the motion of confidence in the House of Representatives on Sunday, Oli said that there is no need to spread rumors about Giribandhu Tea Estate.

He said that when there is no law, there is more land than the limit and it is speculation without law. He said that the law was made by the Parliament during his tenure.

'In different places, at different times, land that exceeds the limit has been leased without the law, without making it, it has happened. When it was said that we should not do this without making a law, we made a law . When making laws, political corruption occurs ? The parliament made the law, there is no policy corruption,' Oli said, 'now it has not been implemented . My opinion at that time is that the law was made so that it should be implemented. There is no need to beg the court . The court did not say political corruption in relation to law making, this rumor is not spread.'

Oli said that the law was created so that there could be distortions in the matter of land that exceeds the limit . 'Satighatta tea plantation was more than the limit, the lease has been sold . Many other places have been leased. The same Giribandhu Tea Estate has also been sold on speculative lease. At that time, the law was made so that it should not be without law, the law should be in a consensual manner, its conditions should be fulfilled, it should be according to the conditions,' Oli said, 'If someone continues his practice of spreading rumors in the name of Giribandhu Tea Estate, that would be a different thing, but I think it is not necessary .'

Oli said that the case of Giribandhu Tea Estate went to court and was decided. The court said that it had placed a condition on the Giribandhu Tea Estate and stopped it because it was not fulfilled. Oli said that he is ready if there is a need to amend the laws and regulations related to land leasing.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ६, २०८१ १८:११