२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १३९

Continuation of distortions and anomalies in the field of sports is not acceptable now: Minister Chaudhary

श्रावण ३, २०८१
Continuation of distortions and anomalies in the field of sports is not acceptable now: Minister Chaudhary

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Youth and Sports Minister Tejulal Chaudhary has promised to end the distortions and anomalies in the sports sector. In the congratulatory program held by the National Sports Council on Thursday, Minister Choudhary directed the agencies under the ministry to work with good governance and said that the continuation of distortions and anomalies from the past will not be acceptable to him.

Minister Chaudhary claimed that he came to the responsibility of the ministry with the desire to do good work.

He said, 'I want to give this confidence to all your friends. I want to assure you that you will do a good job with confidence during our tenure. I am committed to ending the distortions and inconsistencies here. I urge you to pay attention to good governance. We have only one desire, to work, to do good work. Sustain good governance. If you are not able to follow the laws and regulations, sooner or later you will be in trouble. Beruju has a chang. In the evening it was 85 percent. If the paper is not matched, please match the paper. Brother, if you want to pay some amount, please pay it. If not, walk with an open heart. It will come to the Public Accounts Committee on the issue of Beruzu here.'

प्रकाशित : श्रावण ३, २०८१ १७:५९