कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९७

Good governance requires not 'stunt' but right 'intention' [Full text]

श्रावण ६, २०८१
Good governance requires not 'stunt' but right 'intention' [Full text]

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Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli proposed a vote of confidence in the House of Representatives and said that good intentions are necessary for good governance. He also announced the agreement between the two parties during his speech in the House of Representatives. He has also revealed how the issues of constitutional amendment will proceed.

The full text of Prime Minister Oli's speech at the meeting of the House of Representatives is as follows:

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First of all, through this dignified House, I pay my respects to all the brave heroes, remembering the known and unknown martyrs who sacrificed their precious lives for the country and the people. I am also determined to realize the great dream of the martyrs who will move the country in the direction of development and progress. Also, I express my highest respect to all the elders including Pushpalal, VP Koirala, Ganeshman Singh and Madan Bhandari who have made invaluable contributions to the life of this nation.

Mr. Speaker,

Since the onset of monsoon, the country has been hit by natural disasters including floods and landslides. There has been extensive loss of wealth. At this sad time, I express my deepest condolences to all the brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the disaster and my deepest condolences to the bereaved families. Also, I wish speedy recovery to all the injured.

The government is paying special attention to rescue, treatment and relief. The work has also started paying attention to the damage done earlier. And to prevent such accidents from happening in the future, I would like to inform this honorable House that the state agencies have been alerted and prepared for immediate rescue, treatment and relief.

Mr. Speaker,

Today the situation is different. A new government has been formed in place of the old government. I am present here to take the vote of confidence as the Prime Minister according to the constitution and law. Before giving me a vote of confidence, I would like to briefly request the reasons why this honorable House should give me a vote of confidence.

First of all, I would like permission to present here a small glimpse of the state of the country when we took over the government.

The whole country is in despair . The generation after 2046 probably experienced such extreme despair for the first time .

The economy is in dire straits. Both imports and exports have decreased. Aiming to raise revenue of 1,422 billion rupees, only 76 percent of it could be collected. While in the recent past, the revenue was always higher than the target . In this perspective, 24 percent less revenue collection than the target shows how big a problem has been created in the country's economy.

Now the money is piling up in the banks . Interest rates are low. However, there are no businessmen willing to invest. Credit expansion has decreased. Last year, credit expanded only around 5 percent. While the goal of credit expansion taken by Nepal Rastra Bank was 11.5 percent. It is extremely low .

The number of people who are blacklisted due to non-payment of loans is increasing . Demand in the market has decreased. Instead of getting support and encouragement, the businessmen have been complaining that they have received unnecessary suffering from the government agencies.

The private sector didn't have time to work on its own business after complaining about the government agencies like 'the government has become a stuntman', 'the government has done the work of arresting and eavesdropping'. It seems that due to reduced market demand and government policies, industrialists have been crushed like pepper.

Development works are in full swing. More than six million people are living in absolute poverty. Corruption has crossed the border . At the Tribhuvan International Airport, there is a crowd of young people waiting to go abroad. Educational institutions that offer higher education are facing an unprecedented crisis as the young generation goes abroad. What I am most afraid of is that the trust of the common people towards the country is broken . His morale has fallen badly .

To remove this deep disappointment prevalent in the country, to communicate hope and enthusiasm to the people and to take the country in the direction of rapid economic growth, the current government has been formed.

There are five main priorities of our government to build trust in the people.

The first priority - able to start work

is a popular English word - W IP means work in progress! Our development work is also always going on like this . Always seeming to be working but never done .

I present an example .

In the financial year 2065-66, a project to upgrade 123 km of road tarmac from Khulalu in Calikot district to Salila in Humla district was started . A few days ago, I was looking at the reports - in the last 16 years, the physical progress of this project has reached only 15%.

What is more interesting to me is that in the report prepared by the agency to complete this project, it is written that the date of completion of the project has not been confirmed. On the one hand, it is called a project of national pride, but it does not achieve even 1 percent progress during the year. A project that can't even decide how long it will take will be called a project of national pride. We are gossiping about prosperity by carrying such a development model.

I want to say to the whole country - now we put an end to such indiscipline in the matter of development . We focus all our efforts on timely completion of all the projects that have been started so far under all ministries.

This government is not eager to say that the work is being done, it is eager to tell that the work started is finished.

For this we will mainly do 4 things .

First— capacity building .

It is my responsibility to increase the capacity of the Council of Ministers and the entire ministry in terms of leadership. Sometimes, even if the intention is not wrong, we are not able to get results without knowing how to work. So how to organize the work of your ministry? How to evaluate whether the work has progressed or not? How to determine the main progress indicator (performance indicator) of your ministry? How to keep a record of it? How to align your ministry with the government's vision? I will make special arrangements to update how to monitor the budget.


We are going to increase spending capacity . We want to start distinguishing between working and non-working employees . We will end the situation where those who work have to face lawsuits but those who don't work retire because of a 'clean image'.

We will take legal action against any party that does not complete the work with the specified cost, time, result and quality. We will not allow cost escalation (variations and price escalation) of the project due to negligence and unjustified delays . And, we will recover the amount of loss from those who abuse the contract.

Thirdly, we will make policy reforms including necessary law amendments.

4th - We will immediately solve the problem of builders who have not been able to get payment even after completing the construction.

Mr. Speaker,

We are using imported materials from the time we wake up in the morning until we sleep at night. We are not independent even in the most ordinary things . I would like to introduce a small example .

After I was appointed as the Prime Minister, many people from different fields came to wish and congratulate me. Everyone will have garlands and food when they come. I look at the data like this - in the past few financial years alone, we have imported flowers worth crores of rupees.

Generally, the flower starts blooming from 2 months after planting . Our nature is like this, different colors, species and types of flowers bloom according to the place . But why don't we bloom in our own country ? Why are we importing tons and tons of flowers ?

I have raised the issue of flowers here only as a symbol.

We talk about trade imbalances. I don't think we are doing business at all. In the first 11 months of the last financial year, while importing 1,454 billion rupees, we have exported around 140 billion rupees. Others are only selling. We are only Kini . Is it a business to just keep buying and not selling? Now we have to start trading .

The second priority of this government is to promote the industry that replaces imports and produces consumer goods based on domestic raw materials.

For this, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply will prepare a clear roadmap within 3 months in coordination with the Ministry of Finance.

We will create a business-friendly environment . All types of approvals will be available at the initial point for industrial business registration . We will make arrangements to approve the application within 7 days, if it is not possible to give approval, we will inform you about the reason why it will not be approved, and if it takes time, we will provide you with the reason for how long it will take. We will make legal arrangements with provisions to punish employees who do not give approval within the stipulated time.

The Ministry of Finance will study the existing legal and financial structures to create economic opportunities within the country by stimulating startups, IT and high-growth enterprises. To encourage and facilitate startups, the Office of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers will prepare a special mechanism of one-door system .

We will make the private sector a 'growth engine' and focus on making extensive investments in the production, industry and service sectors, increasing production and creating jobs . We will regulate cooperatives. We will mobilize the savings. Based on priority, we will concentrate the state's investment in 5 areas, namely health, education, security, social protection and building large infrastructure.

The government will change the modality of financing development construction to raise investment . The government will issue development bonds . will mobilize alternative financial resources such as blended finance, asset monetization.

This government commands all resources within the country. Attracts resources and resources that can be obtained from abroad.

We have limited resources . But we have to take a quantum leap in development. Our development pattern, pace and culture has not happened without changing . The time has come for us to be clear about where to invest the limited resources we have and what results to achieve from it. .

Therefore, I would like to make the priority of the government clear to everyone through this honorable house.

This government will develop information and technology, tourism, energy, agriculture and forestry, industry and physical infrastructure as the main drivers of economic growth.

I sincerely call on startups, industrialists, banks and financial institutions to focus their thinking, innovation and investment in these areas. These 6 priority ministries and related government agencies will formulate policies and rules so that economic growth will occur through these sectors. Also, through the Ministry of Finance and the National Bank, I will reflect the economic and monetary policy towards this.

The Ministry of Education will prepare a national manpower profile by conducting a comparative analysis of departmental and thematic demand and supply in order to prevent the lack of necessary manpower in these fields. We will mobilize related agencies to conduct educational programs based on the assessment of thematic manpower needs.

Agriculture sector can be the main part of our economy . But there is a sad situation where a large population is involved in agriculture - the citizens involved suffer from poverty and hunger. It is necessary to remove such contradictions. We want to put a long-term end to this . By developing technology and entrepreneurship, we will 'inspire' the population stuck in agriculture to go to other fields and create a 'conducive' environment for that. We will make the country self-sufficient in agricultural produce by increasing production and productivity. Through the modernization and commercialization of agriculture, we will increase production and export agricultural produce. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development in coordination with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Industry-Trade and Supply will carry out a concrete program in this regard.

Our government will create a reliable ecosystem of stability, growth and governance.

We will effectively implement the Digital Nepal Framework with appropriate modifications. We will install our own satellite in space using the orbital slot owned by Nepal. Stopping a large amount of a bandwidth for payment will be stopped immediately and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

has the economic and social effects that have had the economic and social effects that have made a major change in the structure that has forgotten - Nbsp;. & NBSP;

a motorcycle was very sold in Nepal and nbsp;. But now you have news that the sale of the scamar has increased instead of motorcycles and nbsp;. In the same way, I had read the news before the news that has decreased in the purses of chicken meat and nbsp; & nbsp;

has changed consumption because of the consumer and the demand of the market and nbsp;. However, due data, lack of statistics, our private sector and government bodies are not able to understand the effects of its influence as they are in their influence. Due to which the government is losing the business and Nbsp;. What has made the economy change in what kind of foreign employment has made up to the components ?? Where has the demand and supply increased & nbsp;? Where has happened & nbsp;? The nationworthy will study detailed study about that state & nbsp;. & Nbsp; Mr. Speaker, Mr. & NBSP;

still our sisters, brothers are living in poverty, lack of poverty, lack, and hunger. My question isfully come to my mind - such a fertile world can have as much mortgage as much as possible to be in such a condition? The current government will end this situation & nbsp;. & Nbsp; The third priority of

government is & nbsp;.

will wander the concept of changing the habit of eating and balance of healthy and balanced nutritious food and nbsp;. For this work, ministry of the Ministry of Development and Filpted Ministry of Development Ministry of Development and NBSP;. I will coordinate and coordinate with local levels to establish food stores in all a pairs & nbsp;. & Nbsp; will make a mechanism under the leadership of the planning of the planning how to remove absolute poverty better than sooner, and Nbsp ;. And, the program will be formulated on the basis of its suggestion and NBSP;. & Nbsp; We have already decided from the Council of Ministers to prevent the child's base on

roads and Nbsp ;. Even if there are still born in geography, children is not allowed to be hungry about and NBSP;. Malnutrition is not allowed and Nbsp ;. Children and people who did not have been found, who had not yet been able to do, and the people that they do not have hungers, they are the most important interests and concerns of this government and nbsp;. The government will set his priorities by being disabled, disabled, infected, infected, infected, infected, infected, and disabled, intact, introvert, and intact, unpricached, intuitive, infected, and discrimination, unpricached, intuction, introverts, social care and discriminated, introvert, and introvert, unpricached, infected,, and nbsp; Mr. Speaker, Mr. & NBSP; The current convention of the Story Parliament has passed the government's policy, program and budget for this fiscal year and nbsp;.. During the policy, program and budget, I remember the point that the government raised the government, and NBSP;. Government is uninterrupted successor institution and nbsp;. Therefore, we will move good policy and program forward ;.. In the case of change, we will mobilize the entire mechanism to take the results and nbsp;. & Nbsp;

this is the fourth priority of the current government & nbsp ;.

does not corruption & nbsp;. Let's end up & nbsp;. Inserted and research in the issue of corruption and authority abuse & nbsp;. We will take legal action on some periods of corruption and nbsp; 5.. To establish faith in a society that corruption will reach the law's fox and nbsp.. The cooperative will take appropriate decisions regarding cooperative victims and nbsp;. & Nbsp; & NBSP;

is 'Stunt' for good governance requires the correct 'instance' for good & nbsp;. This government will not try to make it a neat better to get tall. It will not be sown on others in the face of others, I will not rise to others in others and Nbsp ;. The

government is this five priority & nbsp;. & nbsp; Srm-BreY-Break, other than five priorities to make public services effective and other service flow, policy construction and development of civilians and NBSP;. I want to keep some of the jobs in here & NBSP;. & Nbsp;

- will arrange for the Citizenship, NBSP, and Nbsp in the corresponding system of Nepalis. The asset will be done by buying and selling property and taxes, not on government fees and taxes and taxes, but online, not on government fees and taxes and taxes, but Nbsp. Services including health and agricultural technical technical will also be available from the online system and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

- Makes Civil Administration and Security Praits Listening to, professional and public or nbsp;.. We will increase the quality and effectiveness of public service-flow and nbsp;. Whether to consider and build the School education bill, we will formula two dozen new laws to be constructed and nbsp;. & Nbsp;

- Nepal will develop Nepal as an attractive international tourist destination. Strategy and Nbsp to protect biodiversity and environmental system and lower the environment of climate change;. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will prepare for the objective of the proposed Everestism objective of climate change and global Econmy. & NBSP;

- Survica Nepal will be the main health policy of this government and nbsp;. Both both errous and immuneral system will be adopted for this and NBSP;. The government will take the responsibility of healthcare and nutrition of pregnant women, civilians and different capacity citizens and Nbsp;. & NBSP;

- Squati, Free Bhaliya, Free Kamaiya and Unsolved Building problems will be solved and NBSP;. Every job will be made and NBSP;. The rights of the workers will be the preference of the rights and welfare government of the worker & nbsp;. All types of discrimination in the workplace will be ended and Nbsp ;. Labor and employees will be enciated in the social security system and nbsp;.

- Foreign employment will be safe, dignified and organized and NBSP;. The Ministry of Labor, Employment, and Social Security will start campaign to make the most of the knowledge, skill and capital of those returned from abroad.

- Game will be developed as a means of increase national integration, international prestige and friendship as a means of increase. Social Bades, national unity, cultural, cultural and religious tolerance and generous values ​​will be enhanced and NBSP;. & Nbsp;

- Rule, Independent Judas, Power and Property Ishagrading, control and rights and rights and rights are guaranteed? The necessary reform process will be taken forward to enhance the beliefs and trusts of the people to enhance the beliefs of the people and nbsp;. & Nbsp; Mr. Speaker, Speaker, Speaker, Mr. Speaker, Speaker, Independence, Indefinitely, Drawed by Independence and Development & Nbsp ;.. We believe in good Neighborhoods & Nbsp ;. We behave accordingly and Nbsp ;. We also say that neighbor's legitimate interests, and also say that our luck may be addressed and nbsp;. & Nbsp;

we believe in Mutual profit in mutual honor & nbsp;. Mr. Speaker, Mr. & NBSP; There must be ruined for both kind of despair in the country, to kill it, and Nbsp;. It is not a strong system to move to the country, not to take a strong system, but Nbsp;. Werselves of stability is not a strong system that will not be a strong system. & Nbsp;

I don't want to comment on the target today & nbsp;. But, I say so: The previous government is caught by the previous government as the strong party holds it at times, such as Nepali Congress and CPN (UML); The government could not settle the, and NBSP;. He didn't even interested in establishing & Nbsp ;. Due to which threat increased by the danger to the society and NBSP;. We could not sit by watching it & nbsp;. This new government has made this new government in the land of the old government and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

is all of us - CPN (UML) and Nepali Congress competitive party is and nbsp;. We compete in the idea & nbsp;. But at a special time, these two parties have cooperated in particular and have changed the country, and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

- in 2007 BS had been one for the end of Rana rule and nbsp;. & nbsp;

- a tyranny to overthrow autocational panchayat in 2046 and Nbsp;. & NBSP; In

- 2062/63, the fire of armed violence was unleaved and nbsp;.. Taking with other forces on the foundation of the foundation, these two parties lead the constitution and NBSP;. & Nbsp;

this time we have started collaboration with a 7-point agreement and Nbsp;. The CPN (UML) and that of the Nepali Congress, the 7-point agreement with the Nepali Congress would like to be permitted to inform the House of the 7-point agreement. & Nbsp; & nbsp;

1. In order to protect the national interests, controlling the national interests as per the general public, and nbsp;. & Nbsp;

2. Saying the national consensus government reviews the constitution and nbsp to formulate the necessary amendments and complement the law to formulate the law and the journal in the constitution for political stability and the laws of the passage of Palmuchar's law. & Nbsp;

3. Ending the existing wrath in the economy and build a reliable business environment and make economic activity to make economic activities run. By encouraging internal and external investment, will create adequate and dignified job within the country and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

4. Chairperson Sher Bahadur Deuba, Nepali Congress president, Sher Bahadur Deuba, a two Nepali Congress president Oli, a two Nepali Nepali Congress president Oli, a two-year-election of the national consections and then 2084 years. & Nbsp;. & NBSP;

5. To protect the national interests, controlling the campaign for the development of the nation and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

6. For the national political party governments for the national consensus government, two political parties to participate in government and other political parties to include the government and Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

7. Differentiations of the development of the province governments in the state and local levels of national consensus government and distributed the development of the states and local levels in public and in public and local levels and nbsp; & nbsp;

Speaker's Basic Achievements should be proud of the basic achievements of the human observance of the previous augus and Nbsp; 5 ;. You also train to train new prition for this and nbsp;. Nelson Mandala is reminding of a five-year-old girl when I stood in this context, a dialogue for a five-year-old girl, & NBSP;



SheKed 5 York AGO?








397 BRAIL SURG, ANIBUTION AUGUS, how much for the continuous development of society, nation and overall world, how much to make new parents for continuous development of society, nation and overall worlds, That is necessary to say that it is important to say and nbsp;. We want to develop our society as a decent society without judicial, present, and future transfer of knowledge? & Nbsp;. & Nbsp;

is not 'Stupped';

has started performed by the implementation of our efforts and nbsp;.. The shares market considered a mirror of the economy & nbsp;. More than 5 million investors have increased by 40 points last 2 weeks and nbsp;. Nepse has been high for 27 months and Nbsp; 5 Evidence of the people showed by the people about our government is evidence of the trust and nbsp;. I want to say to all sisters, brothers and sisters, for all sisters, and brothers, now will not only the share market, but NBSP;. & Nbsp;. & Nbsp; We have confidence to make

Singinger running the country & nbsp;. Because we have gained long experiences & nbsp; 5 We have the experience of praising the international world after the earthquake after 2072 BS) and Nbsp ;.. Improved of thousands of private housing, a thousand private accommodation, school buildings and government offices, and NBSP;. The world has experienced experiences by achieving the economic growth above 7 percent and nbsp;. & Nbsp;

विश्व बैंकले नेपाललाई ‘दक्षिण एसियाको साइनिङ स्टार’ भन्दा सिंगो देश गद्गद बनेको अनुभव पनि छ । निरपेक्ष र बहुआयामिक गरिबी हटाएको पनि अनुभव छ । सबैसँग मित्रता, छैन कसैसँग शत्रुता भन्ने मान्यताबाट निर्देशित हुँदै बाह्य सम्बन्ध विस्तार र सुदृढीकरणमा काम गरेको अनुभव पनि छ । हामीसँग अभूतपूर्व राष्ट्रिय सहमतिका साथ संविधान संशोधन गराएको अनुभव पनि छ ।

सभामुख महोदय,

संविधान भनेको असंशोधनीय विषय होइन । संविधान देश र जनताको हितको लागि साधन हो, साध्य होइन । आवश्यकताले संविधान, ऐन–कानुनमा संशोधन र परिमार्जन हुन्छ । तर संविधान संशोधन गर्नु पश्चगमन हो भन्ने कतिपयको भनाइ पनि सुनेको छु । आफूले भनेको कुरा नभए पश्चगमनको पोसाक लगाइदिने हाम्रो अचम्मको संस्कृति छ । त्यस्ता कुराको भ्रममा पर्नु हुन्न भन्ने कुरा म यस सम्मानीत सदनमा जोड दिन चाहन्छु ।

म सधैं अघि बढ्ने मानिस हुँ मैले आफ्नो यात्रामा व्याक गियर लगाउन र पछि सर्न जानेको छैन । हामी सबैले महशुस गरेको कुरा–अहिले विकासको मुख्य तगारो अस्थिरता हो । अस्थिरता हटाउन संविधानमा संशोधन चाहिन्छ भने हामीले गर्नुपर्छ । हामीले बुझ्नु पर्ने कुरा के छ भने संविधान विकासको वाहक हुनुपर्छ, बाधक होइन । विकासको लागि संविधान जहाँनेर बाधक बनेको छ, त्यहाँ संशोधन हुन्छ ।

मलाई आशा छ, यस मामिलामा सिंगो देश एक हुनेछ । यसमा राष्ट्रिय सहमति हुनेछ ।

अन्त्यमा, देशमा छाएको निराशा चिर्न सबै दल र माननीय सदस्यहरु असहमत हुनुपर्ने कारण म देख्दिनँ । देशमा देखापरेको यो आर्थिक संकटको घडीमा मलाई विश्वासको मत दिएर सिंगो सदन एक भएको सन्देश दिई आम जनतालाई उत्साहित र उत्प्रेरित गर्न म यस सम्मानीत सदनलाई हार्दिक अनुरोध गर्दछु । राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिलाई देश केन्द्रित, जनता केन्द्रिततर्फ लगौं मेरो आग्रह छ । विकासका प्रश्नहरुमा केन्द्रित हौं । सुशासनका प्रश्नहरुमा केन्द्रित हौं । मेरो आग्रह छ ।

धन्यवाद !

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ६, २०८१ १५:०९