कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Submerged National Assembly House

श्रावण ३, २०८१
Submerged National Assembly House

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The National Assembly House has been flooded due to rain on Wednesday night. The office of the head and deputy head of Kathmandu Metropolitan City is located in the National Assembly House.

Due to the rain on Wednesday night, the hall has been flooded . Photo taking place for national identity card inside the hall, Metro FM, city police security room were also flooded.

A few days ago, due to the rains, Bagmati, Bishnumati and Dhovikhola areas of Kathmandu were inundated. A team led by Pradeep Pariyar, a prominent administrative officer of Kathmandu Metropolitan City, has also monitored the flooding. But when the hall where the office of the head, deputy head and administrative officer of Kathmandu Metropolitan City was flooded, neither was there a follow-up nor was the city police deployed to make it safe.

Every rainy season, water wells from Gantaghar, Ratnapark used to go to the Tukucha river through the exhibition canal . But this year, during the widening of the walkway from the gate of the hall to Tukucha by spending crores of rupees, the drain was replaced and the hume pipe was laid. Likewise, the sewage of the auditorium was taken from the police club to Tukucha. Now, while the metropolis itself is rebuilding the hall, it is said that the hall has been flooded due to the construction of the sewer mangal on the west side, but the drainage was not made.

Mayor Balendra Sah and Deputy Mayor Sunita Dangol did not come to the office in the hall after the hall was flooded. Metro radio broadcasting has also been affected. Similarly, customers coming to make national identity cards were standing in the queue since morning.

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ३, २०८१ १३:०७